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Test Coverage
package torrents

import (



const defaultProxySourceURL string = ""

// Mirror represents a PirateBay mirror and its status.
type Mirror struct {
    URL     string `json:"url"`
    Country string `json:"country"`
    Status  bool   `json:"status"`

// FallbackMirror returns a default Pirate Bay mirror for when the list of mirrors is unavailable.
// The mirror chosen for this, is one that I have personally experienced to be generally available and reliable,
// for the time being, and it should in no way reflect a long-term solution for mirror availability.
func FallbackMirror() Mirror {

    return Mirror{
        URL:     "",
        Country: "US",

// MirrorScraper holds the url to a torrents proxy list.
// By default the scraper will use
type MirrorScraper struct {
    proxySourceURL string
    mirrorFilters  MirrorFilters

// MirrorFilters define filters for picking a Pirate Bay mirror.
type MirrorFilters struct {
    Preferred string   `toml:"preferred"`
    Whitelist []string `toml:"whitelist"`
    Blacklist []string `toml:"blacklist"`

// NewMirrorScraper initializes a new scraper for a list of piratebay mirrors.
func NewMirrorScraper(proxySourceURL string, mirrorFilters MirrorFilters) *MirrorScraper {

    return &MirrorScraper{
        proxySourceURL: proxySourceURL,
        mirrorFilters:  mirrorFilters,

// SetProxySourceURL overrides the URL at which MirrorScraper will attempt to fetch a list
// of Pirate Bay proxies from.
func (m *MirrorScraper) SetProxySourceURL(url string) {
    m.proxySourceURL = url

// GetProxySourceURL retrieves the current URL at which the scraper will attempt to fetch a list
// of Pirate Bay proxies from.
func (m *MirrorScraper) GetProxySourceURL() string {
    if m.proxySourceURL == "" {
        return defaultProxySourceURL
    return m.proxySourceURL

// GetMirrors retrieves a list of PirateBay mirrors.
func (m *MirrorScraper) GetMirrors() ([]Mirror, error) {

    doc, err := utils.HTTPGet(m.GetProxySourceURL())

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return m.parseMirrors(doc), nil

// GetTorrents fetches all available Pirate Bay mirrors and returns the first Pirate Bay page that it finds.
func (m *MirrorScraper) GetTorrents(query string) ([]Torrent, error) {

    mirrors, err := m.GetMirrors()

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, torrents, err := m.getTorrents(mirrors, query, true)

    return torrents, err

// PickMirror fetches all available Pirate Bay mirrors and returns the first one that responds to HTTP get for the given query.
func (m *MirrorScraper) PickMirror(query string) (*Mirror, error) {

    mirrors, err := m.GetMirrors()

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    mirror, _, err := m.getTorrents(mirrors, query, true)

    return mirror, err

// IsOk returns true if the given mirror complies with the filters.
func (m *MirrorFilters) IsOk(mirror Mirror) bool {

    if flag.Lookup("test.v") != nil && strings.Contains(mirror.URL, "") {

        // This mirror sucks so let's exclude it from tests for now

        return false

    contains := func(s []string, e string) bool {

        e = strings.ToLower(e)

        for _, a := range s {

            a = strings.ToLower(a)

            if strings.Contains(e, a) {
                return true
        return false

    return (len(m.Blacklist) == 0 || (!contains(m.Blacklist, mirror.URL) && !contains(m.Blacklist, mirror.Country))) &&
        (len(m.Whitelist) == 0 || (contains(m.Whitelist, mirror.URL) || contains(m.Whitelist, mirror.Country)))

func (m *MirrorScraper) parseMirrors(doc *goquery.Document) []Mirror {

    mirrors := make([]Mirror, 0)

    doc.Find("#proxyList > tbody > tr").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {

        site, _ := s.Find(".site a").Attr("href")
        country, _ := s.Find(".country img").Attr("alt")
        status, _ := s.Find(".status img").Attr("alt")

        country = strings.ToUpper(country)

        mirror := Mirror{site, country, status == "up"}

        if m.mirrorFilters.IsOk(mirror) {

            mirrors = append(mirrors, mirror)

    return mirrors

func (m *MirrorScraper) getTorrents(mirrors []Mirror, query string, trustSource bool) (*Mirror, []Torrent, error) {

    type torrentResponse struct {
        mirror   *Mirror
        torrents []Torrent

    var workingMirror *Mirror

    if m.mirrorFilters.Preferred != "" {

        mirrors = append([]Mirror{{URL: m.mirrorFilters.Preferred}}, mirrors...)

    mirrors = append(mirrors, FallbackMirror())

    timeout := 10 * time.Second

    channel := make(chan torrentResponse)

    searchMirror := func(mirror Mirror) {

        scraper := NewScraper(mirror.URL)

        torrents, err := scraper.SearchTimeout(query, timeout)

        if len(torrents) > 0 {
            workingMirror = &mirror

        if os.Getenv("GOIRATE_DEBUG") == "true" {
            log.Printf("%v -> %v, %v\n", mirror.URL, len(torrents), err)

        if len(torrents) > 0 {

            channel <- torrentResponse{&mirror, torrents}

        } else {

            channel <- torrentResponse{nil, nil}

    // Return the first mirror that responds to HTTP GET
    requestsSent := 0
    for _, mirror := range mirrors {

        if !mirror.Status && trustSource {

        go searchMirror(mirror)


    var allTorrents []Torrent

    for i := 0; i < requestsSent; i++ {

        resp := <-channel

        if resp.torrents != nil {
            allTorrents = append(allTorrents, resp.torrents...)

    if len(allTorrents) > 0 {
        return workingMirror, allTorrents, nil

    if trustSource {

        return m.getTorrents(mirrors, query, false)

    if workingMirror != nil {

        return workingMirror, []Torrent{}, nil

    return nil, nil, errors.New("all Pirate Bay proxies seem to be unreachable")

func parseLoadTime(speedTitle string) float32 {

    r, _ := regexp.Compile("Loaded in (\\-?\\d+\\.\\d+) seconds")
    m := r.FindStringSubmatch(speedTitle)

    if len(m) > 0 {
        val, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(m[1], 32)

        return float32(val)
    return 0.0