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Test Coverage
# dotnet-trx2sonar

[![.NET Core](](

Dotnet tool to convert Visual Studio TRX files to SonarCloud Generic Test Data - Generic Execution. 
More info about Generic Test Data [here](

## Installation 
Download and install the .NET Core 2.1, 3.1, 5.0 or 6.0 SDK. Once installed, run the following command:

```dotnet tool install --global dotnet-trx2sonar```

If you already have a previous version of dotnet-trx2sonar installed, you can upgrade to the latest version using the following command:

```dotnet tool update --global dotnet-trx2sonar```

## Usage
Once the tool is installed, provide solution directory to scan for `.trx` files and output file.

```dotnet-trx2sonar -d ./your-solution-directory -o ./your-solution-directory/SonarTestResults.xml```

### Parameters
- `--help` `-h` `-?` Show the current help.
- `-d` [string] Solution directory to parse (recursive).
- `-o` [string] Output filename.
- `-a` `--absolute` Use absolute path for the test file path.

## Development
Launch in Debug by providing values to the required parameters in `.vscode/launch.json` settings.
"args": [  
    "-d", "C:/your-solution/",
    "-o", "C:/your-solution/SonarTestResults.xml",

## Contribution
- If you want to contribute to codes, create pull request
- If you find any bugs or error, create an issue

## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License