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package management

type Organization struct {
    // Organization identifier
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`

    // Name of this organization.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`

    // DisplayName of this organization.
    DisplayName *string `json:"display_name,omitempty"`

    // Branding defines how to style the login pages
    Branding *OrganizationBranding `json:"branding,omitempty"`

    // Metadata associated with the organization, in the form of an object with
    // string values (max 255 chars). Maximum of 10 metadata properties allowed.
    Metadata map[string]interface{} `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

type OrganizationBranding struct {
    // URL of logo to display on login page
    LogoURL *string `json:"logo_url,omitempty"`

    // Color scheme used to customize the login pages
    Colors map[string]interface{} `json:"colors,omitempty"`

type OrganizationMember struct {
    UserID  *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
    Picture *string `json:"picture,omitempty"`
    Name    *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    Email   *string `json:"email,omitempty"`

type OrganizationConnection struct {
    // ID of the connection.
    ConnectionID *string `json:"connection_id,omitempty"`

    // When true, all users that log in with this connection will be
    // automatically granted membership in the organization. When false, users
    // must be granted membership in the organization before logging in with
    // this connection.
    AssignMembershipOnLogin *bool `json:"assign_membership_on_login,omitempty"`

    // Connection details
    Connection *OrganizationConnectionDetails `json:"connection,omitempty"`

type OrganizationConnectionDetails struct {
    // The name of the enabled connection.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`

    // The strategy of the enabled connection.
    Strategy *string `json:"strategy,omitempty"`

type OrganizationInvitationInviter struct {
    // The inviter's name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`

type OrganizationInvitationInvitee struct {
    // The invitee's email.
    Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"`

type OrganizationInvitation struct {
    // The id of the user invitation.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`

    // Organization identifier
    OrganizationID *string `json:"organization_id,omitempty"`

    Inviter *OrganizationInvitationInviter `json:"inviter,omitempty"`

    Invitee *OrganizationInvitationInvitee `json:"invitee,omitempty"`

    // The invitation url to be send to the invitee.
    InvitationURL *string `json:"invitation_url,omitempty"`

    // The ISO 8601 formatted timestamp representing the creation time of the
    // invitation.
    CreatedAt *string `json:"created_at,omitempty"`

    // Number of seconds for which the invitation is valid before expiration. If
    // unspecified or set to 0, this value defaults to 604800 seconds (7 days).
    // Max value: 2592000 seconds (30 days).
    TTLSec *int `json:"ttl_sec,omitempty"`

    // The ISO 8601 formatted timestamp representing the expiration time of the
    // invitation.
    ExpiresAt *string `json:"expires_at,omitempty"`

    // Auth0 client ID. Used to resolve the application's login initiation
    // endpoint.
    ClientID *string `json:"client_id,omitempty"`

    // The id of the connection to force invitee to authenticate with.
    ConnectionID *string `json:"connection_id,omitempty"`

    // Data related to the user that does affect the application's core
    // functionality.
    AppMetadata map[string]interface{} `json:"app_metadata,omitempty"`

    // Data related to the user that does not affect the application's core
    // functionality.
    UserMetadata map[string]interface{} `json:"user_metadata,omitempty"`

    // List of roles IDs to associated with the user.
    Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`

    // The id of the invitation ticket
    TicketID *string `json:"ticket_id,omitempty"`

    // Whether the user will receive an invitation email (true) or no email
    // (false), true by default
    SendInvitationEmail *bool `json:"send_invitation_email,omitempty"`

type OrganizationMemberRole struct {
    // ID for this role.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`

    // Name of the role.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`

    // Description of the role.
    Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`

type OrganizationMemberRoleList struct {
    Roles []OrganizationMemberRole `json:"roles"`

type OrganizationInvitationList struct {
    OrganizationInvitations []*OrganizationInvitation `json:"invitations"`

type OrganizationConnectionList struct {
    OrganizationConnections []*OrganizationConnection `json:"enabled_connections"`

type OrganizationMemberList struct {
    Members []OrganizationMember `json:"members"`

type OrganizationList struct {
    Organizations []*Organization `json:"organizations"`

type OrganizationManager struct {

func newOrganizationManager(m *Management) *OrganizationManager {
    return &OrganizationManager{m}

// List available organizations
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_organizations
func (m *OrganizationManager) List(opts ...RequestOption) (o *OrganizationList, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations"), &o, applyListDefaults(opts))

// Create an Organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/post_organizations
func (m *OrganizationManager) Create(o *Organization, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    err = m.Request("POST", m.URI("organizations"), &o, opts...)

// Get a specific organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_organizations_by_id
func (m *OrganizationManager) Read(id string, opts ...RequestOption) (o *Organization, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations", id), &o, opts...)

// Delete a specific organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/delete_organizations_by_id
func (m *OrganizationManager) Delete(id string, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    err = m.Request("DELETE", m.URI("organizations", id), nil, opts...)

// Modify an organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/patch_organizations_by_id
func (m *OrganizationManager) Update(id string, o *Organization, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    err = m.Request("PATCH", m.URI("organizations", id), &o, opts...)

// Get a specific organization by name
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_name_by_name
func (m *OrganizationManager) ReadByName(name string, opts ...RequestOption) (o *Organization, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations", "name", name), &o, opts...)

// Get connections enabled for an organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_enabled_connections
func (m *OrganizationManager) Connections(id string, opts ...RequestOption) (c *OrganizationConnectionList, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations", id, "enabled_connections"), &c, applyListDefaults(opts))

// Add connections to an organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/post_enabled_connections
func (m *OrganizationManager) AddConnection(id string, c *OrganizationConnection, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    err = m.Request("POST", m.URI("organizations", id, "enabled_connections"), &c, opts...)

// Get an enabled connection for an organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_enabled_connections_by_connectionId
func (m *OrganizationManager) Connection(id string, connectionID string, opts ...RequestOption) (c *OrganizationConnection, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations", id, "enabled_connections", connectionID), &c, opts...)

// Delete connections from an organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/delete_enabled_connections_by_connectionId
func (m *OrganizationManager) DeleteConnection(id string, connectionID string, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    err = m.Request("DELETE", m.URI("organizations", id, "enabled_connections", connectionID), nil, opts...)

// Modify an enabled_connection belonging to an Organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/patch_enabled_connections_by_connectionId
func (m *OrganizationManager) UpdateConnection(id string, connectionID string, c *OrganizationConnection, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    err = m.Request("PATCH", m.URI("organizations", id, "enabled_connections", connectionID), &c, opts...)

// Get invitations to organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_invitations
func (m *OrganizationManager) Invitations(id string, opts ...RequestOption) (i *OrganizationInvitationList, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations", id, "invitations"), &i, applyListDefaults(opts))

// Create invitations to organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/post_invitations
func (m *OrganizationManager) CreateInvitation(id string, i *OrganizationInvitation, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    err = m.Request("POST", m.URI("organizations", id, "invitations"), &i, opts...)

// Get an invitation to organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_invitations_by_invitation_id
func (m *OrganizationManager) Invitation(id string, invitationID string, opts ...RequestOption) (i *OrganizationInvitation, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations", id, "invitations", invitationID), &i, opts...)

// Delete an invitation to organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/delete_invitations_by_invitation_id
func (m *OrganizationManager) DeleteInvitation(id string, invitationID string, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    err = m.Request("DELETE", m.URI("organizations", id, "invitations", invitationID), nil, opts...)

// List organization members
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_members
func (m *OrganizationManager) Members(id string, opts ...RequestOption) (o *OrganizationMemberList, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations", id, "members"), &o, applyListDefaults(opts))

// Add members to an organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/post_members
func (m *OrganizationManager) AddMembers(id string, memberIDs []string, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    body := struct {
        Members []string `json:"members"`
        Members: memberIDs,
    err = m.Request("POST", m.URI("organizations", id, "members"), &body, opts...)

// Delete members from an organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/delete_members
func (m *OrganizationManager) DeleteMember(id string, memberIDs []string, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    body := struct {
        Members []string `json:"members"`
        Members: memberIDs,
    err = m.Request("DELETE", m.URI("organizations", id, "members"), &body, opts...)

// Get the roles assigned to an organization member
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/get_organization_member_roles
func (m *OrganizationManager) MemberRoles(id string, memberID string, opts ...RequestOption) (r *OrganizationMemberRoleList, err error) {
    err = m.Request("GET", m.URI("organizations", id, "members", memberID, "roles"), &r, applyListDefaults(opts))

// Assign one or more roles to a given user that will be applied in the context of the provided organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/post_organization_member_roles
func (m *OrganizationManager) AssignMemberRoles(id string, memberID string, roles []string, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    body := struct {
        Roles []string `json:"roles"`
        Roles: roles,
    err = m.Request("POST", m.URI("organizations", id, "members", memberID, "roles"), &body, opts...)

// Remove one or more roles from a given user in the context of the provided organization
// See: https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2/#!/Organizations/delete_organization_member_roles
func (m *OrganizationManager) DeleteMemberRoles(id string, memberID string, roles []string, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) {
    body := struct {
        Roles []string `json:"roles"`
        Roles: roles,
    err = m.Request("DELETE", m.URI("organizations", id, "members", memberID, "roles"), &body, opts...)