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# Run controller/action in two ways

If the controller method name has the suffix **Action()**, you can run at the browser, by calling the controller-action on sending the GET parameters to your request:


If the controller method name has the suffix **CliAction()**, you can easy run at the command line interface by executing the command:

php pimf blog:insert

Here you can see how they are defined at the blog-controller:

 class MyFirstBlog\Controller\Blog
 extends Pimf\Controller\Base
   public function showentryAction()
     // ...

   public function insertCliAction()
    // ...

Maybe you wonder about that - but that is the easiest way to make some possibility for scaffolding or manipulating data without implementing a backend interface.
All methods at the controller who have the suffix **Action()** can be accessed only from the browser and methods who have the suffix **CliAction()** can be accessed only on the command line interface.
If you want to send message to you interface than throw Pimf\Controller\Exception. This will be printed out at the view.