

Test Coverage
tdns API
The :py:class:`Channel <tdns.Channel>` implements a Python class for interacting
with the `c-ares <>`_ API using native
`Tornado <>`_ asynchronous conventions. For example,
to query the MX records for google you could use the following snippet:

.. code:: python

    from tornado import gen, ioloop, web
    import tdns

    class RequestHandler(web.RequestHandler):

        def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
            channel = tdns.Channel(io_loop=ioloop.IOLoop.current())
            response = yield channel.query('', 'MX')

tnds is build on top of the excellent `pycares <>`_ library.

Ares Channel
.. autoclass:: tdns.Channel

Utility Functions
.. autofunction:: tdns.reverse_address