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File `Anime.php` has 342 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.
* Class AnidbAnime
* @brief Anime Setup
* @author gloire
* @author libero1i
* @link
* @version 1.3
* @since September 2020
* @license MIT License
namespace AniDB\Anime;
use DOMDocument;
require_once __DIR__ . '/options.php';
`Anime` has 23 functions (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
final class Anime extends Options
* @param $cloud_name
* @param $key
* @param $secret
* @brief set Cloudinary Image CDN
public function setCloudinary($cloud_name, $key, $secret){
"cloud_name" => $cloud_name,
"api_key" => $key,
"api_secret" => $secret,
"secure" => true
public function setAnimeID($aid)
$this->aid = $aid;
public function setURL()
$this->url = parent::MAIN_URL . '/anime/' . $this->aid;
* @param $html
* @brief set HTML source
public function setHTML($html)
$this->html = $html;
public function controlAndGetTitle()
preg_match(parent::PATTERN_TITLE, $this->html, $titleArr);
$this->title = $titleArr[1];
if (!isset($this->title) || empty($this->title)) {
return 'Not Found!';
return $this->title;
* @return mixed|string
* @brief getting Image
public function getImage()
$image = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_IMAGE, $this->html);
$this->image = $image[2];
$arr_result = \Cloudinary\Uploader::upload($this->image);
$this->image = $arr_result['url'];
return $this->image;
public function getEpisode()
$episode = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_EPISODE, $this->html);
$this->episode = $episode[1];
return $this->episode;
public function getTags()
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_TAGS, $this->html, $tags);
if (empty($tags[2][0])) {
$this->tags = ['-', 'N/A'];
return $this->tags;
$firstTag = $tags[2][0];
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_SECOND_TAG, $tags[3][0], $tags);
array_unshift($tags[1], $firstTag);
$tags = $tags[1];
$this->tags = $tags;
return $this->tags;
public function getStartDate()
$startDate = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_START_DATE, $this->html);
$this->startDate = $startDate[2];
return $this->startDate;
public function getEndDate()
$endDate = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_END_DATE, $this->html);
$this->endDate = $endDate[2];
return $this->endDate;
public function getRating()
$rating = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_RATING, $this->html);
$this->rating = $rating[1];
return $this->rating;
public function getDescription()
$description = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_DESCRIPTION, $this->html);
$this->description = $description[1];
return $this->description;
public function getFavourites()
$favourites = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_FAVOURITES, $this->html);
$this->favourites = $favourites[1];
return $this->favourites;
public function getRank()
$rank = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_RANK, $this->html);
$this->rank = $rank[1];
return $this->rank;
public function getCompleted()
$completed = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_COMPLETED, $this->html);
$this->completed = $completed[2];
return $this->completed;
public function getWatching()
$watching = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_WATCHING, $this->html);
$this->watching = $watching[2];
return $this->watching;
public function getPlan()
$plan = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_PLAN, $this->html);
$this->plan = $plan[2];
return $this->plan;
public function getDrop()
$drop = $this->patternMaker(parent::PATTERN_DROP, $this->html);
$this->drop = $drop[2];
return $this->drop;
Method `getDirectlyRelatedAnimes` has 26 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function getDirectlyRelatedAnimes()
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_DIRECTLY_RELATED, $this->html, $directArr);
if (empty($directArr[0])) {
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_CONTROL_DIRECTLY_RELATED, $this->html, $directArr);
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if (!empty($directArr[0])) {
$del = explode('/', $directArr[3][0]);
$firstKey = end($del);
$firstValue = $directArr[4][0];
$str = implode("", $directArr[5]);
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_SECOND_DIRECTLY_RELATED, $str, $directlyRelatedArray);
array_unshift($directlyRelatedArray[1], $firstKey);
array_unshift($directlyRelatedArray[2], $firstValue);
$arrCount = count($directlyRelatedArray[1]);
for ($i = 1; $i < $arrCount; $i++) {
$delimitier = explode('/', $directlyRelatedArray[1][$i]);
$directlyRelatedArray[1][$i] = end($delimitier);
$key = $directlyRelatedArray[1];
$value = $directlyRelatedArray[2];
$directlyRelatedArray = array_combine($key, $value);
$this->directylyRelatedAnime = $directlyRelatedArray;
return $this->directylyRelatedAnime;
} else {
$this->directylyRelatedAnime = ['-', 'N/A'];
return $this->directylyRelatedAnime;
public function getSimilarAnimes()
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_SIMILAR, $this->html, $similarArray);
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if (!empty($similarArray[0])) {
$del = explode('/', $similarArray[3][0]);
$firstKey = end($del);
$firstValue = $similarArray[4][0];
$str = implode("", $similarArray[5]);
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_SECOND_SIMILAR, $str, $similarArray);
array_unshift($similarArray[2], $firstKey);
array_unshift($similarArray[3], $firstValue);
$arrCount = count($similarArray[2]);
for ($i = 1; $i < $arrCount; $i++) {
$delimitier = explode('/', $similarArray[2][$i]);
$similarArray[2][$i] = end($delimitier);
$key = $similarArray[2];
$value = $similarArray[3];
$similarArray = array_combine($key, $value);
$this->similarAnimes = $similarArray;
return $this->similarAnimes;
} else {
$this->similarAnimes = ['-', 'N/A'];
return $this->similarAnimes;
Method `getCast` has 37 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `getCast` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function getCast()
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_CAST, $this->html, $castArray);
if (!empty($castArray[0])) {
$firstCastId = $castArray[2][0];
$firstCastName = $castArray[3][0];
$firstCastCharId = $castArray[5][0];
$firstCastCharName = $castArray[6][0];
$firstArray = [
$firstCastId => [
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_SECOND_CAST, $castArray[7][0], $cast);
$values = [];
$castCount = count($cast[2]);
$newCast = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $castCount; $i++) {
$arr = [
array_push($values, $arr);
$keys = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $castCount; $i++) {
array_push($keys, $cast[2][$i]);
$cast = array_combine(array_values($keys), $values);
array_unshift($cast, $firstArray[$firstCastId]);
$this->cast = $cast;
return $this->cast;
} else {
$this->cast = ['-', 'N/A'];
return $this->cast;
Function `getStaff` has a Cognitive Complexity of 21 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `getStaff` has 68 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function getStaff()
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_STAFF, $this->html, $exArray);
if (isset($exArray[1][0]) && isset($exArray[2][0])) {
$firstId = $exArray[1][0];
$firstName = $exArray[2][0];
} else {
$firstId = '';
$firstName = '';
if (empty($firstId) || empty($firstName)) {
$this->staff = ['-', 'N/A'];
return $this->staff;
} else {
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_SECOND_STAFF, $this->html, $arr);
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_MAIN_STAFF, $arr[2][0], $arr2);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
@ $doc->loadHTML($arr[2][0]);
$tr = $doc->getElementsByTagName('tr');
$keys = [];
$values = [];
$Staff = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($tr as $t){
$link = new DOMDocument();
$a = $link->getElementsByTagName('a');
$creatorId = $a[0]->getAttribute('href');
$creatorId = explode('=', $creatorId);
$creatorId = end($creatorId);
array_push($keys, $creatorId);
$creatorName = $link->textContent;
$count = $a->length;
$arr3 = [];
$k = 0;
foreach ($a as $href){
if ($k !== 0){
$staffId = $href->getAttribute('href');
$staffId = explode('/', $staffId);
$boo = in_array('virtual', $staffId);
if ($boo == 1){
$boo = 'true';
$boo = 'false';
$staffId = end($staffId);
$arr4 = [
'virtual' => $boo,
'id' => $staffId,
'name' => $href->textContent
array_push($arr3, $arr4);
$staffArr = [
'creator' => $creatorName,
'staff' => array_values($arr3),
array_push($values, $staffArr);
$Staff = array_combine(array_values($keys), $values);
$this->staff = $Staff;
return $this->staff;
Method `getCharacters` has 47 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function getCharacters()
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_CHARACTERS, $this->html, $mainCharArray);
if (!empty($mainCharArray[0])) {
$firstCharId = $mainCharArray[7][0];
$firstCharName = $mainCharArray[8][0];
$firstCharImage = $mainCharArray[3][0];
$firstCharEpisodes = $mainCharArray[5][0];
$firstCharDesc = $mainCharArray[10][0];
$firstCharStaffId = $mainCharArray[12][0];
$firstCharStaffName = $mainCharArray[13][0];
preg_match_all(parent::PATTERN_SECOND_CHARACTERS, $mainCharArray[14][0], $mainCharArray);
array_unshift($mainCharArray[6], $firstCharId);
array_unshift($mainCharArray[2], $firstCharImage);
array_unshift($mainCharArray[4], $firstCharEpisodes);
array_unshift($mainCharArray[7], $firstCharName);
array_unshift($mainCharArray[9], $firstCharDesc);
array_unshift($mainCharArray[11], $firstCharStaffId);
array_unshift($mainCharArray[12], $firstCharStaffName);
$charImageArray = $mainCharArray[2];
$charEpisodesArray = $mainCharArray[4];
$charIdArray = $mainCharArray[6];
$charNamesArray = $mainCharArray[7];
$charDescArray = $mainCharArray[9];
$charStaffIdArray = $mainCharArray[11];
$charStaffNamesArray = $mainCharArray[12];
$arrCount = count($charIdArray);
$values = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $arrCount; $i++) {
$img = \Cloudinary\Uploader::upload($charImageArray[$i]);
$img = $img['url'];
$arr = [
array_push($values, $arr);
$keys = $charIdArray;
$char = array_combine($keys, $values);
$this->characters = $char;
return $this->characters;
} else {
$this->characters = ['-', 'N/A'];
return $this->characters;