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Test Coverage
package sprout

import (

// HandlerOption[Handler] defines a type for functional options that configure
// a typed Handler.
type HandlerOption[T Handler] func(T) error

// wrappedFunction is a type alias for a function that accepts a variadic number of
// arguments of any type and returns a single result of any type along with an
// error. This is typically used for functions that need to be wrapped with
// additional logic, such as logging or notice handling.
type wrappedFunction = func(args ...any) (any, error)

// New creates and returns a new instance of DefaultHandler with optional
// configurations.
// The DefaultHandler is initialized with default values, including an error
// handling strategy, a logger, and empty function maps. You can customize the
// DefaultHandler instance by passing in one or more HandlerOption functions,
// which apply specific configurations to the handler.
// Example usage:
//    logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout))
//    handler := New(
//        WithLogger(logger),
//        WithRegistries(myRegistry),
//    )
// In the above example, the DefaultHandler is created with a custom logger and
// a specific registry.
func New(opts ...HandlerOption[*DefaultHandler]) *DefaultHandler {
    dh := &DefaultHandler{
        logger:     slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil)),
        registries: make([]Registry, 0),
        notices:    make([]FunctionNotice, 0),

        wantSafeFuncs: false,

        cachedFuncsMap:   make(FunctionMap),
        cachedFuncsAlias: make(FunctionAliasMap),

    for _, opt := range opts {
        if err := opt(dh); err != nil {
            dh.logger.With("error", err).Error("Failed to apply handler option")

    return dh