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Test Coverage
package sprout

import (


// NoticeKind represents the type of notice that can be applied to a function.
// It is an enumeration with different possible values that dictate how the
// notice should behave.
type NoticeKind int

type FunctionNotice struct {
    // FunctionNames is a list of function names to which the notice should be
    // applied. The function names are case-sensitive.
    FunctionNames []string

    // Kind is the kind of the notice
    Kind NoticeKind

    // Message is the message of the notice
    Message string

const (
    // NoticeKindDeprecated indicates that the function is deprecated.
    NoticeKindDeprecated NoticeKind = iota + 1
    // NoticeKindInfo indicates that the notice is informational.
    // NoticeKindDebug indicates that the notice is for debugging purposes.
    // When using this kind, the notice message can contain the "$out" placeholder
    // which will be replaced with the output of the function.

// NewNotice creates a new function notice with the given function names, kind,
// and message. The function names are case-sensitive. The kind should be one of
// the predefined NoticeKind values. The message is a string that describes the
// notice.
// Example:
//    notice := NewNotice(NoticeKindDeprecated, []string{"myFunc"}, "please use myNewFunc instead")
// This example creates a new notice that indicates the function "myFunc" is
// deprecated and should be replaced with "myNewFunc" during template rendering.
func NewNotice(kind NoticeKind, functionNames []string, message string) *FunctionNotice {
    return &FunctionNotice{
        FunctionNames: functionNames,
        Kind:          kind,
        Message:       message,

// NewDeprecatedNotice creates a new deprecated function notice with the given
// function name and message. The function name is case-sensitive. The message
// is a string that describes what the user should do instead of using the
// deprecated function.
func NewDeprecatedNotice(functionName, message string) *FunctionNotice {
    return NewNotice(NoticeKindDeprecated, []string{functionName}, message)

// NewInfoNotice creates a new informational function notice with the given
// function name and message. The function name is case-sensitive. The message
// is a string that provides additional information.
func NewInfoNotice(functionName, message string) *FunctionNotice {
    return NewNotice(NoticeKindInfo, []string{functionName}, message)

// NewDebugNotice creates a new debug function notice with the given function
// name and message. The function name is case-sensitive. The message is a
// string that provides additional information for debugging purposes. The
// message can contain the "$out" placeholder, which will be replaced with the
// output of the function.
func NewDebugNotice(functionName, message string) *FunctionNotice {
    return NewNotice(NoticeKindDebug, []string{functionName}, message)

// AssignNotices assigns all notices defined in the handler to their original
// functions. This function is used to ensure that all notices are properly
// associated with their original functions in the handler instance.
// It should be called after all functions and notices have been added and
// inside the Build function in case of using a custom handler.
func AssignNotices(h Handler) {
    funcs := h.RawFunctions()
    for _, notice := range h.Notices() {
        for _, functionName := range notice.FunctionNames {
            if fn, ok := funcs[functionName]; ok {
                wrappedFn := noticeWrapper(h, notice, functionName, fn)
                funcs[functionName] = wrappedFn

// noticeWrapper creates a wrapped function that logs a notice after
// calling the original function. The notice is logged using the handler's
// logger instance. The wrapped function is returned as a wrappedFunc, which
// is a type alias for a function that takes a variadic list of arguments
// and returns an `any` result and an `error`.
func noticeWrapper(h Handler, notice FunctionNotice, functionName string, fn any) wrappedFunction {
    return func(args ...any) (any, error) {
        out, err := runtime.SafeCall(fn, args...)
        switch notice.Kind {
        case NoticeKindDebug:
            h.Logger().With("function", functionName, "notice", "debug").Debug(strings.ReplaceAll(notice.Message, "$out", fmt.Sprint(out)))
        case NoticeKindInfo:
            h.Logger().With("function", functionName, "notice", "info").Info(notice.Message)
        case NoticeKindDeprecated:
            h.Logger().With("function", functionName, "notice", "deprecated").Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Template function `%s` is deprecated: %s", functionName, notice.Message))
        return out, err

// WithNotices is used to add one or more function notices to the handler.
// This option allows you to associate a notice with a function, providing
// information about the function's deprecation or other special handling.
// The notices are applied to the original function name and its aliases.
// You can use the ApplyOnAliases method on the FunctionNotice to control
// whether the notice should be applied to aliases.
func WithNotices(notices ...*FunctionNotice) HandlerOption[*DefaultHandler] {
    return func(p *DefaultHandler) error {
        // Preallocate the slice if we expect to append multiple notices
        if cap(p.notices) < len(p.notices)+len(notices) {
            newNotices := make([]FunctionNotice, len(p.notices), len(p.notices)+len(notices))
            copy(newNotices, p.notices)
            p.notices = newNotices

        for _, notice := range notices {
            // Skip if the function name is empty or the kind is not valid
            if len(notice.FunctionNames) == 0 || notice.Kind <= 0 {

            // Append the notice directly without dereferencing
            p.notices = append(p.notices, *notice)

        return nil