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// This package are used to store all helpers functions used to validate and log
// deprecated functions and signatures in the project codebase. This is really
// useful to ensure no breaking changes are introduced from the migration of
// Sprig to Sprout.
// This package will be removed when no deprecated functions are left in the
// project codebase (scheduled for v1.1).
package deprecated

import (

// SignatureWarn logs a warning message about a deprecated function signature.
// Parameters:
//    l *slog.Logger - the logger to use.
//    functionName string - the name of the function.
//    oldSign string - the old signature of the function.
//    newSign string - the new signature of the function.
// Example:
//    deprecated.SignatureWarn(l, "get", "{{ get dict key }}", "{{ dict | get key }}")
func SignatureWarn(l *slog.Logger, functionName, oldSign, newSign string) {
    msg := fmt.Sprintf("The signature of `%s` has changed from `%s` to `%s`, please update your code before next upgrade. This change will simplify the usage of the function and respect go/template conventions and allow usage of pipe (`|`).", functionName, oldSign, newSign)

    l.With("function", functionName, "notice", "deprecated").Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Template function `%s` is deprecated: %s", functionName, msg))

// ErrArgsCount returns an error message about the number of arguments expected and received.
// Parameters:
//    expected int - the number of arguments expected.
//    got int - the number of arguments received.
// Returns:
//    error - the error message.
// Example:
//    deprecated.ErrArgsCount(2, 3) // Output: "expected 2 arguments, got 3"
func ErrArgsCount(expected, got int) error {
    return fmt.Errorf("expected %d arguments, got %d", expected, got)