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# Creating new controller

- go to **app/MyFirstBlog/** and create a new sub-directory **Controller** - the directory name is strict convention.
- create new PHP file with name for example **Blog.php** into directory  **app/MyFirstBlog/Controller/**
- the file **Blog.php** has to have strict class name like **MyFirstBlog\Controller\Blog** and has to extend **Pimf\Controller\Base**
- create new method action for example **indexAction()**
- optionally you can implement the method **init()** - it will be triggered before any action of the controller is executed.
- call the controller-action on sending the GET **index.php?controller=blog&action=index** parameters to your request

    |-- app/
    |   `-- MyFirstBlog/
    |       |-- Controller/
    |       |   '-- Blog.php

Check out a sample class which shows everything you can do with a PIMF controller [MyFirstBlog/Controller/Blog.php](https://github.com/gjerokrsteski/pimf-blog/blob/master/app/MyFirstBlog/Controller/Blog.php)