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2 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Quiz question bank view
 * @since    3.16.0
 * @version  3.16.0
define( [ 'Views/Question' ], function( QuestionView ) {

    return Backbone.CollectionView.extend( {

        className: 'llms-quiz-questions',

         * Parent element
         * @type  {String}
        // el: '#llms-quiz-questions',

         * Section model
         * @type  {[type]}
        modelView: QuestionView,

         * Enable keyboard events
         * @type  {Bool}
        processKeyEvents: false,

         * Are sections selectable?
         * @type  {Bool}
        selectable: false,

         * Are sections sortable?
         * @type  {Bool}
        sortable: true,

        sortableOptions: {
            axis: false,
            connectWith: '.llms-quiz-questions',
            cursor: 'move',
            handle: '.llms-data-stamp',
            items: '.llms-question',
            placeholder: 'llms-question llms-sortable-placeholder',

         * Highlight drop areas when dragging starts
         * @param    obj   model  model being sorted
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        sortable_start: function( model ) {
            var selector = 'group' === model.get( 'question_type' ).get( 'id' ) ? '.llms-editor-tab > .llms-quiz-questions' : '.llms-quiz-questions';
            $( selector ).addClass( 'dragging' );

         * Remove highlights when dragging stops
         * @param    obj   model  model being sorted
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        sortable_stop: function() {
            $( '.llms-quiz-questions' ).removeClass( 'dragging' );

         * Overrides receive to ensure that question groups can't be moved into question groups
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @param    obj   ui     jQuery UI Sortable ui object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        _receive : function( event, ui ) {


            // prevent moving a question group into a question group
            if ( ui.item.hasClass( 'qtype--group' ) && $( event.target ).closest( '.qtype--group' ).length ) {;
                ui.sender.sortable( 'cancel' );

            var senderListEl = ui.sender;
            var senderCollectionListView = senderListEl.data( "view" );
            if( ! senderCollectionListView || ! senderCollectionListView.collection ) return;

            var newIndex = this._getContainerEl().children().index( ui.item );
            var modelReceived = senderCollectionListView.collection.get( ui.item.attr( "data-model-cid" ) );
            senderCollectionListView.collection.remove( modelReceived );
            this.collection.add( modelReceived, { at : newIndex } );
            modelReceived.collection = this.collection; // otherwise will not get properly set, since modelReceived.collection might already have a value.
            this.setSelectedModel( modelReceived );

         * Override to allow manipulation of placeholder element
         * @param    {[type]}   event  [description]
         * @param    {[type]}   ui     [description]
         * @return   {[type]}
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        _sortStart : function( event, ui ) {

            var modelBeingSorted = this.collection.get( ui.item.attr( "data-model-cid" ) );

            ui.placeholder.addClass( 'qtype--' + modelBeingSorted.get( 'question_type' ).get( 'id' ) );

            if( this._isBackboneCourierAvailable() )
                this.spawn( "sortStart", { modelBeingSorted : modelBeingSorted } );
            else this.trigger( "sortStart", modelBeingSorted );

         * Overloads the function from Backbone.CollectionView core because it doesn't send stop events
         * if moving from one sortable to another... :-(
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @param    obj   ui     jQuery UI object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        _sortStop : function( event, ui ) {


            var modelBeingSorted = this.collection.get( ui.item.attr( 'data-model-cid' ) ),
                modelViewContainerEl = this._getContainerEl(),
                newIndex = modelViewContainerEl.children().index( ui.item );

            if ( newIndex == -1 && modelBeingSorted ) {
                this.collection.remove( modelBeingSorted );


            if( this._isBackboneCourierAvailable() ) {
                this.spawn( 'sortStop', { modelBeingSorted : modelBeingSorted, newIndex : newIndex } );
            } else {
                this.trigger( 'sortStop', modelBeingSorted, newIndex );


    } );

} );