

0 mins
Test Coverage

namespace Galahad\Aire\Elements;

use Galahad\Aire\Aire;
use Galahad\Aire\Contracts\NonInput;
use Illuminate\Support\HtmlString;

class Group extends Element implements NonInput
     * Not valid nor invalid
    public const VALIDATION_NONE = 'none';
     * Invalid data
    public const VALIDATION_INVALID = 'invalid';
     * Valid data
    public const VALIDATION_VALID = 'valid';
     * @var string
    public $name = 'group';
     * @var \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Element|\Galahad\Aire\Elements\Concerns\Groupable
    public $element;
     * @var \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Label
    public $label;
     * @var string
    public $validation_state = self::VALIDATION_NONE;
     * @var array
    protected $view_data = [
        'prepend' => null,
        'append' => null,
        'errors' => [],
        'label' => null,
     * Groups should never be grouped themselves
     * @var bool
    protected $grouped = false;
     * Constructor
     * @param \Galahad\Aire\Aire $aire
     * @param \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Form $form
     * @param \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Element $element
    public function __construct(Aire $aire, Form $form, Element $element)
        parent::__construct($aire, $form);
        $this->element = $element;
     * Set the group's label
     * @param string|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable $text
     * @return \Galahad\Aire\Elements\Group
    public function label($text) : self
        // TODO: Is this necessary any more or can we just use attributes?
        // TODO: Might make sense to have a special innerHTML attribute that doesn't get rendered to the key=value list
        $this->label = (new Label($this->aire, $this))->text($text);
        return $this;
    public function variant($variant = null)
        // Also pass the variant to the group label
        if ($this->label instanceof Label) {
        return parent::variant($variant);
    public function helpText(string $text) : self
        $this->view_data['help_text'] = $text;
        return $this;
    public function validated($validation_state = self::VALIDATION_VALID) : self
        $this->validation_state = $validation_state;
        return $this;
    public function valid() : self
        return $this->validated(self::VALIDATION_VALID);
    public function invalid() : self
        return $this->validated(self::VALIDATION_INVALID);
    public function errors($message) : self
        $this->view_data['errors'] = (array) $message;
        return $this;
    public function prepend(string $text) : self
        $this->view_data['prepend'] = $text;
        return $this;
    public function append(string $text) : self
        $this->view_data['append'] = $text;
        return $this;
    public function getInputName($default = null) : ?string
        return $this->element->getInputName($default);
    public function render() : string
        $element_name = $this->element->name;
        $views = [
        // If our grouped element has a "type" attribute, check for that first
        if ($element_type = $this->element->attributes->get('type')) {
            array_unshift($views, "{$this->name}.{$element_name}.{$element_type}");
        return $this->aire->renderFirst(
    protected function applyVariantToGroup($variant) : void
        // Skip recursion
    protected function viewData() : array
        if ($name = $this->element->getInputName()) {
            if (!empty($session_errors = $this->form->getErrors($name))) {
                $this->view_data['errors'] = array_merge($this->view_data['errors'], $session_errors);
        return array_merge(parent::viewData(), [
            'label' => $this->label,
            'element' => new HtmlString($this->element->render()),
            'error_view' => $this->aire->applyTheme('_error'),
    protected function initGroup() : ?Group
        $this->group = $this;
        return $this;