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# frozen_string_literal: true

module MachineLearningWorkbench::Compressor

  # Standard Vector Quantization
  class VectorQuantization
    attr_reader :centrs, :dims, :vrange, :init_centr_vrange, :lrate,
      :simil_type, :encoding_type, :rng, :ntrains, :utility, :ncodes
    attr_writer :utility, :ncodes # allows access from outside

    def initialize ncentrs:, dims:, vrange:, lrate:, simil_type: nil, encoding_type: nil, init_centr_vrange: nil, rseed: Random.new_seed

      @rng = rseed # TODO: RNG CURRENTLY NOT USED!!

      @dims = Array(dims)
      check_lrate lrate # hack: so that we can overload it in dlr_vq
      @lrate = lrate
      @simil_type = simil_type || raise("missing simil_type")
      @encoding_type = encoding_type || raise("missing encoding_type")
      @init_centr_vrange ||= vrange
      @vrange = case vrange
        when Array
          raise ArgumentError, "vrange size not 2: #{vrange}" unless vrange.size == 2
        when Range
          [vrange.first, vrange.last].map &method(:Float)
        else raise ArgumentError, "vrange: unrecognized type: #{vrange.class}"
      init_centrs nc: ncentrs
      @ntrains = [0]*ncentrs              # per-centroid number of trainings
      @utility = NArray.zeros [code_size] # trace how 'useful' are centroids to encodings
      @ncodes = 0

    def ncentrs

    # HACKKETY HACKKETY HACK (can't wait to refactor after the deadline)
    def code_size
      encoding_type == :sparse_coding_v1 ? 2*ncentrs : ncentrs

    # Verify lrate to be present and withing unit bounds
    # As a separate method only so it can be overloaded in `DecayingLearningRateVQ`
    def check_lrate lrate
      raise ArgumentError, "Pass a `lrate` between 0 and 1" unless lrate&.between?(0,1)

    # Initializes a list of centroids
    def init_centrs nc: ncentrs, base: nil, proport: nil
      @centrs = { new_centr base, proport }.to_na

    # Creates a new (random) centroid
    # If a base is passed, this is meshed with the random centroid.
    # This is done to facilitate distributing the training across centroids.
    def new_centr base=nil, proport=nil
      raise ArgumentError, "Either both or none" if base.nil? ^ proport.nil?
      # require 'pry'; binding.pry if base.nil? ^ proport.nil?
      ret =*dims).rand(*init_centr_vrange)
      ret = ret * (1-proport) + base * proport if base&&proport

    # SIMIL = {
    #   dot: -> (centr, vec) { },
    #   mse: -> (centr, vec) { -((centr-vec)**2).sum / centr.size }
    # }

    # Computes similarities between vector and all centroids
    def similarities vec, type: simil_type
      raise NotImplementedError if vec.shape.size > 1
      raise "need to check since centrs is a NArray now" if type == :mse
      # simil_fn = SIMIL[type] || raise(ArgumentError, "Unrecognized simil #{type}")
      # { |centr| centr, vec } vec

    # Encode a vector
    # tracks utility of centroids based on how much they contribute to encoding
    # TODO: `encode = Encodings.const_get(type)` in initialize`
    # NOTE: hashes of lambdas or modules cannot access ncodes and utility
    # TODO: refactor anyway through `stats` object, this thing is getting out of hand
    def encode vec, type: encoding_type
      case type
      when :most_similar
        simils = similarities vec
        code = simils.max_index
        @ncodes += 1
        @utility[code] += 1
      when :most_similar_ary
        simils = similarities vec
        code = simils.new_zeros
        code[simils.max_index] = 1
        @ncodes += 1
        @utility += code
      when :ensemble
        simils = similarities vec
        code = simils
        tot = simils.sum
        tot = 1 if tot < 1e-5  # HACK: avoid division by zero
        contrib = code / tot
        @ncodes += 1
        @utility += (contrib - utility) / ncodes # cumulative moving average
      when :norm_ensemble
        simils = similarities vec
        tot = simils.sum
        # NOTE this actually makes a big discontinuity if the total is equal to zero.
        # Does that even ever happen? I guess only w/ reset img (zeros) as lone centroid.
        # Which after first gen is really useless and should just be dropped anyway...
        tot = 1 if tot < 1e-5  # HACK: avoid division by zero
        code = simils / tot
        @ncodes += 1
        @utility += (code - utility) / ncodes # cumulative moving average
      when :sparse_coding_v1
        raise "requires centroids normalized to unit length!"
        @encoder = nil if @encoder&.shape&.first != centrs.shape.first
        # Danafar & Cuccu: compact form linear regression encoder
        @encoder ||= ( centrs.transpose) centrs

        raw_code =
        # separate positive and negative features (NOTE: all features will be positive)
        # i.e. split[0...n] = max {0, raw[i]}; split[n...2*n] = max {0, -raw[i]}
        # TODO: cite Coates & Ng
        # TODO: optimize and remove redundant variables
        split_code = raw_code.concatenate(-raw_code)
        split_code[split_code<0] = 0
        # normalize such that the code sums to 1
        norm_code = split_code / split_code.sum
        # Danafar: drop to say 80% of info (à la pca)
        thold = 0.2
        sparse_code = norm_code.dup
        sum = 0
        # NOTE: the last element in the sort below has the highest contribution and
        # should NEVER be put to 0, even if it could contribute alone to 100% of the
        # total
        # NOTE: upon further study I disagree this represent information content unless
        # the centroids are unit vectors. So I'm commenting this implementation now,
        # together with the following, until I implement a switch to normalize the
        # centroids based on configuration.

        # BUG IN NARRAY SORT!! ruby-numo/numo-narray#97
        # norm_code.sort_index[0...-1].each do |idx|
        norm_code.size.times.sort_by { |i| norm_code[i] }[0...-1].each do |idx|

          sparse_code[idx] = 0
          sum += norm_code[idx]
          break if sum >= thold # we know the code's total is normalized to 1 and has no negatives
        code = sparse_code / sparse_code.sum # re-normalize sum to 1

        @ncodes += 1
        @utility += (code - utility) / ncodes # cumulative moving average
       when :sparse_coding_v2
        # Cuccu & Danafar: incremental reconstruction encoding
        # turns out to be closely related to (Orthogonal) Matching Pursuit
        raise "requires centroids normalized to unit length!"
        # return vec # speed test for the rest of the system
        sparse_code = NArray.zeros code_size
        resid = vec
        # cap the number of non-zero elements in the code
        max_nonzero = [1,ncentrs/3].max
        max_nonzero.times do |i|
          # OPT: remove msc from centrs at each loop
          # the algorithm should work even without this opt because
          # we are working on the residuals each time
          simils = resid

          # BUG IN NARRAY SORT!! ruby-numo/numo-narray#97
          # msc = simils.max_index
          simils = simils.to_a
          simils_abs = &:abs
          msc = simils_abs.index simils_abs.max # most similar centroid

          max_simil = simils[msc]
          # remember to distinguish here to use the pos/neg features trick
          sparse_code[msc] = max_simil
          reconstr = max_simil * centrs[msc, true]
          resid -= reconstr
          # puts "resid#{i} #{resid.abs.mean}" # if debug
          epsilon = 0.005
          # print resid.abs.mean, ' '
          # print sparse_code.to_a, ' '
          break if resid.abs.mean <= epsilon

        # should normalize sum to 1?
        code = sparse_code #/ sparse_code.sum # normalize sum to 1

        @ncodes += 1
        @utility += (code - utility) / ncodes # cumulative moving average
      when :sparse_coding
        # Cuccu: Direct residual encoding
        # return vec # speed test for the rest of the system
        sparse_code = NArray.zeros code_size
        resid = vec
        # cap the number of non-zero elements in the code
        max_nonzero = [1,ncentrs/3].max
        max_nonzero.times do |i|
          # OPT: remove msc from centrs at each loop
          # the algorithm should work even without this opt because
          # we are working on the residuals each time
          diff = (centrs - resid).abs.sum(1)

          # BUG IN NARRAY SORT!! ruby-numo/numo-narray#97
          # msc = diff.max_index
          diff = diff.to_a
          msc = diff.index diff.min # most similar centroid

          min_diff = diff[msc]
          # remember to distinguish here to use the pos/neg features trick
          sparse_code[msc] = 1
          reconstr = centrs[msc, true]
          resid -= reconstr
          resid[(resid<0).where] = 0 # ignore artifacts introduced by the centroids in reconstruction

          # puts "resid#{i} #{resid.abs.mean}" # if debug
          epsilon = 0.005
          # print resid.abs.mean, ' ' if $ngen == 2; exit if $ngen==3
          # print sparse_code.to_a, ' ' if $ngen == 3; exit if $ngen==4
          break if resid.abs.mean <= epsilon

        code = sparse_code
        @ncodes += 1
        @utility += (code - utility) / ncodes # cumulative moving average
      else raise ArgumentError, "Unrecognized encode #{type}"

    # Reconstruct vector from its code (encoding)
    def reconstruction code, type: encoding_type
      case type
      when :most_similar
        centrs[code, true]
      when :most_similar_ary
        centrs[code.eq(1), true]
      when :ensemble
        # tot = code.reduce :+
        # { |centr, contr| centr*contr/tot }.reduce :+ / code.sum
      when :norm_ensemble code
        # { |centr, contr| centr*contr }.reduce :+
      when :sparse_coding_v1
        raise "requires normalized centroids!"
        reconstr_code = code[0...(code.size/2)] - code[(code.size/2)..-1]
        reconstr = reconstr_code
      when :sparse_coding_v2
        raise "requires normalized centroids!"

        # BUG IN NARRAY DOT!! ruby-numo/numo-narray#99
        # reconstr = centrs
        reconstr = code.expand_dims(0).dot centrs

      when :sparse_coding
        # the code is binary, so just sum over the corresponding centroids
        # note: sum, not mean, because of how it's used in reconstr_error
        reconstr = centrs[code.cast_to(Numo::Bit).where, true].sum(0)
      else raise ArgumentError, "unrecognized reconstruction type: #{type}"

    # Returns index and similitude of most similar centroid to vector
    # @return [Array<Integer, Float>] the index of the most similar centroid,
    #   followed by the corresponding similarity
    def most_similar_centr vec
      simils = similarities vec
      max_idx = simils.max_index
      [max_idx, simils[max_idx]]

    # Per-pixel errors in reconstructing vector
    # @return [NArray] residuals
    def reconstr_error vec, code: nil, type: encoding_type
      code ||= encode vec, type: type
      resid = vec - reconstruction(code, type: type)
      # we ignore the extra stuff coming from the centroids,
      # only care that everything in the obs is represented in centrs
      resid[resid<0] = 0 if encoding_type == :sparse_coding

    # Train on one vector
    # @return [Integer] index of trained centroid
    def train_one vec, eps: nil
      # NOTE: ignores epsilon if passed
      trg_idx, _simil = most_similar_centr(vec)
      # note: uhm that actually looks like a dot product... maybe faster?
      #   `[c[i], vec].dot([1-lrate, lrate])`
      # norm_vec = vec / NLinalg.norm(vec)
      # centrs[trg_idx, true] = centrs[trg_idx, true] * (1-lrate) + norm_vec * lrate
      centrs[trg_idx, true] = centrs[trg_idx, true] * (1-lrate) + vec * lrate

    # Train on vector list
    def train vec_lst, debug: false
      # Two ways here:
      # - Batch: canonical, centrs updated with each vec
      # - Parallel: could be parallel either on simils or on training (?)
      # Unsure on the correctness of either Parallel, let's stick with Batch
      vec_lst.each_with_index do |vec, i|
        trained_idx = train_one vec
        print '.' if debug
        @ntrains[trained_idx] += 1 if @ntrains