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package strings

import (
    cryptorand "crypto/rand"
    mathrand "math/rand"


// caseStyle defines the rules for transforming strings based on capitalization,
// separator insertion, and case enforcement. This struct is typically used to
// configure functions that modify the case and formatting of strings to match
// specific coding or display conventions.
// Fields:
//    Separator rune - The character used to separate words in the transformed string.
//                     For example, underscores (_) or hyphens (-).
//    CapitalizeNext bool - Determines if the first character of each word should be
//                          capitalized in the output. Useful for TitleCase or CamelCase.
//    ForceLowercase bool - If set to true, all characters in the output are converted
//                          to lowercase, overriding any capitalization rules.
// Usage:
// This struct can be used to configure string transformation functions, allowing for
// flexible adaptation to various text formatting needs, such as generating identifiers
// or user-friendly display text.
// Example:
//        style := caseStyle{
//            Separator:       '_',
//            CapitalizeNext:  false,
//            ForceLowercase:  true,
//            InsertSeparator: true,
//        }
//     Use `style` to transform "ExampleText" to "example_text"
type caseStyle struct {
    Separator       rune // Character that separates words.
    CapitalizeFirst bool // Whether to capitalize the first character of the string.
    CapitalizeNext  bool // Whether to capitalize the first character of each word.
    ForceLowercase  bool // Whether to force all characters to lowercase.
    ForceUppercase  bool // Whether to force all characters to uppercase.

// randSource is a global variable that provides a source of randomness seeded with
// a cryptographically secure random number. This source is used throughout various
// random generation functions to ensure that randomness is both fast and non-repetitive.
var randSource mathrand.Source

var (
    camelCaseStyle    = caseStyle{Separator: -1, CapitalizeNext: true, CapitalizeFirst: false, ForceLowercase: true}
    kebabCaseStyle    = caseStyle{Separator: '-', ForceLowercase: true}
    pascalCaseStyle   = caseStyle{Separator: -1, CapitalizeFirst: true, CapitalizeNext: true}
    snakeCaseStyle    = caseStyle{Separator: '_', ForceLowercase: true}
    dotCaseStyle      = caseStyle{Separator: '.', ForceLowercase: true}
    pathCaseStyle     = caseStyle{Separator: '/', ForceLowercase: true}
    constantCaseStyle = caseStyle{Separator: '_', ForceUppercase: true}

// init is an initialization function that seeds the global random source used
// in random string generation. It retrieves a secure timestamp-based seed from
// crypto/rand and uses it to initialize math/rand's source, ensuring that random
// values are not predictable across program restarts.
func init() {
    index, _ := cryptorand.Int(cryptorand.Reader, big.NewInt(time.Now().UnixNano()))
    randSource = mathrand.NewSource(index.Int64())

type StringsRegistry struct {
    handler sprout.Handler // Embedding Handler for shared functionality

// NewRegistry creates a new instance of strings registry.
func NewRegistry() *StringsRegistry {
    return &StringsRegistry{}

// Uid returns the unique identifier of the registry.
func (sr *StringsRegistry) Uid() string {
    return "strings"

// LinkHandler links the handler to the registry at runtime.
func (sr *StringsRegistry) LinkHandler(fh sprout.Handler) error {
    sr.handler = fh
    return nil

// RegisterFunctions registers all functions of the registry.
func (sr *StringsRegistry) RegisterFunctions(funcsMap sprout.FunctionMap) error {
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "nospace", sr.Nospace)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "trim", sr.Trim)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "trimAll", sr.TrimAll)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "trimPrefix", sr.TrimPrefix)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "trimSuffix", sr.TrimSuffix)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "contains", sr.Contains)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "hasPrefix", sr.HasPrefix)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "hasSuffix", sr.HasSuffix)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toLower", sr.ToLower)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toUpper", sr.ToUpper)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "replace", sr.Replace)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "repeat", sr.Repeat)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "join", sr.Join)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "trunc", sr.Trunc)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "shuffle", sr.Shuffle)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "ellipsis", sr.Ellipsis)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "ellipsisBoth", sr.EllipsisBoth)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "initials", sr.Initials)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "plural", sr.Plural)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "wrap", sr.Wrap)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "wrapWith", sr.WrapWith)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "quote", sr.Quote)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "squote", sr.Squote)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toCamelCase", sr.ToCamelCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toKebabCase", sr.ToKebabCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toPascalCase", sr.ToPascalCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toDotCase", sr.ToDotCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toPathCase", sr.ToPathCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toConstantCase", sr.ToConstantCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toSnakeCase", sr.ToSnakeCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "toTitleCase", sr.ToTitleCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "untitle", sr.Untitle)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "swapCase", sr.SwapCase)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "capitalize", sr.Capitalize)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "uncapitalize", sr.Uncapitalize)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "split", sr.Split)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "splitn", sr.Splitn)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "substr", sr.Substring)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "indent", sr.Indent)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "nindent", sr.Nindent)
    sprout.AddFunction(funcsMap, "seq", sr.Seq)
    return nil