

6 hrs
Test Coverage

namespace Glhd\Dawn\Browser\Concerns;

use Closure;
use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver;
use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy;
use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverExpectedCondition;
use Glhd\Dawn\Browser;
use Glhd\Dawn\Browser\BrowserManager;
use Glhd\Dawn\Browser\Commands\Concerns\NormalizesStoragePaths;
use Glhd\Dawn\Browser\Helpers\Livewire;
use Glhd\Dawn\Browser\Helpers\Vue;
use Glhd\Dawn\Support\Selector;
use Illuminate\Support\Js;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use stdClass;

trait HasBrowserCommandAliases
    use NormalizesStoragePaths;
    public function clickLink(string $text, bool $wait = false): static
        return $this->click(WebDriverBy::linkText($text), wait: $wait);
    public function clickButton(string|WebDriverBy $selector, bool $wait = false): static
        return $this->click($selector, resolver: 'resolveForButtonPress', wait: $wait);
    public function radio(string|WebDriverBy $selector): static
        return $this->clickRadio($selector);
    public function check(string|WebDriverBy $selector): static
        return $this->checkOrUncheck($selector, true);
    public function uncheck(string|WebDriverBy $selector): static
        return $this->checkOrUncheck($selector, false);
    public function move(int $x = 0, int $y = 0): static
        return $this->setPosition($x, $y);
    public function visitRoute($name, $parameters = [], $absolute = true): static
        return $this->visit(route($name, $parameters, $absolute));
    public function script(string|array $scripts): static
        return $this->executeScript($scripts);
    public function keys(string|WebDriverBy $selector, ...$keys): static
        return $this->sendKeys($selector, $keys);
    public function type(WebDriverBy|string $selector, string $keys): static
        return $this->sendKeys($selector, $keys, true, 0);
    public function typeSlowly(WebDriverBy|string $selector, string $keys, int $pause = 100): static
        return $this->sendKeys($selector, $keys, true, $pause);
    public function append(WebDriverBy|string $selector, string $keys): static
        return $this->sendKeys($selector, $keys, false, 0);
    public function appendSlowly(WebDriverBy|string $selector, string $keys, int $pause = 100): static
        return $this->sendKeys($selector, $keys, false, $pause);
    /** @return $this|mixed */
    public function value(WebDriverBy|string $selector, $value = null): mixed
        return null === $value
            ? $this->getValue($selector)
            : $this->setValue($selector, $value);
    public function quit(): static
        return $this->quitBrowser();
    public function press(WebDriverBy|string $selector, bool $wait = false): static
        return $this->clickButton($selector, $wait);
    public function selected(WebDriverBy|string $selector, string $value): bool
        return $this->getSelected($selector, $value);
    public function waitFor(WebDriverBy|string $selector, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: WebDriverExpectedCondition::presenceOfElementLocated(Selector::from($selector)),
            message: 'Did not find selector before timeout.',
    public function waitUntilMissing(WebDriverBy|string $selector, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: WebDriverExpectedCondition::not(
            message: 'Selector was not removed before timeout.',
    public function waitForTextIn(WebDriverBy|string $selector, string $text, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: WebDriverExpectedCondition::elementTextContains(
                by: Selector::from($selector),
                text: $text,
            message: "Did not see text [{$text}] in selector [".Selector::toString($selector).'] before timeout.',
    public function waitForText(string $text, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitForTextIn('body', $text, $seconds);
    public function waitUntilMissingTextIn(WebDriverBy|string $selector, string $text, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: WebDriverExpectedCondition::not(
                    by: Selector::from($selector),
                    text: $text,
            message: "Text [{$text}] in selector [".Selector::toString($selector).'] was not removed before timeout.',
    public function waitUntilMissingText(string $text, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUntilMissingTextIn('body', $seconds);
    public function waitForLink(string $link, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitFor(WebDriverBy::linkText($link), $seconds);
    public function waitForInput(string $field, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitFor("input[name='{$field}'], textarea[name='{$field}'], select[name='{$field}']", $seconds);
    public function waitForLocation(string $path, ?int $seconds = null): static
        $message = "Waited for location [{$path}] but timed out.";
        $path = Js::from($path);
        return Str::startsWith($path, ['http://', 'https://'])
            ? $this->waitUntil('`${location.protocol}//${}${location.pathname}` == '.$path, $seconds, $message)
            : $this->waitUntil("window.location.pathname == {$path}", $seconds, $message);
    public function waitForRoute(string $route, $parameters = [], ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitForLocation(route($route, $parameters, false), $seconds);
    public function waitUntil(string $script, ?int $seconds = null, string $message = null): static
        $script = (string) Str::of($script)
            ->start('return ')
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: static function(RemoteWebDriver $driver) use ($script) {
                return $driver->executeScript($script);
            message: $message,
    public function waitUntilEnabled(WebDriverBy|string $selector, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: static function(BrowserManager $browser) use ($selector) {
                return $browser->resolver->findOrFail($selector)->isEnabled();
            message: "Waited $seconds seconds for element to be enabled",
    public function waitUntilDisabled(WebDriverBy|string $selector, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: static function(BrowserManager $browser) use ($selector) {
                return ! $browser->resolver->findOrFail($selector)->isEnabled();
            message: "Waited $seconds seconds for element to be disabled",
    public function waitUntilVue(string $key, string $value, WebDriverBy|string $selector = null, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: static function(BrowserManager $browser) use ($key, $value, $selector) {
                $element = $browser->resolver->findOrFail($selector);
                return $value === (new Vue($browser))->attribute($element, $key);
            message: "Waited $seconds seconds for element to be disabled",
    public function waitUntilVueIsNot(string $key, string $value, WebDriverBy|string $selector = null, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: static function(BrowserManager $browser) use ($key, $value, $selector) {
                $element = $browser->resolver->findOrFail($selector);
                return $value !== (new Vue($browser))->attribute($element, $key);
            message: "Waited $seconds seconds for element to be disabled",
    public function whenAvailable(WebDriverBy|string $selector, Closure $callback, ?int $seconds = null): static
        // This is the best wait to check if a closure is static. Due to the nature of Dawn, closures
        // passed across the I/O channel have certain limitations, and forcing them to be static
        // helps ensure that they will work as expected. It's not ideal, but seems an OK solution for now.
        if (null !== @Closure::bind($callback, new stdClass())) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Callbacks passed to whenAvailable() must be static.');
        return $this->waitUsing(
            seconds: $seconds,
            interval: 100,
            wait: static function(BrowserManager $browser) use ($selector, $callback) {
                $element = $browser->resolver->findOrFail($selector);
                $callback($browser, $element);
            message: 'Did not find selector before timeout.',
    public function waitForReload($callback = null, ?int $seconds = null): static
        $token = Str::random();
        $this->executeScript("window['{$token}'] = 0;");
        if ($callback) {
        return $this->waitUntil(
            script: "'undefined' === typeof window['{$token}']",
            seconds: $seconds,
            message: "Waited $seconds for page reload.",
    public function clickAndWaitForReload(WebDriverBy|string|null $selector = null, ?int $seconds = null): static
        return $this->waitForReload(
            callback: static fn(Browser $browser) => $browser->click($selector),
            seconds: $seconds
    public function drag(WebDriverBy|string $from, WebDriverBy|string $to): static
        return $this->dragAndDrop($from, $to);
    public function dragUp(WebDriverBy|string $selector, int $offset): static
        return $this->dragAndDropBy($selector, 0, abs($offset) * -1);
    public function dragDown(WebDriverBy|string $selector, int $offset): static
        return $this->dragAndDropBy($selector, 0, abs($offset));
    public function dragLeft(WebDriverBy|string $selector, int $offset): static
        return $this->dragAndDropBy($selector, abs($offset) * -1, 0);
    public function dragRight(WebDriverBy|string $selector, int $offset): static
        return $this->dragAndDropBy($selector, abs($offset), 0);
    public function moveMouse(int $x, int $y): static
        return $this->moveByOffset($x, $y);
    public function clickAtXPath(string $expression): static
        return $this->click(WebDriverBy::xpath($expression));
    public function clickAtPoint(int $x, int $y): static
        return $this->executeScript("document.elementFromPoint({$x}, {$y}).click()");
    public function waitForLivewireToLoad(): static
        return $this->waitUsing(6, 25, (new Livewire())->wait());
    public function blank(): static
        return $this->visit('about:blank');
    public function scrollIntoView(string $selector): static
        // TODO: Handle @dusk selectors and scoping
        return $this->executeScript('document.querySelector('.json_encode($selector).').scrollIntoView();');
    public function scrollTo(string $selector): static
        // TODO: Handle @dusk selectors and scoping
        return $this->executeScript(
            'document.querySelector('.json_encode($selector).').scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "start", inline: "nearest" });'
    public function screenshot(string $name): static
        return $this->takeScreenshot(Str::finish($name, '.png'));
    public function responsiveScreenshots(string $name): static
        // TODO: $responsiveScreenSizes
        $sizes = [
            'xs' => [
                'width' => 360,
                'height' => 640,
            'sm' => [
                'width' => 640,
                'height' => 360,
            'md' => [
                'width' => 768,
                'height' => 1024,
            'lg' => [
                'width' => 1024,
                'height' => 768,
            'xl' => [
                'width' => 1280,
                'height' => 1024,
            '2xl' => [
                'width' => 1536,
                'height' => 864,
        if (substr($name, -1) !== '/') {
            $name .= '-';
        foreach ($sizes as $device => $size) {
            $this->resize($size['width'], $size['height'])->screenshot("$name$device");
        return $this;
    public function storeConsoleLog(string $name): static
        return $this->getLog("{$name}.log");
    public function storeSource(string $name): static
        if (! empty($source = $this->getPageSource())) {
            $filename = $this->prepareAndNormalizeStoragePath(
                filename: "{$name}.txt",
                directory: config('dawn.storage_sources', resource_path('dawn/sources')),
            file_put_contents($filename, $source);
        return $this;
    public function withinFrame(string|WebDriverBy $selector, Closure $callback): static
        try {
            $this->switchTo('frame', $selector);
        } finally {
        return $this;
    public function pause(int $milliseconds): static
        return $this->sleep($milliseconds / 1000);
    public function dump(): static
        return $this;
    public function dd(): static
         * We will never reach this, but it's useful to have for better IDE support.
         * @noinspection PhpUnreachableStatementInspection
        return $this;