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package conversion

import (


// ToBool converts a value to a boolean.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the value to convert to a boolean. This can be any types reasonably be converted to true or false.
// Returns:
//    bool - the boolean representation of the value.
//    error - error if the value cannot be converted to a boolean.
// Example:
//    {{ "true" | toBool }} // Output: true
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToBool(v any) (bool, error) {
    return cast.ToBoolE(v)

// ToInt converts a value to an int using robust type casting.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the value to convert to an int.
// Returns:
//    int - the integer representation of the value.
//    error - error if the value cannot be converted to an int.
// Example:
//    {{ "123" | toInt }} // Output: 123
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToInt(v any) (int, error) {
    return cast.ToIntE(v)

// ToInt64 converts a value to an int64, accommodating larger integer values.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the value to convert to an int64.
// Returns:
//    int64 - the int64 representation of the value.
//    error - error if the value cannot be converted to an int64.
// Example:
//    {{ "123456789012" | toInt64 }} // Output: 123456789012
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToInt64(v any) (int64, error) {
    return cast.ToInt64E(v)

// ToUint converts a value to a uint.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the value to convert to uint. This value can be of any type that is numerically convertible.
// Returns:
//    uint - the uint representation of the value.
//    error - error if the value cannot be converted to a uint.
// Example:
//    {{ "123" | toUint }} // Output: 123
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToUint(v any) (uint, error) {
    return cast.ToUintE(v)

// ToUint64 converts a value to a uint64.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the value to convert to uint64. This value can be of any type that is numerically convertible.
// Returns:
//    uint64 - the uint64 representation of the value.
//    error - error if the value cannot be converted to a uint64.
// Example:
//    {{ "123456789012345" | toUint64 }} // Output: 123456789012345
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToUint64(v any) (uint64, error) {
    return cast.ToUint64E(v)

// ToFloat64 converts a value to a float64.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the value to convert to a float64.
// Returns:
//    float64 - the float64 representation of the value.
//    error - error if the value cannot be converted to a float64.
// Example:
//    {{ "123.456" | toFloat64 }} // Output: 123.456
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToFloat64(v any) (float64, error) {
    return cast.ToFloat64E(v)

// ToOctal parses a string value as an octal (base 8) integer.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the string representing an octal number.
// Returns:
//    int64 - the decimal (base 10) representation of the octal value.
//    error - error if the value cannot be converted to an octal number.
// Example:
//    {{ "123" | toOctal }} // Output: 83 (since "123" in octal is 83 in decimal)
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToOctal(v any) (int64, error) {
    result, err := strconv.ParseInt(fmt.Sprint(v), 8, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse octal: %w", err)
    return result, nil

// ToString converts a value to a string, handling various types effectively.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the value to convert to a string.
// Returns:
//    string - the string representation of the value.
// Example:
//    {{ 123 | toString }} // Output: "123"
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToString(v any) string {
    switch v := v.(type) {
    case string:
        return v
    case []byte:
        return string(v)
    case error:
        return v.Error()
    case fmt.Stringer:
        return v.String()
        return fmt.Sprint(v)

// ToDate converts a string to a time.Time object based on a format specification.
// Parameters:
//    fmt string - the date format string.
//    str string - the date string to parse.
// Returns:
//    time.Time - the parsed date.
//    error - error if the date string does not conform to the format.
// Example:
//    {{ "2023-05-04" | toDate "2006-01-02" }} // Output: 2023-05-04 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToDate(fmt, str string) (time.Time, error) {
    return time.ParseInLocation(fmt, str, time.Local)

// ToLocalDate converts a string to a time.Time object based on a format specification
// and the local timezone.
// Parameters:
//    fmt string - the date format string.
//    str string - the date string to parse.
// Returns:
//    time.Time - the parsed date.
//    error - error if the date string does not conform to the format.
// Example:
//    {{ "2023-05-04" | toLocalDate "2006-01-02" "Europe/Paris" }} // Output: 2023-05-04 00:00:00 +0200 UTC
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToLocalDate(fmt, timezone, str string) (time.Time, error) {
    location, err := time.LoadLocation(timezone)
    if err != nil {
        return time.Time{}, err

    return time.ParseInLocation(fmt, str, location)

// ToDuration converts a value to a time.Duration.
// Parameters:
//    v any - the value to convert to time.Duration. This value can be a string, int, or another compatible type.
// Returns:
//    time.Duration - the duration representation of the value.
//    error - error if the value cannot be converted to a duration.
// Example:
//    {{ (toDuration "1h30m").Seconds }} // Output: 5400
func (cr *ConversionRegistry) ToDuration(v any) (time.Duration, error) {
    return cast.ToDurationE(v)