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package time

import (

// Date formats a given date or current time into a specified format string.
// Parameters:
//    fmt string - the format string.
//    date any - the date to format or the current time if not a date type.
// Returns:
//    string - the formatted date.
//    error - when the timezone is invalid or the date is not in a valid format.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: date].
// [Sprout Documentation: date]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#date
func (tr *TimeRegistry) Date(fmt string, date any) (string, error) {
    return tr.DateInZone(fmt, date, "Local")

// DateInZone formats a given date or current time into a specified format string in a specified timezone.
// Parameters:
//    fmt string - the format string.
//    date any - the date to format, in various acceptable formats.
//    zone string - the timezone name.
// Returns:
//    string - the formatted date.
//    error - when the timezone is invalid or the date is not in a valid format.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: dateInZone].
// [Sprout Documentation: dateInZone]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#dateinzone
func (tr *TimeRegistry) DateInZone(fmt string, date any, zone string) (string, error) {
    // TODO: Change signature
    var t time.Time
    switch date := date.(type) {
        t = time.Now()
    case time.Time:
        t = date
    case *time.Time:
        t = *date
    case int64:
        t = time.Unix(date, 0)
    case int:
        t = time.Unix(int64(date), 0)
    case int32:
        t = time.Unix(int64(date), 0)

    loc, err := time.LoadLocation(zone)
    if err != nil {
        return t.In(time.UTC).Format(fmt), err

    return t.In(loc).Format(fmt), nil

// Duration converts seconds into a human-readable duration string.
// Parameters:
//    sec any - the duration in seconds.
// Returns:
//    string - the human-readable duration.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: duration].
// [Sprout Documentation: duration]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#duration
func (tr *TimeRegistry) Duration(sec any) string {
    var n int64
    switch value := sec.(type) {
    case string:
        n, _ = strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
    case int64:
        n = value
    case int:
        n = int64(value)
    case float64:
        n = int64(value)
    case float32:
        n = int64(value)
        n = 0
    return (time.Duration(n) * time.Second).String()

// DateAgo calculates how much time has passed since the given date.
// Parameters:
//    date any - the starting date for the calculation.
// Returns:
//    string - a human-readable string describing how long ago the date was.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: dateAgo].
// [Sprout Documentation: dateAgo]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#dateago
func (tr *TimeRegistry) DateAgo(date any) string {
    var t time.Time

    switch date := date.(type) {
        t = time.Now()
    case time.Time:
        t = date
    case *time.Time:
        t = *date
    case int64:
        t = time.Unix(date, 0)
    case int32:
        t = time.Unix(int64(date), 0)
    case int:
        t = time.Unix(int64(date), 0)
    // Drop resolution to seconds
    duration := time.Since(t).Round(time.Second)
    return duration.String()

// Now returns the current time.
// Returns:
//    time.Time - the current time.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: now].
// [Sprout Documentation: now]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#now
func (tr *TimeRegistry) Now() time.Time {
    return time.Now()

// UnixEpoch returns the Unix epoch timestamp of a given date.
// Parameters:
//    date time.Time - the date to convert to a Unix timestamp.
// Returns:
//    string - the Unix timestamp as a string.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: unixEpoch].
// [Sprout Documentation: unixEpoch]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#unixepoch
func (tr *TimeRegistry) UnixEpoch(date time.Time) string {
    return strconv.FormatInt(date.Unix(), 10)

// DateModify adjusts a given date by a specified duration. If the duration
// format is incorrect, it returns an error.
// Parameters:
//    fmt string - the duration string to add to the date, such as "2h" for two hours.
//    date time.Time - the date to modify.
// Returns:
//      time.Time - the modified date after adding the duration
//         error - an error if the duration format is incorrect
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: dateModify].
// [Sprout Documentation: dateModify]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#datemodify
func (tr *TimeRegistry) DateModify(fmt string, date time.Time) (time.Time, error) {
    d, err := time.ParseDuration(fmt)
    if err != nil {
        return time.Time{}, err
    return date.Add(d), nil

// DurationRound rounds a duration to the nearest significant unit, such as years or seconds.
// Parameters:
//    duration any - the duration to round.
// Returns:
//    string - the rounded duration.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: durationRound].
// [Sprout Documentation: durationRound]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#durationround
func (tr *TimeRegistry) DurationRound(duration any) string {
    var d time.Duration

    switch duration := duration.(type) {
    case string:
        d, _ = time.ParseDuration(duration)
    case int64:
        d = time.Duration(duration)
    case time.Duration:
        d = duration
    case time.Time:
        d = time.Since(duration)
        d = 0

    u := uint64(d)
    neg := d < 0
    if neg {
        u = -u

    if u == 0 {
        return "0s"

    const (
        year   = uint64(time.Hour) * 24 * 365
        month  = uint64(time.Hour) * 24 * 30
        day    = uint64(time.Hour) * 24
        hour   = uint64(time.Hour)
        minute = uint64(time.Minute)
        second = uint64(time.Second)

    var b strings.Builder

    if neg {

    switch {
    case u > year:
        b.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(u/year, 10))
    case u > month:
        b.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(u/month, 10))
    case u > day:
        b.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(u/day, 10))
    case u > hour:
        b.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(u/hour, 10))
    case u > minute:
        b.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(u/minute, 10))
    case u > second:
        b.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(u/second, 10))
    return b.String()

// HtmlDate formats a date into a standard HTML date format (YYYY-MM-DD).
// Parameters:
//    date any - the date to format.
// Returns:
//    string - the formatted date in HTML format.
//    error - when the timezone is invalid or the date is not in a valid format.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: htmlDate].
// [Sprout Documentation: htmlDate]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#htmldate
func (tr *TimeRegistry) HtmlDate(date any) (string, error) {
    return tr.DateInZone("2006-01-02", date, "Local")

// HtmlDateInZone formats a date into a standard HTML date format (YYYY-MM-DD) in a specified timezone.
// Parameters:
//    date any - the date to format.
//    zone string - the timezone name.
// Returns:
//    string - the formatted date in HTML format.
//    error - when the timezone is invalid or the date is not in a valid format.
// For an example of this function in a Go template, refer to [Sprout Documentation: htmlDateInZone].
// [Sprout Documentation: htmlDateInZone]: https://docs.atom.codes/sprout/registries/time#htmldateinzone
func (tr *TimeRegistry) HtmlDateInZone(date any, zone string) (string, error) {
    // TODO: Change signature
    return tr.DateInZone("2006-01-02", date, zone)