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//Package dl implements loading shared libraries and binding functions

package dyl

import (

    int function(int);

    #define DEFINE_JUMPER(x) \
         void *_godl_##x = (void*)0; \
         __asm__(".global "#x"\n\t"#x":\n\tmovq _godl_"#x"(%rip),%rax\n\tjmp *%rax\n")

    import "C"

    import (

    func init() {
        if runtime.GOOS == "linux" && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64"{
            so := dl.Load(
        } else if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
            so := dl.Load(

    func main() {

Load finds and loads shared library. Can download library form the Internet if it's required
func Load(a ...interface{}) SO {
    so := SO{
        verbose: IfsOption(Verbose(func(text string, vl int) {
            if vl == 0 {
        }), a).(Verbose),
        onerror: IfsOption(OnError(func(err error) {
        }), a).(OnError),

    cached := ""

    for _, x := range a {
        switch q := x.(type) {
        case System, Custom:
            s := reflect.ValueOf(q).String()
            so.verbose(fmt.Sprintf("trying to load `%v`", s), 2)
            so.dlHandle, _ = loadLibrary(s)
            if so.dlHandle != 0 {
                return so
        case Cached:
            cached = expandCache(reflect.ValueOf(q).String())
            so.verbose(fmt.Sprintf("trying to load `%v`", cached), 2)
            so.dlHandle, _ = loadLibrary(cached)
            if so.dlHandle != 0 {
                return so

    if cached != "" {
        if preload(cached, a...) {
            so.verbose(fmt.Sprintf("trying to load `%v`", cached), 2)
            so.dlHandle, _ = loadLibrary(cached)
            if so.dlHandle != 0 {
                return so

    so.onerror(xerrors.Errorf("not found or failed to load dynamic library"))
    return SO{}

Bind binds the pointer to the shared library function
func (so SO) Bind(funcname string, ptrptr unsafe.Pointer) {
    if !so.Ok() {
        so.onerror(xerrors.Errorf("dynamic library object is not initialized"))
    so.verbose(fmt.Sprintf("binding SO.'%v' to *(%v)", funcname, ptrptr), 2)
    if err := bindFunction(so.dlHandle, funcname, ptrptr); err != nil {

Ok returns true if SO object is associated with a shared library
func (so SO) Ok() bool {
    return so.dlHandle != 0

SO object incapacitates shared library handle
type SO struct {
    dlHandle uintptr
    verbose  Verbose
    onerror  OnError

LzmaExternal specifies url to the LZMA2 compressed shared library
type LzmaExternal string

GzipExternal specifies url to the Gzip compressed shared library
type GzipExternal string

External specifies url to the uncompressed shared library
type External string

Verbose defines function to print information messages
type Verbose func(string, int)

OnError defines function for error processing
type OnError func(error)

Cached specifies cache file and enables loading file from the Internet
type Cached string

System specifies system shared dll
type System string

Custom specifies full path to load specific shared library
type Custom string

Preload loads shared library from the Internet
func (c Custom) Preload(a ...interface{}) {
    preload(string(c), a...)

Preload loads shared library from the Internet
func (c Cached) Preload(a ...interface{}) {
    preload(expandCache(string(c)), a...)

func preload(sopath string, a ...interface{}) (ok bool) {
    verbose := IfsOption(Verbose(func(text string, vl int) {
        if vl == 0 {
    }), a).(Verbose)
    onerror := IfsOption(OnError(func(err error) {
    }), a).(OnError)

    external, zt := StrMultiOption(a, External(""), GzipExternal(""), LzmaExternal(""))
    if external != "" {

        bf := bytes.Buffer{}

        verbose(fmt.Sprintf("downloading `%v`", external), 1)
        if resp, err := http.Get(external); err == nil {
            defer resp.Body.Close()
            if _, err = io.Copy(&bf, resp.Body); err == nil {
                if zt > 0 { // compressed
                    bx := bf
                    bf = bytes.Buffer{}
                    switch zt {
                    case 1: // GzipExternal
                        verbose("unpacking gzip", 2)
                        var z io.ReadCloser
                        if z, err = gzip.NewReader(&bx); err == nil {
                            defer z.Close()
                            _, err = io.Copy(&bf, z)
                    case 2: // LzmaExternal
                        verbose("unpacking lzma", 2)
                        var z io.Reader
                        if z, err = xz.NewReader(&bx); err == nil {
                            _, err = io.Copy(&bf, z)
                        //    panic("unknown compression")
                if err == nil {
                    verbose(fmt.Sprintf("caching as `%v`", sopath), 2)
                    _ = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(sopath), 0755)
                    err = ioutil.WriteFile(sopath, bf.Bytes(), 0644)
            if err != nil {
        ok = true

Remove removes cached file
func (c Cached) Remove() (err error) {
    s := expandCache(string(c))
    _, err = os.Stat(s)
    if err == nil {
        return os.Remove(s)
    return nil