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package torrents

import (



// UploaderFilters holds filters regarding the acceptance of a torrent's uploader.
type UploaderFilters struct {
    Whitelist []string `long:"whitelist" description:"Add to a whitelist of uploaders, to only consider torrents from them." toml:"whitelist"`
    Blacklist []string `long:"blacklist" description:"Add to a blacklist of uploaders, to avoid torrents from them." toml:"blacklist"`

// SearchFilters holds conditions and filters, used to search for specific torrents.
type SearchFilters struct {
    VerifiedUploader bool            `long:"trusted" description:"Only consider torrents where the uploader is either VIP or Trusted." toml:"trusted"`
    MinQuality       VideoQuality    `long:"min-quality" description:"Minimum acceptable torrent quality (inclusive)." toml:"min-quality"`
    MaxQuality       VideoQuality    `long:"max-quality" description:"Maximum acceptable torrent quality (inclusive)." toml:"max-quality"`
    MinSize          string          `long:"min-size" description:"Minimum acceptable torrent size." toml:"min-size"`
    MaxSize          string          `long:"max-size" description:"Maximum acceptable torrent size." toml:"max-size"`
    MinSeeders       int             `long:"min-seeders" description:"Minimum acceptable amount of seeders." toml:"min-seeders"`
    Uploaders        UploaderFilters `toml:"uploaders"`

    // Internal, used to pass multiple substrings for filtering.
    SearchTerms   []string
    MirrorURL     string
    ProxyListURL  string
    MirrorFilters MirrorFilters

// MinSizeKB returns the specified minimum size in kilobytes.
func (f SearchFilters) MinSizeKB() (int64, error) {
    var v gobytes.ByteSize

    err := v.UnmarshalText([]byte(f.MinSize))

    return int64(v.KBytes()), err

// MaxSizeKB returns the specified minimum size in kilobytes.
func (f SearchFilters) MaxSizeKB() (int64, error) {
    var v gobytes.ByteSize

    err := v.UnmarshalText([]byte(f.MaxSize))

    return int64(v.KBytes()), err

// UploaderOk will return true if the given uploader's name is acceptable according to the blacklist and whitelist
// of the filters.
func (f SearchFilters) UploaderOk(uploader string) bool {

    contains := func(s []string, e string) bool {
        for _, a := range s {
            if a == e {
                return true
        return false

    return (len(f.Uploaders.Blacklist) == 0 || !contains(f.Uploaders.Blacklist, uploader)) &&
        (len(f.Uploaders.Whitelist) == 0 || contains(f.Uploaders.Whitelist, uploader))

// IsOk returns true if the given torrent complies with the filters.
func (f SearchFilters) IsOk(torrent *Torrent) bool {

    maxSize, _ := f.MaxSizeKB()
    minSize, _ := f.MinSizeKB()

    // Check the uploader.
    if !f.UploaderOk(torrent.Uploader) {
        return false
    if f.VerifiedUploader && !torrent.VerifiedUploader {
        return false

    // Check the torrent size.
    if (torrent.Size > maxSize && maxSize > 0) ||
        (torrent.Size < minSize && minSize > 0) {
        return false

    // Check the quality.
    if (f.MinQuality != "" && torrent.VideoQuality.WorseThan(f.MinQuality)) ||
        (f.MaxQuality != "" && torrent.VideoQuality.BetterThan(f.MaxQuality)) {
        return false

    // Check the number of seeders.
    if torrent.Seeders < f.MinSeeders {
        return false

    // Check for search terms in the title.
    torrentTitle := utils.NormalizeQuery(torrent.Title)
    for _, searchTerm := range f.SearchTerms {

        searchTerm = utils.NormalizeQuery(searchTerm)

        if !strings.Contains(torrentTitle, searchTerm) {
            // Search term not found.
            return false

    return true

// FilterTorrents filters the given list of torrents, returning only the ones that
// comply with the filters.
func (f SearchFilters) FilterTorrents(torrents []Torrent) []Torrent {

    var filtered []Torrent

    for _, torrent := range torrents {

        if f.IsOk(&torrent) {

            filtered = append(filtered, torrent)

    return filtered

// FilterTorrentsCount filters the given list of torrents, returning only the ones that
// comply with the filters, while also limiting the result to the number specified by count.
func (f SearchFilters) FilterTorrentsCount(torrents []Torrent, count uint) []Torrent {

    var filtered []Torrent

    for _, torrent := range f.FilterTorrents(torrents) {

        filtered = append(filtered, torrent)

        if count > 0 && uint(len(filtered)) >= count {

    return filtered

// SearchTorrents is a shortcut function, to search for torrents given the filters,
// so that either the specified `MirrorURL` is used or all of them are searched.
func (f SearchFilters) SearchTorrents(query string) ([]Torrent, error) {

    var trnts []Torrent
    var err error

    if f.MirrorURL != "" {

        // A specific mirror was specified.
        scraper := NewScraper(f.MirrorURL)
        trnts, err = scraper.Search(query)

    } else {

        // A specific mirror wasn't specified.
        mirrorScraper := MirrorScraper{
            proxySourceURL: f.ProxyListURL,
            mirrorFilters:  f.MirrorFilters,

        trnts, err = mirrorScraper.GetTorrents(query)

    return trnts, err

// SearchVideoTorrents is a shortcut function, to search for video torrents given the filters,
// so that either the specified `MirrorURL` is used or all of them are searched.
func (f SearchFilters) SearchVideoTorrents(query string) ([]Torrent, error) {

    trnts, err := f.SearchTorrents(query)

    var perQualitySlice []Torrent

    if len(trnts) > 0 {
        torrentsQualityMap, _ := SearchVideoTorrentList(trnts, f)
        for _, value := range torrentsQualityMap {
            perQualitySlice = append(perQualitySlice, *value)

    return perQualitySlice, err

// PickVideoTorrent functions similar to SearchTorrentList(), but instead returns the torrent with the best available video quality
// with at least one seeder.
func PickVideoTorrent(torrents []Torrent, filters SearchFilters) (*Torrent, error) {

    trnts, err := SearchVideoTorrentList(torrents, filters)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    ok := func(t *Torrent) bool {
        return (t.Seeders > 0) &&
            (filters.MaxQuality == "" || !t.VideoQuality.BetterThan(filters.MaxQuality)) &&
            (filters.MinQuality == "" || !t.VideoQuality.WorseThan(filters.MinQuality))

    var torrent *Torrent

    if t, exists := trnts[UHD]; exists && ok(t) {

        torrent = t

    } else if t, exists := trnts[High]; exists && ok(t) {

        torrent = t

    } else if t, exists := trnts[Medium]; exists && ok(t) {

        torrent = t

    } else if t, exists := trnts[Low]; exists && ok(t) {

        torrent = t

    } else if t, exists := trnts[Default]; exists && ok(t) {

        torrent = t

    return torrent, nil

// SearchVideoTorrentList will find the first torrent in the list for each video quality, that also match the given filters.
// Since it returns one torrent for each known quality, the MinQuality and MaxQuality of the given filters are ignored.
// Returns nil if none are found.
func SearchVideoTorrentList(torrents []Torrent, filters SearchFilters) (map[VideoQuality]*Torrent, error) {

    trnts := make(map[VideoQuality]*Torrent)

    fetch := func(q VideoQuality) error {

        filters.MinQuality = q
        filters.MaxQuality = q

        torrent, err := SearchTorrentList(torrents, filters)

        if err == nil && torrent != nil {
            trnts[q] = torrent

        return err

    var err error

    if err == nil {
        err = fetch(Default)
    if err == nil {
        err = fetch(Low)
    if err == nil {
        err = fetch(Medium)
    if err == nil {
        err = fetch(High)
    if err == nil {
        err = fetch(UHD)

    return trnts, err

// SearchTorrentList will return the first torrent in the list that matches the given filters, returning nil if none is found.
func SearchTorrentList(torrents []Torrent, filters SearchFilters) (*Torrent, error) {

    for _, t := range torrents {

        if filters.IsOk(&t) {

            return &t, nil


    return nil, nil