
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
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    "content": "'use strict';\n\nimport GithubApi from 'github-api';\n\n/**\n * The class that extends Github.js\n *\n * @extends GithubApi\n */\nexport\n default class Github extends GithubApi {\n   /**\n    * @constructor\n    * @param {Object} options The object containing the information to work with the GitHub API\n    * @param {string} options.username The username used on GitHub\n    * @param {string} options.password The password of the GitHub account\n    * @param {string} options.auth The type of authentication to use. It can be either `basic` or `oauth`\n    * @param {string} options.token The token to access the GitHub API\n    */\n   constructor(options) {\n      super(options);\n\n      let superGetRepo = this.getRepo;\n      let request = this.request || this._request; // jscs:ignore disallowDanglingUnderscores\n\n      /**\n       * Returns an object representing a specific repository\n       *\n       * @param {string} user The username that possesses the repository\n       * @param {string} repo The name of the repository to work on\n       *\n       * @returns {Object}\n       */\n      this.getRepo = (user, repo) => {\n         let repository = superGetRepo(user, repo);\n         let superRemove = repository.remove;\n         let superFork = repository.fork;\n\n         function getRepositoryInfo(repository) {\n            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n     , repo) => {\n                  if (error) {\n                     reject(error);\n                  }\n\n                  resolve(repo);\n               });\n            });\n         }\n\n         /**\n          * Searches files and folders\n          *\n          * @param {string} string The string to search\n          * @param {Object} [options={}] Possible options\n          * @param {string} [options.branch] The name of the branch in which the search must be performed\n          * @param {boolean} [options.caseSensitive=false] If the search must be case sensitive\n          * @param {boolean} [options.excludeFiles=false] If the result must exclude files\n          * @param {boolean} [options.excludeFolders=false] If the result must exclude folders\n          *\n          * @returns {Promise}\n          */\n = (string, options = {}) => {\n            const FILE = 'blob';\n            const FOLDER = 'tree';\n\n            options = Object.assign({\n               branch: 'master',\n               caseSensitive: false,\n               excludeFiles: false,\n               excludeFolders: false\n            }, options);\n\n            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n               repository.getSha(options.branch, '', (error, sha) => {\n                  if (error) {\n                     reject(error);\n                  }\n\n                  resolve(sha);\n               });\n            })\n               .then(sha => {\n                  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n                     repository.getTree(`${sha}?recursive=true`, (error, list) => {\n                        if (error) {\n                           // No matches\n                           if (error.error === 404) {\n                              resolve([]);\n                           } else {\n                              reject(error);\n                           }\n                        }\n\n                        resolve(list);\n                     });\n                  });\n               })\n               .then(list => {\n                  let regex = new RegExp(string, options.caseSensitive ? '' : 'i');\n\n                  return list.filter(content => {\n                     let fileCondition = options.excludeFiles ? content.type !== FILE : true;\n                     let folderCondition = options.excludeFolders ? content.type !== FOLDER : true;\n                     let extractName = (path) => path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);\n\n                     return fileCondition && folderCondition && regex.test(extractName(content.path));\n                  });\n               });\n         };\n\n         /**\n          * Merges a pull request\n          *\n          * @param {Object} pullRequest The pull request to merge\n          * @param {Object} [options={}] Possible options\n          * @param {string} [options.commitMessage] The commit message for the merge\n          *\n          * @returns {Promise}\n          */\n         repository.mergePullRequest = (pullRequest, options = {}) => {\n            options = Object.assign(\n               {\n                  commitMessage: `Merged pull request gh-${pullRequest.number}`\n               },\n               options\n            );\n\n            return getRepositoryInfo(repository)\n               .then(repositoryInfo => {\n                  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n                     request(\n                        'PUT',\n                        `/repos/${repositoryInfo.full_name}/pulls/${pullRequest.number}/merge`, // jscs:ignore\n                        {\n                           commit_message: options.commitMessage, // jscs:ignore\n                           sha: pullRequest.head.sha\n                        },\n                        (error, mergeInfo) => {\n                           if (error) {\n                              reject(error);\n                           }\n\n                           resolve(mergeInfo);\n                        }\n                     );\n                  });\n               });\n         };\n\n         /**\n          * Deletes a file or a folder and all of its content from a given branch\n          *\n          * @param {string} [branchName='master'] The name of the branch in which the deletion must be performed\n          * @param {string} [path=''] The path of the file or the folder to delete\n          *\n          * @returns {Promise}\n          */\n         repository.remove = (branchName = 'master', path = '') => {\n            function removeFile(branchName, path) {\n               return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n                  superRemove(branchName, path, error => {\n                     if (error) {\n                        reject(error);\n                     }\n\n                     resolve();\n                  });\n               });\n            }\n\n            function removeFolder() {\n               return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n                  repository.getRef(`heads/${branchName}`, (error, sha) => {\n                     if (error) {\n                        reject(error);\n                     }\n\n                     resolve(sha);\n                  });\n               })\n                  .then(sha => {\n                     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n                        repository.getTree(`${sha}?recursive=true`, (error, tree) => {\n                           if (error) {\n                              reject(error);\n                           }\n\n                           resolve(tree);\n                        });\n                     });\n                  })\n                  .then(tree => {\n                     let filesPromises = Promise.resolve();\n\n                     // Filters all items that aren't in the path of interest and aren't files\n                     // and delete them.\n                     tree\n                        .filter(item => item.path.indexOf(path) === 0 && item.type === 'blob')\n                        .map(item => item.path)\n                        .forEach(path => {\n                           filesPromises = filesPromises.then(() => removeFile(branchName, path));\n                        });\n\n                     return filesPromises;\n                  });\n            }\n\n            // Remove any trailing slash from the path.\n            // GitHub does not accept it even when dealing with folders.\n            path = path.replace(/\\/$/, '');\n\n            let removeFilePromise = removeFile(branchName, path);\n\n            return removeFilePromise\n               .then(\n                  () => removeFilePromise,\n                  error => {\n                     // If the operation fails because the path specified is that of a folder\n                     // keep going to retrieve the files recursively\n                     if (error.error !== 422) {\n                        throw error;\n                     }\n\n                     return removeFolder();\n                  });\n         };\n\n         /**\n          * Creates a fork of the repository\n          *\n          * @returns {Promise}\n          */\n         repository.fork = () => {\n            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n               superFork((err, forkInfo) => {\n                  function pollFork(fork) {\n                     fork.contents('master', '', (err, contents) => {\n                        if (contents) {\n                           resolve(forkInfo);\n                        } else {\n                           setTimeout(pollFork.bind(null, fork), 250);\n                        }\n                     });\n                  }\n\n                  if (err) {\n                     reject(err);\n                  } else {\n                     pollFork(superGetRepo(options.username, repo));\n                  }\n               });\n            });\n         };\n\n         return repository;\n      };\n   }\n}"
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    "content": "'use strict';\n\nimport Github from '../../src/github-extended';\nimport testUser from '../fixtures/user.json';\n\n/** @test {Github} */\ndescribe('Github', () => {\n   let github, repository, testRepositoryName;\n\n   function promisifiedWrite(data) {\n      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n         data.repository.write(data.branch, data.filename, data.content, data.commitMessage, error => {\n            if (error) {\n               reject(error);\n            }\n\n            resolve();\n         });\n      });\n   }\n\n   /**\n    * Delete one or more repositories\n    *\n    * @param {string|Array} repository\n    *\n    * @returns {Promise}\n    */\n   function deleteRepository(repository) {\n      if (typeof repository === 'string') {\n         repository = [repository];\n      }\n\n      let repositoriesPromises = => {\n         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n            github\n               .getRepo(testUser.username, name)\n               .deleteRepo((error, result) => {\n                  if (error) {\n                     reject(error);\n                  }\n\n                  resolve(result);\n               });\n         })\n      });\n\n      return Promise.all(repositoriesPromises);\n   }\n\n   before(done => {\n      github = new Github({\n         username: testUser.username,\n         password: testUser.password,\n         auth: 'basic'\n      });\n      let user = github.getUser();\n\n      testRepositoryName = 'github-extended-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);\n      user.createRepo({\n            name: testRepositoryName\n         },\n         error => {\n            if (error) {\n               throw error;\n            }\n\n            repository = github.getRepo(testUser.username, testRepositoryName);\n            promisifiedWrite({\n               repository: repository,\n               branch: 'master',\n               filename: '',\n               content: '# GitHub Extended',\n               commitMessage: 'Initial commit'\n            })\n               .then(() => done());\n         }\n      );\n      repository = github.getRepo(testUser.username, testRepositoryName);\n   });\n\n   after(done => repository.deleteRepo(() => done()));\n\n   describe('search()', () => {\n      let branchName = 'search';\n      let files = [\n         'package.json',\n         'Hello',\n         '',\n         'app/index.html',\n         'app/scripts/main.js'\n      ];\n\n      before(done => {\n         repository.branch('master', branchName, error => {\n            if (error) {\n               throw error;\n            }\n\n            let promise = Promise.resolve();\n\n            files.forEach(file => {\n               promise = promise.then(() => {\n                  return promisifiedWrite({\n                     repository: repository,\n                     branch: branchName,\n                     filename: file,\n                     content: 'THIS IS A TEST',\n                     commitMessage: 'Commit message'\n                  });\n               });\n            });\n\n            promise.then(() => done());\n         });\n      });\n\n      it('should find matches with the default configuration', () => {\n         let search ='PAC', {\n            branch: branchName\n         });\n         let results = search.then(result => {\n            return => {\n               return {\n                  type: item.type,\n                  path: item.path\n               };\n            });\n         });\n\n         return Promise.all([\n            assert.eventually.isArray(search, 'An array is returned'),\n            assert.eventually.lengthOf(search, 1, 'One file found'),\n            assert.eventually.sameDeepMembers(\n               results,\n               [{\n                  type: 'blob',\n                  path: 'package.json'\n               }],\n               'Correct information returned'\n            )\n         ]);\n      });\n\n      it('should find matches with the caseSensitive option', () => {\n         let search ='acka', {\n            branch: branchName,\n            caseSensitive: true\n         });\n         let results = search.then(result => {\n            return => {\n               return {\n                  type: item.type,\n                  path: item.path\n               };\n            });\n         });\n\n         return Promise.all([\n            assert.eventually.isArray(search, 'An array is returned'),\n            assert.eventually.lengthOf(search, 1, 'One file found'),\n            assert.eventually.sameDeepMembers(\n               results,\n               [{\n                  type: 'blob',\n                  path: 'package.json'\n               }],\n               'Correct information returned'\n            )\n         ]);\n      });\n\n      it('should find only files with the excludeFolders option', () => {\n         let search ='PAC', {\n            branch: branchName,\n            excludeFolders: true\n         });\n         let results = search.then(result => {\n            return => {\n               return {\n                  type: item.type,\n                  path: item.path\n               };\n            });\n         });\n\n         return Promise.all([\n            assert.eventually.isArray(search, 'An array is returned'),\n            assert.eventually.lengthOf(search, 1, 'One file found'),\n            assert.eventually.sameDeepMembers(\n               results,\n               [{\n                  type: 'blob',\n                  path: 'package.json'\n               }],\n               'Correct information returned'\n            )\n         ]);\n      });\n\n      it('should find only folders with the excludeFolders option', () => {\n         let search ='app', {\n            branch: branchName,\n            excludeFiles: true\n         });\n         let results = search.then(result => {\n            return => {\n               return {\n                  type: item.type,\n                  path: item.path\n               };\n            });\n         });\n\n         return Promise.all([\n            assert.eventually.isArray(search, 'An array is returned'),\n            assert.eventually.lengthOf(search, 1, 'One folder found'),\n            assert.eventually.sameDeepMembers(\n               results,\n               [{\n                  type: 'tree',\n                  path: 'app'\n               }],\n               'Correct information returned'\n            )\n         ]);\n      });\n\n      it('should not find any match with a non-matching string with the default configuration', () => {\n         let search ='random.unknown');\n\n         return Promise.all([\n            assert.eventually.isArray(search, 'An array is returned'),\n            assert.eventually.lengthOf(search, 0, 'Zero files found')\n         ]);\n      });\n   });\n\n   describe('mergePullRequest()', () => {\n      let branchName = 'mergePullRequest';\n      let branchIndex = 0;\n      let filename = '';\n      let pullRequest;\n\n      before(done => {\n         repository.branch('master', branchName, error => {\n            if (error) {\n               throw error;\n            }\n\n            promisifiedWrite({\n               repository: repository,\n               branch: branchName,\n               filename: filename,\n               content: 'This is a text',\n               commitMessage: 'Commit'\n            })\n               .then(() => done());\n         });\n      });\n\n      beforeEach(done => {\n         branchIndex++;\n         let updatesBranchName = branchName + branchIndex;\n         repository.branch(branchName, updatesBranchName, error => {\n            if (error) {\n               throw error;\n            }\n\n            promisifiedWrite({\n               repository: repository,\n               branch: updatesBranchName,\n               filename: filename,\n               content: 'This is a different text',\n               commitMessage: 'Commit message'\n            })\n               .then(() => {\n                  repository.createPullRequest({\n                        title: 'Pull request',\n                        body: 'Pull request',\n                        base: branchName,\n                        head: `${testUser.username}:${updatesBranchName}`\n                     },\n                     (error, pullRequestInfo) => {\n                        if (error) {\n                           throw error;\n                        }\n\n                        pullRequest = pullRequestInfo;\n                        done();\n                     }\n                  );\n               });\n         });\n      });\n\n      it('should merge a valid pull request with the default merge commit message', () => {\n         let merge = repository.mergePullRequest(pullRequest);\n\n         return Promise.all([\n            assert.isFulfilled(merge, 'The request is successful'),\n            assert.eventually.isObject(merge, 'The information about the merged pull request are returned'),\n            assert.eventually.propertyVal(merge, 'merged', true, 'The pull request is merged')\n         ]);\n      });\n\n      it('should merge a valid pull request with a custom merge commit message', () => {\n         let options = {\n            commitMessage: 'Custom message'\n         };\n         let merge = repository.mergePullRequest(pullRequest, options);\n\n         return Promise.all([\n            assert.isFulfilled(merge, 'The request is successful'),\n            assert.eventually.isObject(merge, 'The information about the merged pull request are returned'),\n            assert.eventually.propertyVal(merge, 'merged', true, 'The pull request is merged')\n         ]);\n      });\n\n      it('should throw an error for an invalid pull request', () => {\n         pullRequest.head.sha += 'random-text';\n         let merge = repository.mergePullRequest(pullRequest);\n\n         return assert.isRejected(merge, 'The pull request is not merged');\n      });\n   });\n\n   describe('remove()', () => {\n      let branchName = 'remove';\n      let files = [\n         'package.json',\n         'Hello',\n         '',\n         'app/index.html',\n         'app/scripts/main.js'\n      ];\n\n      function promisifiedGetTree(repository, branchName) {\n         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n            repository.getRef(`heads/${branchName}`, (error, sha) => {\n               if (error) {\n                  reject(error);\n               }\n\n               repository.getTree(`${sha}?recursive=true`, (error, tree) => {\n                  if (error) {\n                     reject(error);\n                  }\n\n                  resolve(tree);\n               });\n            });\n         })\n      }\n\n      before(done => {\n         repository.branch('master', branchName, error => {\n            if (error) {\n               throw error;\n            }\n\n            let promise = Promise.resolve();\n\n            files.forEach(file => {\n               promise = promise.then(() => {\n                  return promisifiedWrite({\n                     repository: repository,\n                     branch: branchName,\n                     filename: file,\n                     content: 'THIS IS A TEST',\n                     commitMessage: 'Commit message'\n                  });\n               });\n            });\n\n            promise.then(() => done());\n         });\n      });\n\n      it('should delete a file', () => {\n         let itemsNumber;\n\n         return promisifiedGetTree(repository, branchName)\n            .then(tree => itemsNumber = tree.length)\n            .then(() => repository.remove(branchName, 'package.json'))\n            .then(() => promisifiedGetTree(repository, branchName))\n            .then(tree => {\n               let readContent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n        , 'package.json', (error, data) => {\n                     if (error) {\n                        reject(error);\n                     }\n\n                     resolve(data);\n                  });\n               });\n\n               return Promise.all([\n                  assert.strictEqual(tree.length, itemsNumber - 1, 'The items count is decreased'),\n                  assert.isRejected(readContent, 'The file is not found')\n               ]);\n            });\n      });\n\n      it('should delete a folder and all its content', () => {\n         let itemsNumber;\n\n         return promisifiedGetTree(repository, branchName)\n            .then(tree => itemsNumber = tree.length)\n            .then(() => repository.remove(branchName, 'app'))\n            .then(() => promisifiedGetTree(repository, branchName))\n            .then(tree => {\n               let readContent = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n                  repository.contents(branchName, 'app/', (error, contents) => {\n                     if (error) {\n                        reject(error);\n                     }\n\n                     resolve(contents);\n                  });\n               });\n\n               return Promise.all([\n                  assert.strictEqual(tree.length, itemsNumber - 4, 'The items count is decreased'),\n                  assert.isRejected(readContent, 'The folder is not found')\n               ]);\n            });\n      });\n   });\n\n   describe('fork()', () => {\n      let forkUsername = 'AurelioDeRosa';\n      let forkRepositoryName = 'HTML5-API-demos';\n\n      afterEach(done => {\n         let fork = github.getRepo(testUser.username, forkRepositoryName);\n\n         fork.deleteRepo(() => done());\n      });\n\n      it('should be able to fork an existent repository', () => {\n         let repositoryToFork = github.getRepo(forkUsername, forkRepositoryName);\n         let fork = repositoryToFork.fork();\n\n         return Promise.all([\n            assert.eventually.propertyVal(fork, 'fork', true, 'The repository is a fork'),\n            assert.eventually.propertyVal(\n               fork,\n               'full_name',\n               `${testUser.username}/${forkRepositoryName}`,\n               'The fork is created in the account of the user'\n            )\n         ]);\n      });\n\n      it('should throw an error if the repository to fork does not exist', () => {\n         let repositoryToFork = github.getRepo(forkUsername, 'non-existent-repository');\n         let fork = repositoryToFork.fork();\n\n         return assert.isRejected(fork, 'The fork is not created');\n      });\n   });\n});"
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