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Test Coverage
 * Admin Settings Page: REST API
 * @package LifterLMS_REST/Admin/Classes
 * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
 * @version 1.0.0-beta.1

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * Admin Settings Page: REST API
 * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
class LLMS_Rest_Admin_Settings_Page extends LLMS_Settings_Page {

     * Constructor
     * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
    public function __construct() {

        require_once 'class-llms-rest-admin-settings-api-keys.php';
        require_once 'class-llms-rest-admin-settings-webhooks.php';

        $this->id    = 'rest-api';
        $this->label = __( 'REST API', 'lifterlms' );

        // Output Stuff.
        add_filter( 'lifterlms_settings_tabs_array', array( $this, 'add_settings_page' ), 20 );
        add_action( 'lifterlms_sections_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'output_sections_nav' ) );
        add_action( 'lifterlms_settings_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'output' ) );

        // Maybe Save API Keys.
        add_action( 'lifterlms_settings_save_' . $this->id, array( 'LLMS_Rest_Admin_Settings_API_Keys', 'save' ) );

        // Disable the default page's save button.
        add_filter( 'llms_settings_rest-api_has_save_button', '__return_false' );

        add_filter( 'llms_table_get_table_classes', array( $this, 'get_table_classes' ), 10, 2 );
        add_action( 'lifterlms_admin_field_title-with-html', array( $this, 'output_title_field' ), 10 );

     * Retrieve the id of the current tab/section
     * Overrides parent function to set "keys" as the default section instead of the nonexistant "main".
     * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
     * @return string
    protected function get_current_section() {

        $current = parent::get_current_section();
        if ( 'main' === $current ) {
            $all     = array_keys( $this->get_sections() );
            $current = $all ? $all[0] : 'main';
        return $current;

     * Get the page sections
     * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
     * @return array
    public function get_sections() {

        $sections = array();

        if ( current_user_can( 'manage_lifterlms_api_keys' ) ) {
            $sections['keys'] = __( 'API Keys', 'lifterlms' );

        if ( current_user_can( 'manage_lifterlms_webhooks' ) ) {
            $sections['webhooks'] = __( 'Webhooks', 'lifterlms' );

         * Modify the available tabs on the REST API settings screen.
         * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
         * @param array $sections Array of settings page tabs.
        return apply_filters( 'llms_rest_api_settings_sections', $sections );

     * Get settings array
     * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
     * @return array
    public function get_settings() {

        $curr_section = $this->get_current_section();

        $settings = array();
        if ( current_user_can( 'manage_lifterlms_api_keys' ) && 'keys' === $curr_section ) {
            $settings = LLMS_Rest_Admin_Settings_API_Keys::get_fields();
        } elseif ( current_user_can( 'manage_lifterlms_webhooks' ) && 'webhooks' === $curr_section ) {
            $settings = LLMS_Rest_Admin_Settings_Webhooks::get_fields();

        return apply_filters( 'llms_rest_api_settings_' . $curr_section, $settings );

     * Add CSS classes to the API Keys Table.
     * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
     * @param string[] $classes Array of css class names.
     * @param string   $id Table ID.
     * @return string[]
    public function get_table_classes( $classes, $id ) {

        if ( in_array( $id, array( 'rest-api-keys', 'rest-webhooks' ), true ) ) {
            $classes[] = 'text-left';
        return $classes;

     * Outputs a custom "title" field with HTML content as the settings section title.
     * @since 1.0.0-beta.1
     * @param array $field Settings field arguments.
     * @return void
    public function output_title_field( $field ) {

        echo '<p class="llms-label">' . esc_html( $field['title'] ) . ' ' . wp_kses_post( $field['html'] ) . '</p>';
        echo '<table class="form-table">';

return new LLMS_Rest_Admin_Settings_Page();