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package torrents

// VideoQuality defines the standard video qualities for torrents.
type VideoQuality string

const (
    // Default acts as the default quality when no other is found in the title.
    Default VideoQuality = "HDTV"

    // Low represents the 480p quality.
    Low VideoQuality = "480p"

    // Medium represents the 720p quality.
    Medium VideoQuality = "720p"

    // High represents the 1080p quality.
    High VideoQuality = "1080p"

    // UHD represents the 2160p quality.
    UHD VideoQuality = "2160p"

// WorseThan will return true if the quality passed as an argument is
// worse than this one.
func (q VideoQuality) WorseThan(quality VideoQuality) bool {
    return q.numeric() < quality.numeric()

// BetterThan will return true if the quality passed as an argument is
// better than this one.
func (q VideoQuality) BetterThan(quality VideoQuality) bool {
    return q.numeric() > quality.numeric()

func (q VideoQuality) numeric() int {
    switch q {
    case Default:
        return 0
    case Low:
        return 1
    case Medium:
        return 2
    case High:
        return 3
    case UHD:
        return 4
        return 0