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package numeric

import (

// numericOperation defines a function type that performs a binary operation on
// two float64 values. It is used to abstract arithmetic operations like
// addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division so that these can be
// applied in a generic function that processes lists of numbers.
// Example Usage:
//    add := func(a, b float64) float64 { return a + b }
//    result := operateNumeric([]any{1.0, 2.0}, add, 0.0)
//    fmt.Println(result)  // Output: 3.0
type numericOperation func(float64, float64) float64

type NumericRegistry struct {
    handler sprout.Handler // Embedding Handler for shared functionality

// NewRegistry creates a new instance of numeric registry.
func NewRegistry() *NumericRegistry {
    return &NumericRegistry{}

// Uid returns the unique identifier of the registry.
func (nr *NumericRegistry) Uid() string {
    return "numeric"

// LinkHandler links the handler to the registry at runtime.
func (nr *NumericRegistry) LinkHandler(fh sprout.Handler) error {
    nr.handler = fh
    return nil

// RegisterFunctions registers all functions of the registry.
func (nr *NumericRegistry) RegisterFunctions(funcsMap sprout.FunctionMap) error {
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "floor", nr.Floor)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "ceil", nr.Ceil)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "round", nr.Round)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "add", nr.Add)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "add1", nr.Add1)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "sub", nr.Sub)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "mul", nr.MulInt)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "mulf", nr.Mulf)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "div", nr.DivInt)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "divf", nr.Divf)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "mod", nr.Mod)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "min", nr.Min)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "minf", nr.Minf)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "max", nr.Max)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "maxf", nr.Maxf)
    return nil

func (nr *NumericRegistry) RegisterAliases(aliasMap sprout.FunctionAliasMap) error {
    sprout.AddAlias(aliasMap, "add", "addf")
    sprout.AddAlias(aliasMap, "add1", "add1f")
    sprout.AddAlias(aliasMap, "sub", "subf")
    return nil

func (nr *NumericRegistry) RegisterNotices(notices *[]sprout.FunctionNotice) error {
    sprout.AddNotice(notices, sprout.NewDeprecatedNotice("addf", "please use `add` instead"))
    sprout.AddNotice(notices, sprout.NewDeprecatedNotice("add1f", "please use `add1` instead"))
    sprout.AddNotice(notices, sprout.NewDeprecatedNotice("subf", "please use `sub` instead"))
    return nil