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1 day
Test Coverage
 * Handles UX and Events for inline editing of views
 * Use with a Model's View
 * Allows editing model.title field via .llms-editable-title elements
 * @package LifterLMS/Scripts
 * @since 3.16.0
 * @since 3.25.4 Unknown
 * @since 3.37.11 Replace reference to `wp.editor` with `_.getEditor()` helper.
 * @version 3.37.11
define( [], function() {

    return {

        media_lib: null,

         * DOM Events
         * @type  {Object}
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.17.8
        events: {
            'click .llms-add-image': 'open_media_lib',
            'click a[href="#llms-edit-slug"]': 'make_slug_editable',
            'click a[href="#llms-remove-image"]': 'remove_image',
            'change .llms-editable-select select': 'on_select',
            'change .llms-switch input[type="checkbox"]': 'toggle_switch',
            'change .llms-editable-radio input': 'on_radio_select',
            'focusin .llms-input': 'on_focus',
            'focusout .llms-input': 'on_blur',
            'keydown .llms-input': 'on_keydown',
            'input .llms-input[type="number"]': 'on_blur',
            'paste .llms-input[data-formatting]': 'on_paste',

         * Retrieve a list of allowed tags for a given element
         * @param    obj   $el  jQuery selector for the element
         * @return   array
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.17.8
        get_allowed_tags: function( $el ) {

            if ( $el.attr( 'data-formatting' ) ) {
                return _.map( $el.attr( 'data-formatting' ).split( ',' ), function( tag ) {
                    return tag.trim();
                } );

            return [ 'b', 'i', 'u', 'strong', 'em' ];


         * Retrieve the content of an element
         * @param    obj   $el  jQuery object of the element
         * @return   string
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.17.8
        get_content: function( $el ) {

            if ( 'INPUT' === $el[0].tagName ) {
                return $el.val();

            if ( ! $el.attr( 'data-formatting' ) && ! $el.hasClass( 'ql-editor' ) ) {
                return $el.text();

            return _.stripFormatting( $el.html(), this.get_allowed_tags( $el ) );


         * Determine if changes have been made to the element
         * @param    {[obj]}   event  js event object
         * @return   {Boolean}        true when changes have been made, false otherwise
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        has_changed: function( event ) {
            var $el = $( event.target );
            return ( $el.attr( 'data-original-content' ) !== this.get_content( $el ) );

         * Ensure that new content is at least 1 character long
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   boolean
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.17.2
        is_valid: function( event ) {

            var self    = this,
                $el     = $( event.target ),
                content = this.get_content( $el ),
                type    = $el.attr( 'data-type' );

            if ( ( $el.attr( 'required' ) || $el.attr( 'data-required' ) ) && content.length < 1 ) {
                return false;

            if ( 'url' === type || 'video' === type ) {
                if ( ! this._validate_url( this.get_content( $el ) ) ) {
                    return false;

            } else if ( 'permalink' === type ) {

                LLMS.Ajax.call( {
                    data: {
                        action: 'llms_builder',
                        action_type: 'get_permalink',
                        course_id: window.llms_builder.CourseModel.get( 'id' ),
                        id: self.model.get( 'id' ),
                        title: self.model.get( 'title' ),
                        slug: content,
                    beforeSend: function() {
                        LLMS.Spinner.start( $el.closest( '.llms-editable-toggle-group' ), 'small' );
                    success: function( r ) {

                        if ( r.permalink && r.slug ) {
                            self.model.set( 'permalink', r.permalink );
                            self.model.set( 'name', r.slug );

                } );


            return true;


         * Initialize datepicker elements
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.17.0
         * @version  3.17.0
        init_datepickers: function() {

            this.$el.find( '.llms-editable-date input' ).each( function() {

                $( this ).datetimepicker( {
                    format: $( this ).attr( 'data-date-format' ) || 'Y-m-d h:i A',
                    datepicker: ( undefined === $( this ).attr( 'data-date-datepicker' ) ) ? true : ( 'true' == $( this ).attr( 'data-date-datepicker' ) ),
                    timepicker: ( undefined === $( this ).attr( 'data-date-timepicker' ) ) ? true : ( 'true' == $( this ).attr( 'data-date-timepicker' ) ),
                    onClose: function( current_time, $input ) {
                } );

            } );


         * Initialize elements that allow inline formatting
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        init_formatting_els: function() {

            var self = this;

            this.$el.find( '.llms-input-formatting[data-formatting]' ).each( function() {

                var formatting = $( this ).attr( 'data-formatting' ).split( ',' ),
                    attr       = $( this ).attr( 'data-attribute' );

                var ed = new Quill( this, {
                    modules: {
                        toolbar: [ formatting ],
                        keyboard: {
                            bindings: {
                                tab: {
                                    key: 9,
                                    handler: function( range, context ) {
                                        return true;
                                13: {
                                    key: 13,
                                    handler: function( range, context ) {
                                        return false;
                    placeholder: $( this ).attr( 'data-placeholder' ),
                    theme: 'bubble',
                } );

                ed.on( 'text-change', function( delta, oldDelta, source ) {
                    self.model.set( attr, self.get_content( $( ed.root ) ) );
                } );

                Backbone.pubSub.trigger( 'formatting-ed-init', ed, $( this ), self );

            } );


         * Initialize editable select elements
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.25.4
        init_selects: function() {

            this.$el.find( '.llms-editable-select select' ).llmsSelect2( {
                width: '100%',
            } ).trigger( 'change' );


         * Blur/focusout function for .llms-editable-title elements
         * Automatically saves changes if changes have been made
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.6
        on_blur: function( event ) {


            this.model.set( '_has_focus', false, { silent: true } );

            var self    = this,
                $el     = $( event.target ),
                changed = this.has_changed( event );

            if ( changed ) {

                if ( ! self.is_valid( event ) ) {
                    self.revert_edits( event );
                } else {
                    this.save_edits( event );



         * Focus event for editable inputs
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.6
         * @version  3.16.6
        on_focus: function( event ) {

            this.model.set( '_has_focus', true, { silent: true } );


         * Handle content pasted into contenteditable fields
         * This will ensure that HTML from RTF editors isn't pasted into the dom
         * @param    obj   event  js event obj
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.17.8
         * @version  3.17.8
        on_paste: function( event ) {


            var text = ( event.originalEvent || event ).clipboardData.getData( 'text/plain' );
            window.document.execCommand( 'insertText', false, text );


         * Change event for selectables
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        on_select: function( event ) {

            var $el       = $( event.target ),
                multi     = ( $el.attr( 'multiple' ) ),
                attr      = $el.attr( 'name' ),
                $selected = $el.find( 'option:selected' ),

            if ( multi ) {
                val = [];
                val = $selected.map( function() {
                    return this.value;
                } ).get();
            } else {
                val = $selected[0].value;

            this.model.set( attr, val );


         * Change event for radio element groups
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.17.6
         * @version  3.17.6
        on_radio_select: function( event ) {

            var $el  = $( event.target ),
                attr = $el.attr( 'name' ),
                val  = $el.val();

            this.model.set( attr, val );


         * Keydown function for .llms-editable-title elements
         * Blurs
         * @param    {obj}   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.17.8
        on_keydown: function( event ) {


            var self  = this,
                key   = event.which || event.keyCode,
                shift = event.shiftKey;
                // ctrl = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey;

            switch ( key ) {

                case 13: // enter
                    // shift + enter should add a return
                    if ( ! shift ) {

                case 27: // escape
                    this.revert_edits( event );



         * Open the WP media lib
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.6
        open_media_lib: function( event ) {


            var self = this,
                $el  = $( event.currentTarget );

            if ( self.media_lib ) {

                self.media_lib.uploader.uploader.param( 'post_id' );

            } else {

                self.media_lib = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media( {
                    title: LLMS.l10n.translate( 'Select an image' ),
                    button: {
                        text: LLMS.l10n.translate( 'Use this image' ),
                    multiple: false    // Set to true to allow multiple files to be selected
                } );

                self.media_lib.on( 'select', function() {

                    var size       = $el.attr( 'data-image-size' ),
                        attachment = self.media_lib.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(),
                        image      = self.model.get( $el.attr( 'data-attribute' ) ),

                    if ( size && attachment.sizes[ size ] ) {
                        url = attachment.sizes[ size ].url;
                    } else {
                        url = attachment.url;

                    image.set( {
                        id: attachment.id,
                        src: url,
                    } );

                } );


            // This flag is used to protect the media files uploaded via places like the Quiz questions (Picture type)
            self.media_lib.uploader.options.uploader.params.llms = 1;



         * Click event to remove an image
         * @param    obj   event  js event obj
         * @return   voids
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        remove_image: function( event ) {


            this.model.get( $( event.currentTarget ).attr( 'data-attribute' ) ).set( {
                id: '',
                src: '',
            } );


         * Helper to undo changes
         * Bound to "escape" key via on_keydown function
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        revert_edits: function( event ) {
            var $el = $( event.target ),
                val = $el.attr( 'data-original-content' );
            $el.html( val );

         * Sync changes to the model and DB
         * @param    {obj}   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.16.0
        save_edits: function( event ) {

            var $el = $( event.target ),
                val = this.get_content( $el );

            this.model.set( $el.attr( 'data-attribute' ), val );


         * Change event for a switch element
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.0
         * @version  3.17.0
        toggle_switch: function( event ) {

            var $el      = $( event.target ),
                attr     = $el.attr( 'name' ),
                rerender = $el.attr( 'data-rerender' ),

            if ( $el.is( ':checked' ) ) {
                val = $el.attr( 'data-on' ) ? $el.attr( 'data-on' ) : 'yes';
            } else {
                val = $el.attr( 'data-off' ) ? $el.attr( 'data-off' ) : 'no';

            if ( -1 !== attr.indexOf( '.' ) ) {

                var split = attr.split( '.' );

                if ( 'parent' === split[0] ) {
                    this.model.get_parent().set( split[1], val );
                } else {
                    this.model.get( split[0] ).set( split[1], val );

            } else {

                this.model.set( attr, val );


            this.trigger( attr.replace( '.', '-' ) + '_toggle', val );

            if ( ! rerender || 'yes' === rerender ) {
                var self = this;
                setTimeout( function() {
                }, 100 );


         * Initializes a WP Editor on a textarea
         * @since 3.16.0
         * @since 3.37.11 Replace reference to `wp.editor` with `_.getEditor()` helper.
         * @param {String} id        CSS ID of the editor (don't include #).
         * @param {Object} settings  Optional object of settings to pass to wp.oldEditor.initialize().
         * @return {Void}
        init_editor: function( id, settings ) {

            settings = settings || {};

            var editor = _.getEditor();

            editor.remove( id );

            editor.initialize( id, $.extend( true, editor.getDefaultSettings(), {
                mediaButtons: true,
                tinymce: {
                    toolbar1: 'bold,italic,strikethrough,bullist,numlist,blockquote,hr,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,link,unlink,wp_adv',
                    toolbar2: 'formatselect,underline,alignjustify,forecolor,pastetext,removeformat,charmap,outdent,indent,undo,redo,wp_help',
                    setup: _.bind( this.on_editor_ready, this ),
            }, settings ) );


         * Setup a permalink editor to allow editing of a permalink
         * @param    obj   event  js event object
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.16.6
         * @version  3.16.6
        make_slug_editable: function( event ) {

            var self      = this,
                $btn      = $( event.currentTarget ),
                $link     = $btn.prevAll( 'a' ),
                $input    = $btn.prev( 'input.permalink' ),
                full_url  = $link.attr( 'href' ),
                slug      = $input.val(),
                short_url = full_url.replace( slug, '' );

            // hide the button

            // make the link not clickable
            $link.css( {
                color: '#999',
                'pointer-events': 'none',
                'text-decoration': 'none',
            } );

            // remove the current slug & trailing slash from the URL
            $link.text( short_url.substring( 0, short_url.length - 1 ) );

            // focus in on the field


         * Callback function called after initialization of an editor
         * Updates UI if a label is present.
         * Binds a change event to ensure editor changes are saved to the model.
         * @since 3.16.0
         * @since 3.17.1 Uknown.
         * @since 3.37.11 Replace references to `wp.editor` with `_.getEditor()` helper.
         * @param {Object} editor TinyMCE Editor instance.
         * @return {Void}
        on_editor_ready: function( editor ) {

            var self    = this,
                $ed     = $( '#' + editor.id ),
                $parent = $ed.closest( '.llms-editable-editor' ),
                $label  = $parent.find( '.llms-label' ),
                prop    = $ed.attr( 'data-attribute' )

            if ( $label.length ) {
                $label.prependTo( $parent.find( '.wp-editor-tools' ) );

            // save changes to the model via Visual ed
            editor.on( 'change', function( event ) {
                self.model.set( prop, _.getEditor().getContent( editor.id ) );
            } );

            // save changes via Text ed
            $ed.on( 'input', function( event ) {
                self.model.set( prop, $ed.val() );
            } );

            // trigger an input on the Text ed when quicktags buttons are clicked
            $parent.on( 'click', '.quicktags-toolbar .ed_button', function() {
                setTimeout( function() {
                    $ed.trigger( 'input' );
                }, 10 );
            } );


        _validate_url: function( str ) {

            var a  = document.createElement( 'a' );
            a.href = str;
            return ( a.host && a.host !== window.location.host );



} );