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6 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Lesson Model
 * @since 3.13.0
 * @version 4.20.0
define( [ 'Models/Quiz', 'Models/_Relationships', 'Models/_Utilities', 'Schemas/Lesson' ], function( Quiz, Relationships, Utilities, LessonSchema ) {

    return Backbone.Model.extend( _.defaults( {

         * Model relationships
         * @type {Object}
        relationships: {
            parents: {
                model: 'section',
                type: 'model',
            children: {
                quiz: {
                    class: 'Quiz',
                    conditional: function( model ) {
                        // if quiz is enabled OR not enabled but we have some quiz data as an obj
                        return ( 'yes' === model.get( 'quiz_enabled' ) || ! _.isEmpty( model.get( 'quiz' ) ) );
                    model: 'llms_quiz',
                    type: 'model',

         * Lesson Settings Schema
         * @type {Object}
        schema: LessonSchema,

         * New lesson defaults
         * @since 3.13.0
         * @since 3.24.0 Unknown.
         * @return {Object} Default options associative array (js object).
        defaults: function() {
            return {
                id: _.uniqueId( 'temp_' ),
                title: LLMS.l10n.translate( 'New Lesson' ),
                type: 'lesson',
                order: this.collection ? this.collection.length + 1 : 1,
                parent_course: window.llms_builder.course.id,
                parent_section: '',

                // Urls.
                edit_url: '',
                view_url: '',

                // Editable fields.
                content: '',
                audio_embed: '',
                has_prerequisite: 'no',
                require_passing_grade: 'yes',
                require_assignment_passing_grade: 'yes',
                video_embed: '',
                free_lesson: '',
                points: 1,

                // Other fields.
                assignment: {}, // Assignment model/data.
                assignment_enabled: 'no',

                quiz: {}, // Quiz model/data.
                quiz_enabled: 'no',

                _forceSync: false,


         * Initializer
         * @since 3.16.0
         * @since 3.17.0 Unknown
         * @return {void}
        initialize: function() {


            // If the lesson ID isn't set on a quiz, set it.
            var quiz = this.get( 'quiz' );
            if ( ! _.isEmpty( quiz ) && ! quiz.get( 'lesson_id' ) ) {
                quiz.set( 'lesson_id', this.get( 'id' ) );

            window.llms.hooks.doAction( 'llms_lesson_model_init', this );


         * Retrieve a reference to the parent course of the lesson
         * @since 3.16.0
         * @since 4.14.0 Use Section.get_course() in favor of Section.get_parent().
         * @return {Object} The parent course model of the lesson.
        get_course: function() {
            return this.get_parent().get_course();

         * Retrieve the translated post type name for the model's type
         * @since  3.16.12
         * @param bool plural If true, returns the plural, otherwise returns singular.
         * @return string The translated post type name.
        get_l10n_type: function( plural ) {

            if ( plural ) {
                return LLMS.l10n.translate( 'lessons' );

            return LLMS.l10n.translate( 'lesson' );

         * Override default get_parent to grab from collection if models parent isn't set
         * @since 3.17.0
         * @return {Object}|false The parent model or false if not available.
        get_parent: function() {

            var rels = this.get_relationships();
            if ( rels.parent && rels.parent.reference ) {
                return rels.parent.reference;
            } else if ( this.collection && this.collection.parent ) {
                return this.collection.parent;
            return false;


         * Retrieve the questions percentage value within the quiz
         * @since 3.24.0
         * @return {String} Questions percentage value within the quiz.
        get_points_percentage: function() {

            var total  = this.get_course().get_total_points(),
                points = this.get( 'points' ) * 1;

            if ( ! _.isNumber( points ) ) {
                points = 0;

            if ( 0 === total ) {
                return '0%';

            return ( ( points / total ) * 100 ).toFixed( 2 ) + '%';


         * Retrieve an array of prerequisite options available for the current lesson
         * @since 3.17.0
         * @return {Object} Prerequisite options.
        get_available_prereq_options: function() {

            var parent_section_index    = this.get_parent().collection.indexOf( this.get_parent() ),
                lesson_index_in_section = this.collection.indexOf( this ),
                options                 = [];

            this.get_course().get( 'sections' ).each( function( section, curr_sec_index ) {
                if ( curr_sec_index <= parent_section_index ) {
                    var group = {
                            // Translators: %1$d = section order number, %2$s = section title.
                        label: LLMS.l10n.replace( 'Section %1$d: %2$s', {
                            '%1$d': section.get( 'order' ),
                            '%2$s': section.get( 'title' )
                        } ),
                    options: [],

                    section.get( 'lessons' ).each( function( lesson, curr_les_index ) {
                        if ( curr_sec_index !== parent_section_index || curr_les_index < lesson_index_in_section ) {
                            // Translators: %1$d = lesson order number, %2$s = lesson title.
                            group.options.push( {
                                key: lesson.get( 'id' ),
                                val: LLMS.l10n.replace( 'Lesson %1$d: %2$s', {
                                    '%1$d': lesson.get( 'order' ),
                                    '%2$s': lesson.get( 'title' )
                                } ),
                            } );
                    }, this );

                    options.push( group );
            }, this );

            return options;


         * Add a new quiz to the lesson
         * @since 3.16.0
         * @since 3.27.0 Unknown.
         * @param {Object} data Object of quiz data used to construct a new quiz model.
         * @return {Object} Model for the created quiz.
        add_quiz: function( data ) {

            data = data || {};

            data.lesson_id         = this.id;
            data._questions_loaded = true;

            if ( ! data.title ) {

                data.title = LLMS.l10n.replace( '%1$s Quiz', {
                    '%1$s': this.get( 'title' ),
                } );


            this.set( 'quiz', data );

            var quiz = this.get( 'quiz' );
            this.set( 'quiz_enabled', 'yes' );

            window.llms.hooks.doAction( 'llms_lesson_add_quiz', quiz, this );

            return quiz;


         * Determine if this is the first lesson
         * @since 3.17.0
         * @since 4.20.0 Use is_first_in_section() new method.
         * @return {Boolean} Whether this is the first lesson of its course.
        is_first_in_course: function() {

            // If it's not the first item in the section it cant be the first lesson.
            if ( ! this.is_first_in_section() ) {
                return false;

            // If it's not the first section it cant' be first lesson.
            var section = this.get_parent();
            if ( section.collection.indexOf( section ) ) {
                return false;

            // It's first lesson in first section.
            return true;


         * Determine if this is the last lesson of the course
         * @since 4.20.0
         * @return {Boolean} Whether this is the last lesson of its course.
         is_last_in_course: function() {

            // If it's not last item in the section it cant be the last lesson.
            if ( ! this.is_last_in_section() ) {
                return false;

            // If it's not the last section it cant' be last lesson.
            var section = this.get_parent();
            if ( section.collection.indexOf( section ) < ( section.collection.size() - 1 ) ) {
                return false;

            // It's last lesson in last section.
            return true;


         * Determine if this is the first lesson within its section
         * @since 4.20.0
         * @return {Boolean} Whether this is the first lesson of its section.
        is_first_in_section: function() {
            return 0 === this.collection.indexOf( this );

         * Determine if this is the last lesson within its section
         * @since 4.20.0
         * @return {Boolean} Whether this is the last lesson of its section.
        is_last_in_section: function() {
            return this.collection.indexOf( this ) === ( this.collection.size() - 1 );

         * Get prev lesson in a course
         * @since 4.20.0
         * @param {String} status Prev lesson post status. If not specified any status will be taken into account.
         * @return {Object}|false Previous lesson model or `false` if no previous lesson could be found.
        get_prev: function( status ) {
            return this.get_sibling( 'prev', status );

         * Get next lesson in a course
         * @since 4.20.0
         * @param {String} status Next lesson post status. If not specified any status will be taken into account.
         * @return {Object}|false Next lesson model or `false` if no next lesson could be found.
        get_next: function( status ) {
            return this.get_sibling( 'next', status );

         * Get a sibling lesson
         * @param {String} direction Siblings direction [next|prev]. If not specified will fall back on 'prev'.
         * @param {String} status    Sibling lesson post status. If not specified any status will be taken into account.
         * @return {Object}|false Sibling lesson model, in the specified direction, or `false` if no sibling lesson could be found.
        get_sibling: function( direction, status ) {

            direction = 'next' === direction ? direction : 'prev';

            // Functions and vars to use when direction is 'prev' (default).
            var is_course_limit_reached_f               = 'is_first_in_course',
                is_section_limit_reached_f              = 'is_first_in_section',
                sibling_index_increment                 = -1,
                get_sibling_lesson_in_sibling_section_f = 'last';

            if ( 'next' === direction ) {
                is_course_limit_reached_f               = 'is_last_in_course';
                is_section_limit_reached_f              = 'is_last_in_section';
                sibling_index_increment                 = 1,
                get_sibling_lesson_in_sibling_section_f = 'first';

            if ( this[ is_course_limit_reached_f ]() ) {
                return false;

            var sibling_index  = this.collection.indexOf( this ) + sibling_index_increment,
                sibling_lesson = this.collection.at( sibling_index );

            if ( this[ 'next' === direction ? 'is_last_in_section' : 'is_first_in_section' ]() ) {
                var cur_section     = this.get_parent(),
                    sibling_section = cur_section[ 'get_' + direction ]( false );

                // Skip sibling empty sections.
                while ( sibling_section && ! sibling_section.get( 'lessons' ).size() ) {
                    sibling_section = sibling_section[ 'get_' + direction ]( false );

                // Couldn't find any suitable lesson.
                if ( ! sibling_section || ! sibling_section.get( 'lessons' ).size() ) {
                    return false;

                sibling_lesson = sibling_section.get( 'lessons' )[ get_sibling_lesson_in_sibling_section_f ]();


            // If we need a specific lesson status.
            if ( status && status !== sibling_lesson.get( 'status' ) ) {
                return sibling_lesson.get_sibling( direction, status );

            return sibling_lesson;


         * Initialize lesson assignments *if* the assignments addon is available and enabled
         * @since 3.17.0
         * @return {Void}
        maybe_init_assignments: function() {

            if ( ! window.llms_builder.assignments ) {

            this.relationships.children.assignment = {
                class: 'Assignment',
                conditional: function( model ) {
                    // If assignment is enabled OR not enabled but we have some assignment data as an obj.
                    return ( 'yes' === model.get( 'assignment_enabled' ) || ! _.isEmpty( model.get( 'assignment' ) ) );
                model: 'llms_assignment',
                type: 'model',


    }, Relationships, Utilities ) );

} );