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 * @name birdwatcher.js
 * @author Gidi Meir Morris, 2014
 * Birdwatcher (Slang) A spy, usually used in the UK.
import defaultConfiguration from './configuration';
import createErrorClosure from './createErrorClosure';
import {isWatchablePropertyOfComponent} from './tools/isWatchableProperty';

const BirdwatcherSentinal = Symbol('birdwatcher');
export function isBirdwatcher(object) {
  return (object && (typeof object === 'function') && object[BirdwatcherSentinal] === 1);
export function paintBirdwatcher(object) {
  if (typeof object !== 'function') {
    throw new Error('Birdwatcher(paintBirdwatcher): Only a function can be a birdwatcher');
  object[BirdwatcherSentinal] = 1;
  return object;

 * The Birdwatcher is a higher order function that wraps a function or an object's functions with error handling
 * to allow better seperation of generic error handling from the specific implementation of a component.
 * If an error is raised by the method, it is caught and can be dealt with.
 * Based on the Exception handling pattern by Nicholas C. Zakas
 * @link
 * @example:
 *   As a decorator:
 *   import birdwatch from 'birdwatcher';
 *   @birdwatch('SomeComponent', {})
 *   class SomeComponent {
 *     ...
 *   }
 *   As a higher order function:
 *   import birdwatch from 'birdwatcher';
 *   export default birdwatch(SomeComponent,'SomeComponent')
 * @param  {Function} watchedComponent  The object to wrap
 * @param  {String} name  The name this object should be identified as (Should be used for all insatances of this object)
 * @param  {Object} configuration Configuration values to override the defaults for this specific component
 * @return {Function} The original Function wrapped in birdwatching composition, or the original object with it's property functions wrapped
export default function birdwatcher(watchedComponent, name = '', configuration = defaultConfiguration) {
  if (typeof name === 'object') {
    configuration = name;
    name = '';
  // merge custom configuration with default configuration
  let config = configuration;
  if (config && config !== defaultConfiguration) {
    if (typeof configuration !== 'object') {
      config = defaultConfiguration;
    } else {
      config = Object.assign({}, defaultConfiguration, configuration);

  let returnObject;
  if (typeof watchedComponent === 'object' || typeof watchedComponent === 'function') {
    if (typeof watchedComponent === 'function') {
      // If this is a function and not an object then the method doesn't actually have a name
      // If a name is specified as an argument then we can use that to identify the unnamed function

      // functions are wrapped, so we have a new funciton in memory to point to and return
      if (config.watchFunction) {
        // don't wrap a function unless watchFunction is True (which is the default)
        returnObject = createErrorClosure(null, name, '', watchedComponent, config, birdwatcher);
      } else {
        // return the original function. This is useful for when we're wrapping the child properties of this function
        // but not the actual function.
        returnObject = watchedComponent;
    } else {
      // objects aren't wrapped, but rather their properties are, so we return a new pointer 'returnObject' which
      // points to the same object in memory
      returnObject = watchedComponent;

    // watch props if config is true or is an object and not forcfully prevented by the config
    if (config.watchProperties === true || (config.watchProperties !== false && typeof watchedComponent === 'object')) {
      // Cycle through the object's properties and find the methods (functions)
      for (const prop in watchedComponent) {
        if (!config.watchDeep || watchedComponent.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
          if (isWatchablePropertyOfComponent(watchedComponent, prop)) {
             * Create a cloure which will be called instead of the existing method on the birdwatchered object.
             * Usually it will simply add a call for the method and return it's value, as usual.
             * This is a completly covert operation... the object being birdwatchered doesn't even know
             * it has a spy on its ass.
             * This is the Jason Bourne of functions (not to be confused with James Bond
             * who goes around telling everyone who he is and what his favorite drink is.
             * Worst. Spy. Ever.)
            returnObject[prop] = createErrorClosure(watchedComponent, name, prop, watchedComponent[prop], config, birdwatcher);

    return returnObject;
  return false;