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Test Coverage
package reflect

import "github.com/go-sprout/sprout"

type ReflectRegistry struct {
    handler sprout.Handler // Embedding Handler for shared functionality

// NewRegistry creates a new instance of reflect registry.
func NewRegistry() *ReflectRegistry {
    return &ReflectRegistry{}

// Uid returns the unique identifier of the registry.
func (rr *ReflectRegistry) Uid() string {
    return "reflect"

// LinkHandler links the handler to the registry at runtime.
func (rr *ReflectRegistry) LinkHandler(fh sprout.Handler) error {
    rr.handler = fh
    return nil

// RegisterFunctions registers all functions of the registry.
func (rr *ReflectRegistry) RegisterFunctions(funcsMap sprout.FunctionMap) error {
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "typeIs", rr.TypeIs)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "typeIsLike", rr.TypeIsLike)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "typeOf", rr.TypeOf)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "kindIs", rr.KindIs)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "kindOf", rr.KindOf)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "hasField", rr.HasField)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "deepEqual", rr.DeepEqual)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "deepCopy", rr.DeepCopy)
    return nil

func (rr *ReflectRegistry) RegisterAliases(aliasesMap sprout.FunctionAliasMap) error {
    sprout.AddAlias(aliasesMap, "deepCopy", "mustDeepCopy")
    return nil

func (rr *ReflectRegistry) RegisterNotices(notices *[]sprout.FunctionNotice) error {
    sprout.AddNotice(notices, sprout.NewDeprecatedNotice("mustDeepCopy", "please use `deepCopy` instead"))
    return nil