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Test Coverage
<%= simple_form_for property, html: {class: "js-validate"}, data: {controller: "property-form"}, wrapper: :front_form do |f| %>
  <%= render( property)) %>
  <%= render do %>
    <%= render do %>
      <%= render( "mb-4")) { "Details" } %>
      <div class="row">
        <%= tag.div f.input(:status,
                            label: "Status",
                            collection: { |status| [status.capitalize, status] },
                            required: true,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6 mb-3" if authorized_user.can_admin_system? %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:revenue_percentage,
                            required: true,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {msg: "Please enter a property name", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6 mb-3" if authorized_user.can_admin_system? %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:name,
                            required: true,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {msg: "Please enter a property name", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6 mb-3" %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:property_type,
                            label: "Type",
                            collection: { |property_type| [property_type.capitalize, property_type] },
                            required: true,
                              input_html: {class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6 mb-3" if authorized_user.can_admin_system? %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:audience_id,
                            label: "Audience",
                            collection: { |audience| [,] },
                            required: true,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", property_id:, reflex: "cf:select:changed->PropertyFormReflex#update_audience"}
                            }), class: "col-md-6 mb-3" if authorized_user.can_admin_system? %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:language,
                            label: "Primary Language",
                            collection: ENUMS::LANGUAGES.values,
                            required: true,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6 mb-3" %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:description,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", rows: 2, data: {"reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-12 mb-3" %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:url,
                            as: :url,
                            required: true,
                            placeholder: "https://",
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {msg: "Please enter a valid website URL", rule_url: true, "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-12 mb-3" %>
        <% if authorized_user.can_admin_system? %>
          <div class="col-md-12 mb-3">
            <%= f.input(:keywords,
                        label: "Programming Languages & Topics",
                        collection: ENUMS::KEYWORDS.keys,
                        required: true,
                        input_html: {
                          class: "form-control btn-primary", multiple: true, data: {controller: "select"}
                        }) %>
            <small class="form-text text-muted mt-2">
              <strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: Must be a subset of the <%= link_to "audience", audiences_path, target: "_blank" %>.
        <% end %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:ad_template,
                            label: "Template",
                            collection: ENUMS::AD_TEMPLATES.values,
                            required: true,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6" %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:ad_theme,
                            label: "Theme",
                            collection: ENUMS::AD_THEMES.values,
                            required: true,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6" %>
        <div class="col-md-12 mb-3">
          <small class="form-text text-muted">
            View examples of our ad templates <%= link_to "here", demo_path, class: "alert-link", target: "_blank" %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:fallback_ad_template,
                            label: "Fallback Template",
                            collection: ENUMS::AD_TEMPLATES.values,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6 mb-3" %>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:fallback_ad_theme,
                            label: "Fallback Theme",
                            collection: ENUMS::AD_THEMES.values,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-md-6 mb-3" %>
        <div class="col-12 mb-3">
          <%= f.input(:responsive_behavior,
                      label: "Responsive Behavior <small>for smaller screens</small>".html_safe,
                      collection: property_responsive_behaviors_for_select,
                      input_html: {class: "form-control", data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                      }) %>
          <small class="form-text text-muted mt-2">
            Responsive behavior on small screens requires that the viewport <code>meta</code> tag be included in your site's <code>head</code> section.
          <pre class="mt-1 p-2" style="background-color:#d5dae3;"><code>&lt;meta name=&quot;viewport&quot; content=&quot;width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0&quot;&gt;</code></pre>
        <%= tag.div f.input(:prohibited_organization_ids,
                            label: "Excluded Advertisers",
                            collection: organizations_for_select,
                            input_html: {
                              class: "form-control", multiple: true, data: {controller: "select", "reflex-permanent": true}
                            }), class: "col-12 mb-3" if authorized_user.can_admin_system? %>
        <% if @assignable_fallback_campaigns&.exists? %>
          <div class="col-12 mb-3" data-controller="select-multiple">
            <%= f.input(:assigned_fallback_campaign_ids,
                        collection: { |c| [c.scoped_name(truncate: true),]},
                        label: "Assigned Fallback Campaigns <small class='ml-2 text-danger'><i class='fas fa-exclamation-triangle'></i> restricts fallback campaigns to this list</small>".html_safe,
                        input_html: {
                          multiple: true, data: {controller: "select", target: "", "reflex-permanent": true}
                        }) %>
            <div class="d-block">
              <%= link_to "Clear", request.path, class: "btn text-uppercase btn-subtle-secondary btn-xs py-0", data: {action: "click->select-multiple#clearSelections"} %>
        <% end %>
        <% if authorized_user.can_admin_system? %>
          <div class="col-12 mb-2 mt-2">
            <div class="media align-items-center mb-3">
              <%= f.label :restrict_to_assigner_campaigns, class: "switcher-control mb-0 mr-3" do %>
                <%= f.check_box :restrict_to_assigner_campaigns, class: "switcher-input", data: {"reflex-permanent": true} %>
                <span class="switcher-indicator"></span>
              <% end %>
              <label class="mb-0">
                <span class="d-block">Restrict premium campaigns to those that have explicitly assigned this property</span>
        <% end %>
        <div class="col-12 mb-2 mt-2">
          <div class="media align-items-center mb-3">
            <%= f.label :prohibit_fallback_campaigns, class: "switcher-control mb-0 mr-3" do %>
              <%= f.check_box :prohibit_fallback_campaigns, class: "switcher-input", data: {"reflex-permanent": true} %>
              <span class="switcher-indicator"></span>
            <% end %>
            <label class="mb-0">
              <span class="d-block">
                Do not display fallback ads
                <span class="text-link small"
                      title="Why allow fallback ads?"
                      data-content="CodeFund uses fallback ads to help subsidize revenue and display community messages. This allows us to maintain the highest publisher revenue rates.">
                  (why allow fallback ads?)
    <% end %>
    <%= render do |component| %>
      <% component.with(:actions) do %>
        <%= cancel_button(properties_path) %>
        <%= f.submit "Save Property", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>