* Access plan schema definition
* This schema contains all properties of the access plan that are not inherited from the parent schema.
* @package LifterLMS/Classes
* @since 1.0.0-beta.18
* @version 1.0.0-beta-24
* @see LLMS_REST_Access_Plans_Controller::get_item_schema()
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
return array(
'price' => array(
'description' => __( 'Access plan price.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'number',
'required' => true,
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => 'llms_rest_validate_positive_float_w_zero',
'access_expiration' => array(
'description' => __( 'Access expiration type. `lifetime` provides access until cancelled or until a recurring payment fails. `limited-period` provides access for a limited period as specified by `access_length` and `access_period` `limited-date` provides access until the date specified by access_expires_date`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => 'lifetime',
'enum' => array(
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'access_expires' => array(
'description' => __( 'Date when access expires. Only applicable when `access_expiration` is `limited-date`. `Format: Y-m-d H:i:s`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'access_length' => array(
'description' => __( 'Determine the length of access from time of purchase. Only applicable when `access_expiration` is `limited-period`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'integer',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'default' => 1,
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => 'llms_rest_validate_strictly_positive_int',
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
'access_period' => array(
'description' => __( 'Determine the length of access from time of purchase. Only applicable when `access_expiration` is `limited-period`', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => 'year',
'enum' => array_keys( llms_get_access_plan_period_options() ),
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'availability_restrictions' => array(
'description' => __( 'Restrict usage of this access plan to students enrolled in at least one of the specified memberships. Applicable only when `post_id` refers to a Course.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'array',
'items' => array(
'type' => 'integer',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => static function ( $val ) {
return llms_rest_validate_memberships( $val, true ); // Allow empty to unset.
'enroll_text' => array(
'description' => __( 'Text of the "Purchase" button', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => __( 'Buy Now', 'lifterlms' ),
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'frequency' => array(
'description' => __( 'Billing frequency [0-6]. `0` denotes a one-time payment. `>= 1` denotes a recurring plan.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'integer',
'default' => 0,
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => static function ( $val ) {
return in_array( $val, range( 0, 6 ), true ) ? true : new WP_Error(
__( 'Must be an integer in the range 0-6', 'lifterlms' )
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
'length' => array(
'description' => __( 'For recurring plans only. Determines the number of intervals a plan should run for. `0` denotes the plan should run until cancelled.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'integer',
'default' => 0,
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'arg_options' => array(
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
'period' => array(
'description' => __( 'For recurring plans only. Determines the interval of recurring payments.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => 'year',
'enum' => array_keys( llms_get_access_plan_period_options() ),
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'post_id' => array(
'description' => __( 'Determines the course or membership which can be accessed through the plan.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'integer',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'required' => true,
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => static function ( $val ) {
return llms_rest_validate_products( $val ) ? true : new WP_Error(
__( 'Must be a valid course or membership ID', 'lifterlms' )
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
'redirect_forced' => array(
'description' => __( "Use this plans's redirect settings when purchasing a Membership this plan is restricted to. Applicable only when `availability_restrictions` exist for the plan", 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'boolean',
'default' => false,
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'redirect_page' => array(
'description' => __( 'WordPress page ID to use for checkout success redirection. Applicable only when `redirect_type` is page.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'integer',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => 'llms_rest_validate_strictly_positive_int',
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
'redirect_type' => array(
'description' => __( "Determines the redirection behavior of the user's browser upon successful checkout or registration through the plan. `self`: Redirect to the permalink of the specified `post_id`. `page`: Redirect to the permalink of the WordPress page specified by `redirect_page_id`. `url`: Redirect to the URL specified by `redirect_url`.", 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => 'self',
'enum' => array(
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'redirect_url' => array(
'description' => __( 'URL to use for checkout success redirection. Applicable only when `redirect_type` is `url`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'format' => 'uri',
'arg_options' => array(
'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw',
'sale_date_end' => array(
'description' => __( 'Used to automatically end a scheduled sale. If empty, the plan remains on sale indefinitely. Only applies when `sale_enabled` is `true`. Format: `Y-m-d H:i:s`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'sale_date_start' => array(
'description' => __( 'Used to automatically start a scheduled sale. If empty, the plan is on sale immediately. Only applies when `sale_enabled` is `true`. Format: `Y-m-d H:i:s`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'sale_enabled' => array(
'description' => __( 'Mark the plan as "On Sale" allowing for temporary price adjustments.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'boolean',
'default' => false,
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'sale_price' => array(
'description' => __( 'Sale price. Only applies when `sale_enabled` is `true`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'number',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => 'llms_rest_validate_positive_float_w_zero',
'sku' => array(
'description' => __( 'External identifier', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'trial_enabled' => array(
'description' => __( 'Enable a trial period for a recurring access plan.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'boolean',
'default' => false,
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'trial_length' => array(
'description' => __( 'Determines the length of trial access. Only applies when `trial_enabled` is `true`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'integer',
'default' => 1,
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => 'llms_rest_validate_strictly_positive_int',
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
'trial_period' => array(
'description' => __( 'Determines the length of trial access. Only applies when `trial_enabled` is `true`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => 'week',
'enum' => array(
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'trial_price' => array(
'description' => __( 'Determines the price of the trial period. Only applies when `trial_enabled` is `true`.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'number',
'default' => 0,
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
'arg_options' => array(
'validate_callback' => 'llms_rest_validate_positive_float_w_zero',
'visibility' => array(
'description' => __( 'Access plan visibility.', 'lifterlms' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => 'visible',
'enum' => array_keys( llms_get_access_plan_visibility_options() ),
'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),