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package random

import (
    cryptorand "crypto/rand"
    mathrand "math/rand"

// RandAlphaNumeric generates a random alphanumeric string of specified length.
// Parameters:
//    count int - the length of the string to generate.
// Returns:
//    string - the randomly generated alphanumeric string.
// Example:
//    {{ 10 | randAlphaNumeric }} // Output: "a1b2c3d4e5" (output will vary)
func (rr *RandomRegistry) RandAlphaNumeric(count int) string {
    return rr.randomString(count, &randomOpts{withLetters: true, withNumbers: true})

// RandAlpha generates a random alphabetic string of specified length.
// Parameters:
//    count int - the length of the string to generate.
// Returns:
//    string - the randomly generated alphabetic string.
// Example:
//    {{ 10 | randAlpha }} // Output: "abcdefghij" (output will vary)
func (rr *RandomRegistry) RandAlpha(count int) string {
    return rr.randomString(count, &randomOpts{withLetters: true})

// RandAscii generates a random ASCII string (character codes 32 to 126) of specified length.
// Parameters:
//    count int - the length of the string to generate.
// Returns:
//    string - the randomly generated ASCII string.
// Example:
//    {{ 10 | randAscii }} // Output: "}]~>_<:^%" (output will vary)
func (rr *RandomRegistry) RandAscii(count int) string {
    return rr.randomString(count, &randomOpts{withAscii: true})

// RandNumeric generates a random numeric string of specified length.
// Parameters:
//    count int - the length of the string to generate.
// Returns:
//    string - the randomly generated numeric string.
// Example:
//    {{ 10 | randNumeric }} // Output: "0123456789" (output will vary)
func (rr *RandomRegistry) RandNumeric(count int) string {
    return rr.randomString(count, &randomOpts{withNumbers: true})

// RandBytes generates a random byte array of specified length and returns it as a base64 encoded string.
// Parameters:
//    count int - the number of bytes to generate.
// Returns:
//    string - the base64 encoded string of the randomly generated bytes.
// Example:
//    {{ 16 | randBytes }} // Output: "c3RhY2thYnVzZSByb2NrcyE=" (output will vary)
func (rr *RandomRegistry) RandBytes(count int) (string, error) {
    if count <= 0 {
        return "", nil

    buf := make([]byte, count)
    _, err := cryptorand.Read(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(buf), nil

// RandInt generates a random integer between the specified minimum and maximum
// values (inclusive).
// Parameters:
// - min: the minimum value of the range (inclusive).
// - max: the maximum value of the range (inclusive).
// Returns:
// - int: the randomly generated integer.
// Example:
// {{ randInt 1 10 }} // Output: 5
func (rr *RandomRegistry) RandInt(min, max int) int {
    return mathrand.Intn(max-min) + min