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# Note: Work In Progress


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goban.js is a **rules engine** for a board game called [Go](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(game)). Note that it is not to be confused with [AI engines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Go), as goban.js provides API to emulate go with configured rules ranging from presets to custom.

Refer to other [github projects](https://github.com/gobanjs) within the **goban.js** family for frontends to goban.js.

go.js (legacy)

**goban.js** is a rewrite of `go.js`.

The latest and last version of `go.js` can be found at commit `7bc33ea18d9c137b12f3521fd93508119ba603c7`.

go.js was split into the following repositories:

1. **goban.js** - core of go.js which is now re-written from scratch

2. **goban.js-raphael** - the 'GUI' of go.js, also re-written from scratch

This is done to reorganize and modularize the project, while making other projects under the gobanjs umbrella possible (e.g. frontends).

Release Notes

## 0.X.Y

**Dec 2013**

* Project set up.

* Initial unstable public API


MIT License. See LICENSE file.

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