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package backward

import (

// ! DEPRECATED: This should be removed in the next major version.
// Fail creates an error with a specified message and returns a nil pointer
// alongside the created error. This function is typically used to indicate
// failure conditions in functions that return a pointer and an error.
// Parameters:
//    message string - the error message to be associated with the returned error.
// Returns:
//    *uint - always returns nil, indicating no value is associated with the failure.
//    error - the error object containing the provided message.
// Example:
//    {{ "Operation failed" | fail }} // Output: nil, error with "Operation failed"
func (bcr *BackwardCompatibilityRegistry) Fail(message string) (*uint, error) {
    return nil, errors.New(message)

// ! DEPRECATED: This should be removed in the next major version.
// UrlParse parses a given URL string and returns a map with its components.
// Parameters:
//    v string - the URL string to parse.
// Returns:
//    map[string]any - a map containing the URL components: "scheme", "host",
//                                    "hostname", "path", "query", "opaque", "fragment", and "userinfo".
//    error - an error object if the URL string is invalid.
// Example:
//    {{ "https://example.com/path?query=1#fragment" | urlParse }} // Output: map[fragment:fragment host:example.com hostname:example.com path:path query:query scheme:https]
func (bcr *BackwardCompatibilityRegistry) UrlParse(v string) (map[string]any, error) {
    dict := map[string]any{}
    parsedURL, err := url.Parse(v)
    if err != nil {
        return dict, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse url: %w", err)
    dict["scheme"] = parsedURL.Scheme
    dict["host"] = parsedURL.Host
    dict["hostname"] = parsedURL.Hostname()
    dict["path"] = parsedURL.Path
    dict["query"] = parsedURL.RawQuery
    dict["opaque"] = parsedURL.Opaque
    dict["fragment"] = parsedURL.Fragment
    if parsedURL.User != nil {
        dict["userinfo"] = parsedURL.User.String()
    } else {
        dict["userinfo"] = ""

    return dict, nil

// ! DEPRECATED: This should be removed in the next major version.
// UrlJoin constructs a URL string from a given map of URL components.
// Parameters:
//    d map[string]any - a map containing the URL components: "scheme", "host",
//                                            "path", "query", "opaque", "fragment", and "userinfo".
// Returns:
//    string - the constructed URL string.
//    error - an error object if the URL components are invalid.
// Example:
//    {{ dict scheme="https" host="example.com" path="/path" query="query=1" opaque="opaque" fragment="fragment" | urlJoin }} // Output: "https://example.com/path?query=1#fragment"
func (bcr *BackwardCompatibilityRegistry) UrlJoin(d map[string]any) (string, error) {
    resURL := url.URL{
        Scheme:   bcr.get(d, "scheme").(string),
        Host:     bcr.get(d, "host").(string),
        Path:     bcr.get(d, "path").(string),
        RawQuery: bcr.get(d, "query").(string),
        Opaque:   bcr.get(d, "opaque").(string),
        Fragment: bcr.get(d, "fragment").(string),
    userinfo := bcr.get(d, "userinfo").(string)
    var user *url.Userinfo
    if userinfo != "" {
        tempURL, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("proto://%s@host", userinfo))
        if err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to parse userinfo in dict: %w", err)
        user = tempURL.User

    resURL.User = user
    return resURL.String(), nil

// ! DEPRECATED: This should be removed in the next major version.
// GetHostByName returns a random IP address associated with a given hostname.
// Parameters:
//    name string - the hostname to resolve.
// Returns:
//    string - a randomly selected IP address associated with the hostname.
//    error - an error object if the hostname cannot be resolved.
// Note: This function currently lacks error handling
// Example:
//    {{ getHostByName "example.com" }} // Output: ""
func (bcr *BackwardCompatibilityRegistry) GetHostByName(name string) (string, error) {
    addrs, err := net.LookupHost(name)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve hostname: %w", err)
    return addrs[rand.Intn(len(addrs))], nil