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namespace Glhd\Special;

use Glhd\Special\Exceptions\BackingModelNotFound;
use Glhd\Special\Support\KeyMap;
use Glhd\Special\Support\ModelObserver;
use Glhd\Special\Support\ValueHelper;
use Illuminate\Container\Container;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Support\Traits\ForwardsCalls;
use RuntimeException;

trait EloquentBacking
    use ForwardsCalls;
     * @return class-string<Model>
    public static function modelClass(): string
        $basename = Str::of(static::class)->classBasename();
        $name = $basename->singular();
        foreach (['\\App', '\\App\\Models'] as $prefix) {
            if (class_exists($model_class = "{$prefix}\\{$name}")) {
                return $model_class;
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to infer model name for '{$basename}' special enum (tried to find a '{$name}' model but could not).");
    protected static function model(): Model
        $class_name = static::modelClass();
        return new $class_name();
    protected static function getKeyColumn(): string
        $value = static::cases()[0]->value;
        return is_int($value)
            ? config('glhd-special.default_int_key_name', 'id')
            : config('glhd-special.default_string_key_name', 'slug');
    public function __call(string $name, array $arguments)
        return $this->forwardCallTo($this->singleton(), $name, $arguments);
     * Get a singleton instance of the matching model
    public function singleton(): Model
        $container = Container::getInstance();
        $key = $this->cacheKey();
        if (! $container->has($key)) {
            $container->instance($key, $this->fresh());
        return $container->get($key);
     * Clear the singleton instance from the container
    public function forgetSingleton(): void
     * Get a copy of the matching model
    public function get(): Model
        return clone $this->singleton();
     * Load a fresh copy of the matching model from the database
    public function fresh(): Model
        $builder = static::model()->newQuery();
        if (! $model = $builder->where($this->attributes())->first()) {
            if (config('glhd-special.fail_when_missing', true)) {
                throw new BackingModelNotFound($this);
            $model = $builder->create($this->attributesForCreation());
        // This ensures that if this specific model is updated or deleted,
        // the singleton instance of it is also cleared.
            ->observe($model, $this);
        return $model;
     * Get the model's primary key
    public function getKey()
        return Container::getInstance()
     * Apply key/foreign key constraints to a query builder
    public function constrain(Builder $query): Builder
        $key = $query->getModel()::class === static::modelClass()
            ? static::model()->getKeyName()
            : static::model()->getForeignKey();
        return $query->where($key, '=', $this->getKey());
    protected function attributes(): array
        return [
            static::getKeyColumn() => $this->valueToAttribute($this->value),
    protected function attributesForCreation(): array
        return array_merge(
    protected function values(): array
        return Arr::except(ValueHelper::getValuesFor($this), [static::getKeyColumn()]);
    protected function createWith(): array
        return [];
    protected function valueToAttribute($value): mixed
        return $value;
    protected function cacheKey(): string
        return sprintf('glhd-special:%s:%s', static::modelClass(), $this->value);