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package maps

import (

// digIntoDict navigates through a nested dictionary using a sequence of keys and returns the value found.
// Parameters:
//    dict map[string]any - the starting dictionary.
//    keys []string - a slice of keys to navigate through the dictionary.
// Returns:
//    any - the value found at the last key in the sequence.
//    error - an error if a key is not found or if the value at a key is not a dictionary when expected.
func (mr *MapsRegistry) digIntoDict(dict map[string]any, keys []string) (any, error) {
    current := dict
    for i, key := range keys {
        value, exists := current[key]
        if !exists {
            return nil, nil
        if i == len(keys)-1 {
            return value, nil

        nextDict, ok := value.(map[string]any)
        if !ok {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("value at key %q is not a nested dictionary but %T", key, value)
        current = nextDict
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected termination of key traversal")

// parseKeys converts a slice of any type to a slice of strings, ensuring all elements are strings.
// Parameters:
//    keySet []any - a slice containing potential keys.
// Returns:
//    []string - a slice of strings if all elements in the original slice are strings.
//    error - an error if any element of the original slice is not a string.
// Example:
//    keys, _ := mr.parseKeys([]any{"key1", "key2"})
//    fmt.Println(keys) // Output: ["key1", "key2"]
//    keys, err := mr.parseKeys([]any{"key1", 2})
//    fmt.Println(err) // Output: all keys must be strings, got int at position 1
func (mr *MapsRegistry) parseKeys(keySet []any) ([]string, error) {
    // Calculate the total number of keys needed
    totalKeys := 0
    for i, element := range keySet {
        key, ok := element.(string)
        if !ok {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("all keys must be strings, got %T at position %d", element, i)
        totalKeys += 1 + strings.Count(key, ".")

    // Preallocate the slice with the exact number of required elements
    keys := make([]string, 0, totalKeys)

    // Now, fill the slice
    for _, element := range keySet {
        key := element.(string)
        if strings.Contains(key, ".") {
            keys = append(keys, strings.Split(key, ".")...)
        } else {
            keys = append(keys, key)

    return keys, nil