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Test Coverage
package std

import (


// Hello returns a greeting string.
// It simply returns the string "Hello!" to be used as a test function.
func (sr *StdRegistry) Hello() string {
    return "Hello!"

// Default returns the first non-empty value from the given arguments or a
// default value if the argument list is empty or the first element is empty.
// It accepts a default value `defaultValue` of any type and a variadic slice
// `given` of any type. If `given` is not provided or the first element in
// `given` is empty, it returns `defaultValue`.
// Otherwise, it returns the first element of `given`.
// If you want to catch the first non-empty value from a list of values, use
// the `Coalesce` function instead.
// Parameters:
//    defaultValue any - the default value to return if no valid argument is
//                       provided or if the first argument is empty.
//    given ...any     - a variadic slice of any type to check the first
//                       element of it for emptiness.
// Returns:
//    any - the first element of `given`, or `defaultValue` if `given` is empty
//          or all values are empty.
// Example:
//    {{ nil | default "default" }} // Output: "default"
//    {{ "" | default "default" }}  // Output: "default"
//    {{ "first" | default "default" }} // Output: "first"
//    {{ "first" | default "default" "second" }} // Output: "second"
func (sr *StdRegistry) Default(defaultValue any, given ...any) any {
    if len(given) == 0 || helpers.Empty(given[0]) {
        return defaultValue
    return given[0]

// Empty evaluates the emptiness of the provided value 'given'. It returns
// true if 'given' is considered empty based on its type. This method is
// essential for determining the presence or absence of meaningful value
// across various data types.
// Parameters:
//    given any - the value to be evaluated for emptiness.
// Returns:
//    bool - true if 'given' is empty, false otherwise.
// This method utilizes the reflect package to inspect the type and value of
// 'given'. Depending on the type, it checks for nil pointers, zero-length
// collections (arrays, slices, maps, and strings), zero values of numeric
// types (integers, floats, complex numbers, unsigned ints), and false for
// booleans.
// Example:
//    {{ nil | empty }} // Output: true
//    {{ "" | empty }} // Output: true
//    {{ 0 | empty }} // Output: true
//    {{ false | empty }} // Output: true
//    {{ struct{}{} | empty }} // Output: false
func (sr *StdRegistry) Empty(given any) bool {
    return helpers.Empty(given)

// All checks if all values in the provided variadic slice are non-empty.
// It returns true only if none of the values are considered empty by the Empty method.
// Parameters:
//    values ...any - a variadic parameter list of values to be checked.
// Returns:
//    bool - true if all values are non-empty, false otherwise.
// Example:
//    {{ 1, "hello", true | all }} // Output: true
//    {{ 1, "", true | all }} // Output: false
func (sr *StdRegistry) All(values ...any) bool {
    for _, val := range values {
        if helpers.Empty(val) {
            return false
    return true

// Any checks if any of the provided values are non-empty.
// It returns true if at least one value is non-empty.
// Parameters:
//    values ...any - a variadic parameter list of values to be checked.
// Returns:
//    bool - true if any value is non-empty, false if all are empty.
// Example:
//    {{ "", 0, false | any }} // Output: false
//    {{ "", 0, "text" | any }} // Output: true

func (sr *StdRegistry) Any(values ...any) bool {
    for _, val := range values {
        if !helpers.Empty(val) {
            return true
    return false

// Coalesce returns the first non-empty value from the given list.
// If all values are empty, it returns nil.
// Parameters:
//    values ...any - a variadic parameter list of values from which the first
//                   non-empty value should be selected.
// Returns:
//    any - the first non-empty value, or nil if all values are empty.
// Example:
//    {{ nil, "", "first", "second" | coalesce }} // Output: "first"

func (sr *StdRegistry) Coalesce(values ...any) any {
    for _, val := range values {
        if !helpers.Empty(val) {
            return val
    return nil

// Ternary mimics the ternary conditional operator found in many programming languages.
// It returns 'trueValue' if 'condition' is true, otherwise 'falseValue'.
// Parameters:
//    trueValue any - the value to return if 'condition' is true.
//    falseValue any - the value to return if 'condition' is false.
//    condition bool - the condition to evaluate.
// Returns:
//    any - the result based on the evaluated condition.
// Example:
//    {{ "yes", "no", true | ternary }} // Output: "yes"
//    {{ "yes", "no", false | ternary }} // Output: "no"
func (sr *StdRegistry) Ternary(trueValue any, falseValue any, condition bool) any {
    if condition {
        return trueValue

    return falseValue

// Cat concatenates a series of values into a single string. Each value is
// converted to its string representation and separated by a space. Nil
// values are skipped, and no trailing spaces are added.
// Parameters:
//    values ...any - a variadic parameter list of values to be concatenated.
// Returns:
//    string - a single string composed of all non-nil input values separated
//             by spaces.
// Example:
//    {{ "Hello", nil, 123, true | cat }} // Output: "Hello 123 true"
func (sr *StdRegistry) Cat(values ...any) string {
    var builder strings.Builder
    for i, item := range values {
        if item == nil {
            continue // Skip nil elements
        if i > 0 {
            builder.WriteRune(' ') // Add space between elements
        // Append the string representation of the item
    // Return the concatenated string without trailing spaces
    return builder.String()