namespace Galahad\Aire;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Closure;
use Galahad\Aire\Elements\Attributes\ClassNames;
use Galahad\Aire\Elements\Element;
use Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form;
use Illuminate\Session\Store;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Traits\ForwardsCalls;
use Illuminate\View\Factory;
// TODO: Aire::scaffold(User::class, $action = null) -> generate a form from User attributes, default action = resource route
// TODO: Aire::scaffold($user) -> generate update form
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form route(string $route_name, $parameters = [], bool $absolute = true)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form resourceful(\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model, $resource_name = null, $prepend_parameters = [])
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Label label(string $label)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Button button(string $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Button submit(string $label = 'Submit')
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input input($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Select select(string|array|\Illuminate\Support\Collection|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable|\JsonSerializable|\Traversable $options, $name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Select timezoneSelect($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Textarea textArea($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Summary summary(?bool $verbose = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Checkbox checkbox($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\CheckboxGroup checkboxGroup(array|\Illuminate\Support\Collection|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable|\JsonSerializable|\Traversable $options, $name, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\RadioGroup radioGroup(array|\Illuminate\Support\Collection|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable|\JsonSerializable|\Traversable $options, $name, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input hidden($name = null, $value = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input color($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input date($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input dateTime($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input dateTimeLocal($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input email($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input file($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input image($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input month($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input number($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input password($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input range($name = null, $label = null, $min = 0, $max = 100)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input search($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input tel($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input time($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input url($name = null, $label = null)
* @method \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Input week($name = null, $label = null)
class Aire
use ForwardsCalls;
* @var array
protected static $default_theme_config;
* These methods will implicitly open a form and then call it
* @var array
protected static $implicit_open = [
* Global store of element IDs
* @var int
protected $next_element_id = 0;
* This will be called to generate an element's ID if auto_id is
* enabled and the element doesn't have an ID set
* @var Closure
protected $id_generator;
* @var \Illuminate\View\Factory
protected $view_factory;
* @var \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form
protected $form;
* @var array
protected $user_config;
* @var array
protected $config;
* @var string
protected $view_namespace = 'aire';
* @var string
protected $view_prefix;
* @var \Closure
protected $form_resolver;
* @var \Illuminate\Session\Store
protected $session_store;
* Aire constructor.
* @param \Illuminate\View\Factory $view_factory
* @param \Illuminate\Session\Store $session_store
* @param \Closure $form_resolver
* @param array $config
public function __construct(Factory $view_factory, Store $session_store, Closure $form_resolver, array $config)
$this->view_factory = $view_factory;
$this->session_store = $session_store;
$this->form_resolver = $form_resolver;
$this->user_config = $config;
$this->setIdGenerator(function(Element $element, Form $form = null) {
$form_id = $form->element_id ?? null;
$element_name = $element->getInputName();
$element_id = $element->element_id;
return "__aire-{$form_id}-{$element_name}{$element_id}";
* Get the default Aire theme config.
* This is mostly for theme authors who wish to merge the defaults
* into their theme config instead of provided all new class names.
* @return array
public static function getDefaultThemeConfig() : array
if (null === static::$default_theme_config) {
static::$default_theme_config = require dirname(__DIR__).'/config/default-theme.php';
return static::$default_theme_config;
* Set the method by which IDs are generated
* @param \Closure $id_generator
* @return $this
public function setIdGenerator(Closure $id_generator) : self
$this->id_generator = $id_generator;
return $this;
* Generate an ID value for an element
* @param \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Element $element
* @param \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form|null $form
* @return string
public function generateAutoId(Element $element, Form $form = null) : string
return (string) call_user_func($this->id_generator, $element, $form);
* Set the View Factory that Aire will use to resolve views
* @param Factory $view_factory
* @return Aire
public function setViewFactory(Factory $view_factory) : self
$this->view_factory = $view_factory;
return $this;
* Set where Aire looks for view files + any config overrides
* This is mostly useful for third-party themes. By utilizing package
* auto-discovery, a theme can call this from its service provider's
* boot() method to automatically set the Aire theme.
* If you want to override the default Aire views, just publish
* the views to your vendor directory with `artisan publish`
* @param string|null $namespace
* @param string|null $prefix
* @param array|null $config
* @return \Galahad\Aire\Aire
public function setTheme($namespace = null, $prefix = null, array $config = []) : self
$this->view_namespace = $namespace;
$this->view_prefix = $prefix;
$this->config = array_replace_recursive($config, $this->user_config);
return $this;
* Reset Aire to the default theme
* @return \Galahad\Aire\Aire
public function resetTheme() : self
$this->setTheme('aire', null, static::getDefaultThemeConfig());
return $this;
* Instantiate a new Form
* @param string $action
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|object|array $bound_data
* @return \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form
public function form($action = null, $bound_data = null) : Form
$this->form = call_user_func($this->form_resolver);
$this->form->onClose(function() {
$this->form = null;
if ($action) {
if ($bound_data) {
return $this->form;
* Open a new Form.
* @param null $action
* @param null $bound_data
* @return \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form
public function open($action = null, $bound_data = null) : Form
$this->form($action, $bound_data)->open();
return $this->form;
* Close a new Form.
* @return \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form
public function close() : Form
if (!($this->form instanceof Form)) {
throw new BadMethodCallException('Trying to close a form before opening one.');
return $this->form->close();
* Get a configuration value
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
public function config(string $key, $default = null)
return Arr::get($this->config, $key, $default);
* Apply the current theme to a view's name
* @param string $view
* @return string
public function applyTheme(string $view) : string
if ($this->view_prefix) {
$view = "{$this->view_prefix}.{$view}";
if ($this->view_namespace) {
$view = "{$this->view_namespace}::{$view}";
return $view;
* Render an Aire view.
* @param $view
* @param array $data
* @param array $merge_data
* @return string
public function render($view, array $data = [], array $merge_data = []) : string
return $this->view_factory->make($this->applyTheme($view), $data, $merge_data)->render();
* Render the first view that exists
* @param array $views
* @param array $data
* @param array $merge_data
* @return string
public function renderFirst(array $views, array $data = [], array $merge_data = []) : string
return $this->view_factory->first(array_map([$this, 'applyTheme'], $views), $data, $merge_data)->render();
* Get the next globally unique element ID
* @return int
public function generateElementId() : int
return $this->next_element_id++;
* Defer to the Form object for all other method calls
* @param string $method_name
* @param array $arguments
* @return Form
public function __call($method_name, $arguments)
$form = $this->form ?? $this->form();
if (!$form->isOpened() && in_array($method_name, static::$implicit_open)) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if (!method_exists($form, $method_name)) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf(
'Method %s::%s does not exist.', static::class, $method_name
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $this->forwardCallTo($form, $method_name, $arguments);
* Register the configured class names with the ClassName class
* @return \Galahad\Aire\Aire
protected function registerClasses() : self
ClassNames::setDefaultClasses($this->config('default_classes', []));
ClassNames::setVariantClasses($this->config('variant_classes', []));
ClassNames::setValidationClasses($this->config('validation_classes', []));
return $this;