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package main

import (



// Options holds the command line options for the cli program
var Options struct {
    // Options
    JSON    bool   `short:"j" long:"json" description:"Output in JSON format."`
    Version func() `long:"version" description:"Print the current version and exit."`

    // Commands
    Config      ConfigCommand      `command:"config" description:"Update the configuration files."`
    Mirrors     MirrorsCommand     `command:"mirrors" description:"Get a list of PirateBay mirrors."`
    Search      SearchCommand      `command:"search" description:"Search for torrents."`
    Series      SeriesCommand      `command:"series" alias:"s" description:"Manage the series watchlist or perform a scan."`
    Movie       MovieCommand       `command:"movie" alias:"m" description:"Scrape a movie and find torrents for it."`
    MovieSearch MovieSearchCommand `command:"movie-search" description:"Search OMDB for movies to retrieve their IMDbID and release year."`
    Update      UpdateCommand      `command:"update" alias:"u" description:"Update the tool to the latest version."`

type torrentSearchArgs struct {
    Mirror     string `short:"m" long:"mirror" description:"The PirateBay mirror URL to use. By default one is chosen at runtime."`
    SourceURL  string `short:"s" long:"source" description:"Link to the list of PirateBay proxies that will be used to pick a mirror."`
    Count      uint   `short:"c" long:"count" description:"Limit the number of results."`
    MagnetLink bool   `long:"only-magnet" description:"Only output magnet links, one on each line."`
    TorrentURL bool   `long:"only-url" description:"Only output torrent urls, one on each line."`

type positionalArgs struct {
    Query string `positional-arg-name:"query"`

func (a torrentSearchArgs) GetTorrents(query string) ([]torrents.Torrent, error) {

    if !a.ValidOutputFlags() {
        return nil, errors.New("too many flags specifying the kind of output")

    if a.Mirror != "" {

        scraper := torrents.NewScraper(a.Mirror)
        return scraper.Search(query)

    mirrorScraper := GetMirrorScraper()

    if a.SourceURL != "" {

    return mirrorScraper.GetTorrents(query)

func (a *torrentSearchArgs) ValidOutputFlags() bool {

    outputFlags := 0

    if Options.JSON {
    if a.MagnetLink {
    if a.TorrentURL {

    return outputFlags <= 1

func (a torrentSearchArgs) GetFilters() *torrents.SearchFilters {


    if a.Mirror != "" {
        a.SearchFilters.MirrorURL = a.Mirror
    if a.SourceURL != "" {
        a.SearchFilters.ProxyListURL = a.SourceURL

    return &a.SearchFilters

func configDir() string {

    usr, usrErr := user.Current()

    var dir string

    if flag.Lookup("test.v") != nil {

        dir = path.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".goirate.test")

    } else if os.Getenv("GOIRATE_DIR") != "" {

        dir = os.Getenv("GOIRATE_DIR")

    } else if usrErr != nil {

        // Being here usually means we can't produce the current user.
        // In this case the '~' path will most likely also not be around.
        // With the crontab in mind, we'll default this case to a directory
        // in the current working directory of shell. Which in the case of cron,
        // should be the user's home folder anyway.
        dir = ".goirate"

    } else {

        dir = path.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".goirate")

    err := os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {

    return dir

func main() {



    parser := flags.NewParser(&Options, flags.HelpFlag|flags.PassDoubleDash|flags.PrintErrors)

    Options.Version = func() {
        log.Printf("Goirate build: %v\n", Version)

    _, err := parser.Parse()

    if err != nil {