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Test Coverage
package mx

import (

type NDArray struct {
    ctx    Context
    dim    Dimension
    dtype  Dtype
    handle capi.NDArrayHandle

func release(a *NDArray) {
    if a != nil {
        a.handle = nil

func (a *NDArray) Release() {

func Array(tp Dtype, d Dimension) *NDArray {
    return CPU.Array(tp, d)

func (c Context) Array(tp Dtype, d Dimension, vals ...interface{}) *NDArray {
    if !d.Good() {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create array %v%v: bad dimension", tp.String(), d.String()))
    a := &NDArray{ctx: c, dim: d, dtype: tp}
    a.handle = capi.NewNDArrayHandle(c.DevType(), c.DevNo(), int(tp), d.Shape, d.Len)
    if len(vals) > 0 {
    runtime.SetFinalizer(a, release)
    return a

func (c Context) CopyAs(a *NDArray, dtype Dtype) *NDArray {
    if a == nil || a.handle == nil {
        panic("can't copy broken array")
    b := c.Array(dtype, a.dim)
    capi.ImperativeInvokeInOut1(capi.OpCopyTo, a.handle, b.handle)
    return b

func (a *NDArray) NewLikeThis() *NDArray {
    return a.ctx.Array(a.dtype, a.dim)

func (a *NDArray) Context() Context {
    return a.ctx

func (a *NDArray) Dtype() Dtype {
    return a.dtype

func (a *NDArray) Dim() Dimension {
    return a.dim

func (a *NDArray) Cast(dt Dtype) *NDArray {
    return nil

func (a *NDArray) Reshape(dim Dimension) *NDArray {
    return nil

func (a *NDArray) String() string {
    return ""

func (a *NDArray) Depth() int {
    return a.dim.Len

func (a *NDArray) Len(d int) int {
    if d < 0 || d >= 3 {
        return 0
    if a.dim.Len <= d {
        return 1
    return a.dim.Shape[d]

func (a *NDArray) Size() int {
    return a.dim.SizeOf(a.dtype)

var typemap = map[Dtype]reflect.Type{
    Float64: reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)),
    Float32: reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)),
    Int8:    reflect.TypeOf(int8(0)),
    Uint8:   reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0)),
    Int32:   reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)),
    Int64:   reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)),

var rtypemap = map[reflect.Type]Dtype{
    reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)): Float64,
    reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)): Float32,
    reflect.TypeOf(int8(0)):    Int8,
    reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0)):   Uint8,
    reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)):   Int32,
    reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)):   Int64,

func copyTo(s reflect.Value, n int, v0 reflect.Value, dt reflect.Type) int {
    if v0.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
        v0 = v0.Elem()
    if v0.Kind() == reflect.Slice || v0.Kind() == reflect.Array {
        if v0.Type() == reflect.SliceOf(dt) && s.Len()-n >= v0.Len() {
            n += reflect.Copy(s.Slice(n, s.Len()), v0)
        } else {
            for i := 0; i < v0.Len(); i++ {
                n = copyTo(s, n, v0.Index(i), dt)
    } else {
        switch v0.Kind() {
        case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Uint16,
            reflect.Int32, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint64,
            reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
            if s.Len() <= n {
                panic("too many elements to copy")
            panic("can't initialize with non numeric type " + v0.Type().String())
    return n

func (a *NDArray) SetValues(vals ...interface{}) {
    if a == nil || a.handle == nil {
        panic("can't initialize broken array")

    if a.dtype == Float16 {
        q := CPU.CopyAs(a, Float32)
        defer q.Release()
        capi.ImperativeInvokeInOut1(capi.OpCopyTo, q.handle, a.handle)

    dt, ok := typemap[a.dtype]
    if !ok {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("initialization with dtype %v is unsupportd", a.dtype))

    s := reflect.ValueOf(vals[0])

    if len(vals) != 1 || s.Type() != reflect.SliceOf(dt) || s.Len() != a.dim.Total() {
        s = reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(dt), a.dim.Total(), a.dim.Total())
        n := copyTo(s, 0, reflect.ValueOf(vals), dt)
        if n != a.dim.Total() {
            panic("not enough elements to set value")

    capi.SetNDArrayRawData(a.handle, unsafe.Pointer(s.Index(0).UnsafeAddr()), a.dim.Total())

func (a *NDArray) Raw() []byte {
    ln := a.dim.Total()
    bs := make([]byte, ln)
    capi.GetNDArrayRawData(a.handle, unsafe.Pointer(&bs[0]), ln)
    return bs

func (a *NDArray) Values(dtype Dtype) interface{} {
    if dtype == Float16 {
        panic("can't gate values in Float16 format")
    q := a
    ln := q.dim.Total()
    if q.dtype != dtype {
        q = CPU.CopyAs(q, dtype)
        defer q.Release()
    vals := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(typemap[dtype]), ln, ln)
    capi.GetNDArrayRawData(q.handle, unsafe.Pointer(vals.Index(0).UnsafeAddr()), ln)
    return vals.Interface()

func (a *NDArray) ValuesF32() []float32 {
    return a.Values(Float32).([]float32)

func (a *NDArray) CopyValuesTo(dst interface{}) {
    q := a
    ln := q.dim.Total()
    s := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
    t, ok := rtypemap[s.Index(0).Type()]
    if !ok {
        panic("invalid destination type " + s.Type().String())

    if q.dtype != t {
        q = CPU.CopyAs(q, t)
        defer q.Release()
    capi.GetNDArrayRawData(q.handle, unsafe.Pointer(s.Index(0).UnsafeAddr()), ln)

func (a *NDArray) ReCopyValuesTo(dst interface{}) {
    q := a
    ln := q.dim.Total()
    s := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
    t, ok := rtypemap[s.Index(0).Type()]
    if !ok {
        panic("invalid destination type " + s.Type().String())

    q = CPU.CopyAs(q, t)
    defer q.Release()

    capi.GetNDArrayRawData(q.handle, unsafe.Pointer(s.Index(0).UnsafeAddr()), ln)