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Test Coverage
{{ urlParse "https://example.com" | urlJoin }}
{{ urlParse "https://example.com/path" | urlJoin }}
{{ urlParse "https://user:pass@example.com/path?query=1" | urlJoin }}
{{sha1sum ""}}
{{sha1sum "a"}}
{{sha1sum "hello world"}}
{{sha256sum ""}}
{{sha256sum "a"}}
{{sha256sum "hello world"}}
{{adler32sum ""}}
{{adler32sum "a"}}
{{adler32sum "hello world"}}
{{$v := int .string }}{{kindOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := int .float }}{{kindOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := int .bool }}{{kindOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := int64 .string }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := int64 .float }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := int64 .int }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := int64 .bool }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := float64 .string }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := float64 .float }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := float64 .int }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := float64 .bool }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toDecimal .string }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toDecimal .float }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toDecimal .int }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toDecimal .bool }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toString .string }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toString .int }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toString .float }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toString .bool }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toString .array }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toString .time }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toString .duration }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toString .object }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{$v := toDate "2006-01-02" (.time | toString) }}{{typeOf $v}}-{{$v}}
{{ "" | b64enc }}
{{ "Hello World" | b64enc }}
{{ "=" | b64enc }}
{{ "" | b64dec }}
{{ "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ" | b64dec }}
{{ "" | b32enc }}
{{ "Hello World" | b32enc }}
{{ "" | b32dec }}
{{ "JBSWY3DPEBLW64TMMQ======" | b32dec }}
{{ "JBSWY3DPEBLW64TMMQ" | b32dec }}
{{ "" | fromJson }}
{{ .json | fromJson }}
{{ (.json | fromJson).foo }}
{{ "" | toJson }}
{{ .object | toJson }}
{{ "" | toPrettyJson }}
{{ .object | toPrettyJson }}
{{ "" | toRawJson }}
{{ .object | toRawJson }}
{{ .json | mustFromJson }}
{{ .object | mustToJson }}
{{ .object | mustToPrettyJson }}
{{ .object | mustToRawJson }}
{{ env "" }}
{{ env "__SPROUT_TEST_ENV_KEY" }}
{{ "__SPROUT_TEST_ENV_KEY" | env }}
{{ expandenv "" }}
{{ expandenv "Hey" }}
{{ expandenv "$NON_EXISTENT_ENV_VAR" }}
{{ expandenv "Hey $__SPROUT_TEST_ENV_KEY" }}
{{ "Hey $__SPROUT_TEST_ENV_KEY" | expandenv }}
{{ base "" }}
{{ base "/" }}
{{ base "/path/to/file" }}
{{ base "/path/to/file.txt" }}
{{ "/path/to/file.txt" | base }}
{{ dir "" }}
{{ dir "/" }}
{{ dir "/path/to/file" }}
{{ dir "/path/to/file.txt" }}
{{ "/path/to/file.txt" | dir }}
{{ ext "" }}
{{ ext "/" }}
{{ ext "/path/to/file" }}
{{ ext "/path/to/file.txt" }}
{{ "/path/to/file.txt" | ext }}
{{ clean "" }}
{{ clean "/" }}
{{ clean "/path/to/file" }}
{{ clean "/path/to/file.txt" }}
{{ "/path/to/file.txt" | clean }}
{{ clean "/path//to/file" }}
{{ clean "/path/./to/file" }}
{{ clean "/path/../to/file" }}
{{ isAbs "" }}
{{ isAbs "/" }}
{{ isAbs "path/to/file" }}
{{ isAbs "/path/to/file.txt" }}
{{ "file.txt" | isAbs }}
{{ floor 1.5 }}
{{ floor 1 }}
{{ floor -1.5 }}
{{ floor -1 }}
{{ floor 0 }}
{{ floor 123 }}
{{ floor "123" }}
{{ floor 123.9999 }}
{{ floor 123.0001 }}
{{ ceil 1.5 }}
{{ ceil 1 }}
{{ ceil -1.5 }}
{{ ceil -1 }}
{{ ceil 0 }}
{{ ceil 123 }}
{{ ceil "123" }}
{{ ceil 123.9999 }}
{{ ceil 123.0001 }}
{{ round 3.746 2 }}
{{ round 3.746 2 0.5 }}
{{ round 123.5555 3 }}
{{ round "123.5555" 3 }}
{{ round 123.500001 0 }}
{{ round 123.49999999 0 }}
{{ round 123.2329999 2 .3 }}
{{ round 123.233 2 .3 }}
{{ add }}
{{ add 1 }}
{{ add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 }}
{{ 10.1 | add 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 }}
{{ addf }}
{{ addf 1 }}
{{ addf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 }}
{{ 10.1 | addf 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 }}
{{ add1 -1 }}
{{ add1f -1.0}}
{{ add1 1 }}
{{ add1 1.1 }}
{{ add1f -1 }}
{{ add1f -1.0}}
{{ add1f 1 }}
{{ add1f 1.1 }}
{{ sub 1 1 }}
{{ sub 1 2 }}
{{ sub 1.1 1.1 }}
{{ sub 1.1 2.2 }}
{{ 3 | sub 14 }}
{{ subf 1.1 1.1 }}
{{ subf 1.1 2.2 }}
{{ round (3 | subf 4.5 1) 1 }}
{{ mul 1 1 }}
{{ mul 1 2 }}
{{ mul 1.1 1.1 }}
{{ mul 1.1 2.2 }}
{{ 3 | mul 14 }}
{{ round (mulf 1.1 1.1) 2 }}
{{ round (mulf 1.1 2.2) 2 }}
{{ round (3.3 | mulf 14.4) 2 }}
{{ div 1 1 }}
{{ div 1 2 }}
{{ div 1.1 1.1 }}
{{ div 1.1 2.2 }}
{{ 4 | div 5 }}
{{ round (divf 1.1 1.1) 2 }}
{{ round (divf 1.1 2.2) 2 }}
{{ 2 | divf 5 4 }}
{{ mod 10 4 }}
{{ mod 10 3 }}
{{ mod 10 2 }}
{{ mod 10 1 }}
{{ min 1 }}
{{ min 1 "1" }}
{{ min -1 0 1 }}
{{ min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 }}
{{ minf 1 }}
{{ minf 1 "1.1" }}
{{ minf -1.4 .0 2.1 }}
{{ minf .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10}}
{{ max 1 }}
{{ max 1 "1" }}
{{ max -1 0 1 }}
{{ max 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 }}
{{ maxf 1 }}
{{ maxf 1.0 "1.1" }}
{{ maxf -1.5 0 1.4 }}
{{ maxf .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 }}
{{typeIs "int" 42}}
{{42 | typeIs "string"}}
{{$var := 42}}{{typeIs "string" $var}}
{{.object | typeIs "*reflect_test.testStruct"}}
{{typeIsLike "int" 42}}
{{42 | typeIsLike "string"}}
{{$var := 42}}{{typeIsLike "string" $var}}
{{.object | typeIsLike "*reflect_test.testStruct"}}
{{.object | typeIsLike "reflect_test.testStruct"}}
{{typeOf 42}}
{{typeOf "42"}}
{{$var := 42}}{{typeOf $var}}
{{typeOf .object}}
{{kindIs "int" 42}}
{{42 | kindIs "string"}}
{{$var := 42}}{{kindIs "string" $var}}
{{.object | kindIs "ptr"}}
{{kindOf 42}}
{{kindOf "42"}}
{{kindOf .object}}
{{$var := 42}}{{kindOf $var}}
{{kindOf .object}}
{{kindOf .object}}
{{deepEqual 42 42}}
{{deepEqual "42" "42"}}
{{deepEqual .object .object}}
{{$a := 42}}{{$b := 42}}{{deepEqual $a $b}}
{{deepEqual 42 32}}
{{deepEqual 42 "42"}}
{{$a := 42}}{{$b := deepCopy $a}}{{$b}}
{{$a := "42"}}{{$b := deepCopy $a}}{{$b}}
{{$a := .object}}{{$b := deepCopy $a}}{{$b}}
{{$a := .object}}{{$b := deepCopy $a}}{{$b}}
{{$a := .object}}{{$b := deepCopy $a}}{{$b}}
{{$a := 42}}{{$b := deepCopy $a}}{{$b}}
{{$a := 42}}{{$b := deepCopy "42"}}{{$b}}
{{$a := 42}}{{$b := deepCopy 42.0}}{{$b}}
{{$b := deepCopy .object}}
{{- $d := dict "a" 1 "b" 2 | deepCopy }}{{ values $d | sortAlpha | join "," }}
{{- $d := dict "a" 1 "b" 2 | deepCopy }}{{ keys $d | sortAlpha | join "," }}
{{- $one := dict "foo" (dict "bar" "baz") "qux" true -}}{{ deepCopy $one }}
{{ regexFind "a(b+)" "aaabbb" }}
{{ regexFindAll "a(b+)" "aaabbb" -1 }}
{{ regexFindAll "a{2}" "aaaabbb" -1 }}
{{ regexFindAll "a{2}" "none" -1 }}
{{ regexMatch "^[a-zA-Z]+$" "Hello" }}
{{ regexMatch "^[a-zA-Z]+$" "Hello123" }}
{{ regexMatch "^[a-zA-Z]+$" "123" }}
{{ regexSplit "a" "banana" -1 }}
{{ regexSplit "a" "banana" 0 }}
{{ regexSplit "a" "banana" 1 }}
{{ regexSplit "a" "banana" 2 }}
{{ regexSplit "a+" "banana" 1 }}
{{ regexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "T" }}
{{ regexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "$1" }}
{{ regexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "$1W" }}
{{ regexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "${1}W" }}
{{ regexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "T" }}
{{ regexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "$1" }}
{{ regexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "$1W" }}
{{ regexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "${1}W" }}
{{ regexQuoteMeta "Escaping $100? That's a lot." }}
{{ regexQuoteMeta "1.2.3" }}
{{ regexQuoteMeta "golang" }}
{{ mustRegexFind "a(b+)" "aaabbb" }}
{{ mustRegexFindAll "a(b+)" "aaabbb" -1 }}
{{ mustRegexFindAll "a{2}" "aaaabbb" -1 }}
{{ mustRegexFindAll "a{2}" "none" -1 }}
{{ mustRegexMatch "^[a-zA-Z]+$" "Hello" }}
{{ mustRegexMatch "^[a-zA-Z]+$" "Hello123" }}
{{ mustRegexMatch "^[a-zA-Z]+$" "123" }}
{{ mustRegexSplit "a" "banana" -1 }}
{{ mustRegexSplit "a" "banana" 0 }}
{{ mustRegexSplit "a" "banana" 1 }}
{{ mustRegexSplit "a" "banana" 2 }}
{{ mustRegexSplit "a+" "banana" 1 }}
{{ mustRegexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "T" }}
{{ mustRegexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "$1" }}
{{ mustRegexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "$1W" }}
{{ mustRegexReplaceAll "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "${1}W" }}
{{ mustRegexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "T" }}
{{ mustRegexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "$1" }}
{{ mustRegexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "$1W" }}
{{ mustRegexReplaceAllLiteral "a(x*)b" "-ab-axxb-" "${1}W" }}
{{ semver "1.0.0" }}
{{ semver "1.0.0-alpha" }}
{{ semver "1.0.0-alpha.1" }}
{{ semver "1.0.0-alpha.1+build" }}
{{ semverCompare "1.0.0" "1.0.0" }}
{{ semverCompare "1.0.0" "1.0.1" }}
{{ semverCompare "1.0.1" "1.0.0" }}
{{ semverCompare "~1.0.0" "1.0.0" }}
{{ semverCompare ">=1.0.0" "1.0.0-alpha" }}
{{ semverCompare ">1.0.0-alpha" "1.0.0-alpha.1" }}
{{ semverCompare "1.0.0-alpha.1" "1.0.0-alpha" }}
{{ semverCompare "1.0.0-alpha.1" "1.0.0-alpha.1" }}
{{ list }}
{{ .string | list "ab" true 4 5 }}
{{ append .array "a" }}
{{ prepend .array "a" }}
{{ concat .array (list 1 2 3) }}
{{ list 4 5 | concat (list 1 2 3) }}
{{ chunk 2 .array }}
{{ uniq .array }}
{{ compact .array }}
{{ list 1 0 "" "hello" | compact }}
{{ list "" "" | compact }}
{{ list | compact }}
{{ slice .array }}
{{ slice .array 1 }}
{{ slice .array 1 3 }}
{{ slice .array 0 1 }}
{{ .array | has "foo" }}
{{ .array | has "a" }}
{{ .array | has 1 }}
{{ .array | has .nil }}
{{ .array | has "nope" }}
{{ without .array "a" }}
{{ rest .array }}
{{ initial .array }}
{{ first .array }}
{{ last .array }}
{{ reverse .array }}
{{ sortAlpha .array }}
{{ .arrayCommas | splitList "," }}
{{ toStrings .arrayCommas }}
{{range $i, $e := until 5}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{range $i, $e := until -5}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{range $i, $e := untilStep 0 5 1}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{range $i, $e := untilStep 3 6 1}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{range $i, $e := untilStep 0 -10 -2}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{range $i, $e := untilStep 3 0 1}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{range $i, $e := untilStep 3 99 0}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{range $i, $e := untilStep 3 99 -1}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{range $i, $e := untilStep 3 0 0}}({{$i}}{{$e}}){{end}}
{{ mustAppend .array "a" }}
{{ mustPrepend .array "a" }}
{{ mustChunk 2 .array }}
{{ mustUniq .array }}
{{ mustCompact .array }}
{{ mustSlice .array }}
{{ mustSlice .array 1 }}
{{ mustSlice .array 1 3 }}
{{ mustSlice .array 0 1 }}
{{ .array | mustHas "foo" }}
{{ .array | mustHas "a" }}
{{ .array | mustHas 1 }}
{{ .array | mustHas .Nil }}
{{ .array | mustHas "nope" }}
{{ .array | mustHas 1 }}
{{ mustWithout .array "a" }}
{{ mustRest .array }}
{{ mustInitial .array }}
{{ mustFirst .array }}
{{ mustLast .array }}
{{ mustReverse .array }}
{{default "default" ""}}
{{default "default" "given"}}
{{default "default" 42}}
{{default "default" 2.42}}
{{default "default" true}}
{{default "default" false}}
{{default "default" nil}}
{{default "default" .nil}}
{{"first" | default "default" "second"}}
{{if empty ""}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty "given"}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty 42}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty .int}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty .string}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty 2.42}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty true}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty false}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty nil}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if empty .nil}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if all ""}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if all "given"}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if all 42 0 1}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{ $two := 2 }}{{if all "" 0 nil $two }}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{ $two := 2 }}{{if all "" $two 0 0 0 }}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{ $two := 2 }}{{if all "" $two 3 4 5 }}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if all }}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if any ""}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if any "given"}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if any 42 0 1}}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{ $two := 2 }}{{if any "" 0 nil $two }}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{ $two := 2 }}{{if any "" $two 3 4 5 }}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{ $zero := 0 }}{{if any "" $zero 0 0 0 }}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{if any }}1{{else}}0{{end}}
{{coalesce ""}}
{{coalesce "given"}}
{{ coalesce "" 0 nil 42 }}
{{ $two := 2 }}{{ coalesce "" 0 nil $two }}
{{ $two := 2 }}{{ coalesce "" $two 0 0 0 }}
{{ $two := 2 }}{{ coalesce "" $two 3 4 5 }}
{{ coalesce }}
{{true | ternary "foo" "bar"}}
{{ternary "foo" "bar" true}}
{{false | ternary "foo" "bar"}}
{{ternary "foo" "bar" false}}
{{cat ""}}
{{cat "given"}}
{{cat 42}}
{{cat 2.42}}
{{cat true}}
{{cat false}}
{{cat nil}}
{{cat .nil}}
{{cat "first" "second"}}
{{"first" | cat "second"}}
{{$b := "b"}}{{"c" | cat "a" $b}}
{{.string | cat "a" "b"}}
{{ "" | nospace }}
{{ " " | nospace }}
{{ " foo" | nospace }}
{{ "foo " | nospace }}
{{ " foo " | nospace }}
{{ " foo bar " | nospace }}
{{ "" | trim }}
{{ " " | trim }}
{{ " foo" | trim }}
{{ "foo " | trim }}
{{ " foo " | trim }}
{{ " foo bar " | trim }}
{{ "" | trimAll "-" }}
{{ "---------" | trimAll "-" }}
{{ "foo" | trimAll "-" }}
{{ "-f--o-o-" | trimAll "-" }}
{{ "-f--o-o-" | trimAll "-o" }}
{{ "" | trimPrefix "-" }}
{{ "--" | trimPrefix "-" }}
{{ "foo" | trimPrefix "-" }}
{{ "-foo-" | trimPrefix "-" }}
{{ "-foo-" | trimPrefix "-f" }}
{{ "" | trimSuffix "-" }}
{{ "--" | trimSuffix "-" }}
{{ "foo" | trimSuffix "-" }}
{{ "-foo-" | trimSuffix "-" }}
{{ "-foo-" | trimSuffix "o-" }}
{{ "" | contains "-" }}
{{ "foo" | contains "o" }}
{{ "foo" | contains "x" }}
{{ "" | hasPrefix "-" }}
{{ "foo" | hasPrefix "f" }}
{{ "foo" | hasPrefix "o" }}
{{ "" | hasSuffix "-" }}
{{ "foo" | hasSuffix "o" }}
{{ "foo" | hasSuffix "f" }}
{{ "" | lower }}
{{ "foo" | lower }}
{{ "FOO" | lower }}
{{ "" | upper }}
{{ "foo" | upper }}
{{ "FOO" | upper }}
{{ "" | replace "-" "x" }}
{{ "foo" | replace "o" "x" }}
{{ "foo" | replace "x" "y" }}
{{ "foo" | replace "o" "x" | replace "f" "y" }}
{{ "" | repeat 3 }}
{{ "foo" | repeat 3 }}
{{ "foo" | repeat 0 }}
{{ .nil | join "-" }}
{{ .test | join "-" }}
{{ .test | join "-" }}
{{ .test | join "-" }}
{{ .test | join "-" }}
{{ "" | trunc 3 }}
{{ "foooooo" | trunc 3 }}
{{ "foobar" | trunc -3 }}
{{ "foobar" | trunc -999 }}
{{ "foobar" | trunc 0 }}
{{ "" | abbrev 3 }}
{{ "foo" | abbrev 5 }}
{{ "foooooo" | abbrev 6 }}
{{ "foobar" | abbrev 0 }}
{{ "" | abbrevboth 3 5 }}
{{ "foo" | abbrevboth 5 4 }}
{{ "foooboooooo" | abbrevboth 4 9 }}
{{ "foobar" | abbrevboth 0 0 }}
{{ "" | initials }}
{{ "f" | initials }}
{{ "foo" | initials }}
{{ "foo bar" | initials }}
{{ "foo  bar" | initials }}
{{ " Foo bar" | initials }}
{{ 0 | plural "single" "many" }}
{{ 1 | plural "single" "many" }}
{{ 2 | plural "single" "many" }}
{{ -1 | plural "single" "many" }}
{{ "" | wrap 10 }}
{{ wrap -1 "With a negative wrap." }}
{{ "This is a long string that needs to be wrapped." | wrap 10 }}
{{ "" | wrapWith 10 "\t" }}
{{ "This is a long string that needs to be wrapped." | wrapWith 10 "\t" }}
{{ "This is a long string that needs to be wrapped with a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong word." | wrapWith 10 "\t" }}
{{ "" | quote }}
{{ quote .nil }}
{{ "foo" | quote }}
{{ "foo bar" | quote }}
{{ "foo \"bar\"" | quote }}
{{ "foo\nbar" | quote }}
{{ "foo\\bar" | quote }}
{{ "foo\\\"bar" | quote }}
{{ quote "foo" "👍" }}
{{ "" | squote }}
{{ squote .nil }}
{{ "foo" | squote }}
{{ "foo bar" | squote }}
{{ "foo 'bar'" | squote }}
{{ "foo\nbar" | squote }}
{{ "foo\\bar" | squote }}
{{ "foo\\'bar" | squote }}
{{ squote "foo" "👍" }}
{{ "" | camelcase }}
{{ "foo bar" | camelcase }}
{{ "FoO  bar" | camelcase }}
{{ "foo  bar" | camelcase }}
{{ "foo_bar" | camelcase }}
{{ "foo-bar" | camelcase }}
{{ "foo-bar_baz" | camelcase }}
{{ camelcase "___complex__case_" }}
{{ camelcase "_camel_case" }}
{{ camelcase "http_server" }}
{{ camelcase "no_https" }}
{{ camelcase "all" }}
{{ "" | kebabcase }}
{{ "foo bar" | kebabcase }}
{{ "foo  bar" | kebabcase }}
{{ "foo_bar" | kebabcase }}
{{ "foo-bar" | kebabcase }}
{{ "foo-bar_baz" | kebabcase }}
{{ kebabcase "HTTPServer" }}
{{ kebabcase "FirstName" }}
{{ kebabcase "NoHTTPS" }}
{{ kebabcase "GO_PATH" }}
{{ kebabcase "GO PATH" }}
{{ kebabcase "GO-PATH" }}
{{ "" | snakecase }}
{{ "foo bar" | snakecase }}
{{ "foo  bar" | snakecase }}
{{ "foo_bar" | snakecase }}
{{ "foo-bar" | snakecase }}
{{ "foo-bar_baz" | snakecase }}
{{ snakecase "http2xx" }}
{{ snakecase "HTTP20xOK" }}
{{ snakecase "Duration2m3s" }}
{{ snakecase "Bld4Floor3rd" }}
{{ snakecase "FirstName" }}
{{ snakecase "HTTPServer" }}
{{ snakecase "NoHTTPS" }}
{{ snakecase "GO_PATH" }}
{{ snakecase "GO PATH" }}
{{ snakecase "GO-PATH" }}
{{ "" | title }}
{{ "foo bar" | title }}
{{ "foo  bar" | title }}
{{ "foo_bar" | title }}
{{ "foo-bar" | title }}
{{ "foo-bar_baz" | title }}
{{ "" | untitle }}
{{ "Foo Bar" | untitle }}
{{ "Foo  Bar" | untitle }}
{{ "Foo_bar" | untitle }}
{{ "Foo-Bar" | untitle }}
{{ "Foo-Bar_baz" | untitle }}
{{ "" | swapcase }}
{{ "Foo Bar" | swapcase }}
{{ "Foo  Bar" | swapcase }}
{{ "Foo_bar" | swapcase }}
{{ "Foo-Bar" | swapcase }}
{{ "Foo-Bar_baz" | swapcase }}
{{ $v := ("" | split "-") }}{{$v._0}}
{{ $v := ("foo$bar$baz" | split "$") }}{{$v._0}} {{$v._1}} {{$v._2}}
{{ $v := ("foo$bar$" | split "$") }}{{$v._0}} {{$v._1}} {{$v._2}}
{{ $v := ("" | splitn "-" 3) }}{{$v._0}}
{{ $v := ("foo$bar$baz" | splitn "$" 2) }}{{$v._0}} {{$v._1}}
{{ $v := ("foo$bar$" | splitn "$" 2) }}{{$v._0}} {{$v._1}}
{{ "" | substr 0 3 }}
{{ "foobar" | substr 0 3 }}
{{ "foobar" | substr 0 -3 }}
{{ "foobar" | substr -3 6 }}
{{ "" | indent 3 }}
{{ "foo\nbar" | indent 3 }}
{{ "foo\n bar" | indent 3 }}
{{ "foo\n\tbar" | indent 3 }}
{{ "" | nindent 3 }}
{{ "foo\nbar" | nindent 3 }}
{{ "foo\n bar" | nindent 3 }}
{{ "foo\n\tbar" | nindent 3 }}
{{ seq 0 1 3 }}
{{ seq 0 3 10 }}
{{ seq 3 3 2 }}
{{ seq 3 -3 2 }}
{{ seq }}
{{ seq 0 4 }}
{{ seq 5 }}
{{ seq -5 }}
{{ seq 0 }}
{{ seq 0 1 2 3 }}
{{ seq 0 -4 }}
{{ .data265 | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .data266 | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .data267 | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .data268 | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ dateInZone "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" .data269 "UTC" }}
{{ dateInZone "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" .data270 "UTC" }}
{{ dateInZone "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" .data271 "UTC" }}
{{ dateInZone "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" .data272 "UTC" }}
{{ dateInZone "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" .data273 "UTC" }}
{{ dateInZone "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" .data274 "UTC" }}
{{ dateInZone "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" .data275 "invalid" }}
{{ .duration | duration }}
{{ .time | ago | substr 0 5 }}
{{ now | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | unixEpoch }}
{{ .time | dateModify "1h" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | dateModify "+1h" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | dateModify "-1h" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | dateModify "10m" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | dateModify "-10s" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | dateModify "zz" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .duration | durationRound }}
{{ .time | htmlDate }}
{{ htmlDateInZone .time "UTC" }}
{{ .time | mustDateModify "1h" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | mustDateModify "+1h" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | mustDateModify "-1h" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | mustDateModify "10m" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}
{{ .time | mustDateModify "-10s" | date "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" }}