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 * LifterLMS Admin Tables
 * @since    3.2.0
 * @version  3.28.1
;( function( $, undefined ) {

    window.llms = window.llms || {};

    var AdminTables = function() {

        this.$tables = null;

         * Initialize
         * @return void
         * @since  3.2.0
        this.init = function() {

            var self = this;

            self.$tables = $( '.llms-gb-table' );

            if ( self.$tables.length ) {


         * Bind DOM events
         * @return   void
         * @since    2.3.0
         * @version  3.28.0
        this.bind = function() {

            var self = this;

            this.$tables.each( function() {

                var $table = $( this );

                $table.on( 'click', 'button[name="llms-table-paging"]', function( e ) {
                    self.change_page( $table, $( this ) );
                } );

                $table.on( 'click', 'button[name="llms-table-export"]', function( e ) {
                    self.export( $table, $( this ) );
                } );

                $table.on( 'click', 'a.llms-sortable', function( e ) {
                    self.change_order( $table, $( this ) );
                } );

                $table.parent().find( '.llms-table-filters' ).on( 'change', 'select.llms-table-filter', function( e ) {
                    self.change_filter( $table, $( this ) );
                } );

                $table.parent().find( '.llms-table-search' ).on( 'keyup', 'input', debounce( function( e ) {

                    switch ( e.keyCode ) {

                        case 37:
                        case 38:
                        case 39:
                        case 40:

                            self.search( $table, $( this ) );


                }, 250 ) );

            } );


         * Handle clicks on sortable column headers
         * @param    obj   $table   jQuery selector for the current table
         * @param    obj   $anchor  jQuery selector for the clicked column head anchor
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.2.0
         * @version  3.2.0
        this.change_order = function( $table, $anchor ) {

            this.reload( $table, {
                order: $anchor.attr( 'data-order' ),
                orderby: $anchor.attr( 'data-orderby' ),
                page: 1,
            } );


        this.change_filter = function( $table, $select ) {

            this.reload( $table, {
                filter: $select.val(),
                filterby: $select.attr( 'name' ),
                page: 1,
            } );


         * Change the current page of the table on a next/back click
         * @param    obj   $table  jQuery selector for the current table
         * @param    obj   $btn    jQuery selector for the clicked button
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.2.0
         * @version  3.4.0
        this.change_page = function( $table, $btn ) {

            this.reload( $table, {
                order: this.get_args( $table, 'order' ),
                orderby: this.get_args( $table, 'orderby' ),
                page: $btn.attr( 'data-page' ),
            } );


         * Handle
         * @param    obj    $table    jQuery object for the table
         * @param    obj    $btn      jQuery object for the clicked button
         * @param    string filename  filename of the export in progress.
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.15.0
         * @version  3.28.1
        this.export = function( $table, $btn, filename ) {

            var self = this,
                $msg = $table.find( '.llms-table-export .llms-table-export-msg' ),
                $progress = $table.find( '.llms-table-export .llms-table-progress' );

            function activate_button() {
                LLMS.Spinner.stop( $btn, 'small' );
                $btn.removeAttr( 'disabled' );

            LLMS.Ajax.call( {
                data: $.extend( {
                    action: 'export_admin_table',
                    handler: $table.attr( 'data-handler' ),
                    filename: filename,
                }, JSON.parse( $table.attr( 'data-args' ) ) ),
                beforeSend: function() {

                    if ( ! $btn.attr( 'disabled' ) ) {
                        $btn.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
                        LLMS.Spinner.start( $btn, 'small' );

                error: function( jqXHR, status, error ) {

                    var msg = LLMS.l10n.translate( 'An error was encountered generating the export' );
                    $msg.html( '<span class="llms-error">' + msg + ': ' + error + '</span>' );
                    console.error( jqXHR );

                success: function( res ) {

                    if ( ! res.success && res.message ) {

                        $msg.html( '<span class="llms-error">' + res.message + '</span>' );

                    } else if ( res.success && res.data && res.data.progress ) {

                        $msg.html( '' );

                        // only show a progress bar if it's going to take more than one request.
                        if ( ! $progress.is( 'visible' ) && res.data.progress !== 100 ) {
                            $progress.css( 'display', 'inline-block' );

                        $progress.find( '.llms-table-progress-text' ).text( res.data.progress + '%' );
                        $progress.find( '.llms-table-progress-inner' ).css( 'width', res.data.progress + '%' );

                        // if we're not finished, make another request.
                        if ( 100 !== res.data.progress ) {
                            self.export( $table, $btn, res.data.filename );

                        // finished, download the file and cleanup the interface.
                        } else {
                            setTimeout( function() {
                                var id = 'llms-dl-export';
                                $( '#' + id ).remove();
                                $( '<a />', {
                                    id: id,
                                    href: res.data.url,
                                    style: 'display: hidden;',
                                    download: '',
                                } ).appendTo( 'body' );
                                $( '#' + id )[0].click();
                            }, 1000 );


            } );


         * Retrieve arguments stored in the table and parse into a readable object
         * @param    obj     $table  jQuery selector for the current table
         * @param    string  item    key to grab a specific value from the args object
         * @return   mixed
         * @since    3.2.0
         * @version  3.2.0
        this.get_args = function( $table, item ) {

            var args = JSON.parse( $table.attr( 'data-args' ) );

            if ( item ) {
                return ( args[ item ] ) ? args[ item ] : false;
            } else {
                return args;


         * Reload a table
         * @param    obj   $table  jQuery selector for the current table
         * @param    obj   args    arguments to pass with the ajax query
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.2.0
         * @version  3.2.0
        this.reload = function( $table, args ) {

            args = $.extend( {
                action: 'get_admin_table_data',
                handler: $table.attr( 'data-handler' ),
            }, JSON.parse( $table.attr( 'data-args' ) ), args );

            LLMS.Ajax.call( {
                data: args,
                beforeSend: function() {

                    LLMS.Spinner.start( $table.closest( '.llms-table-wrap' ) );

                success: function( r ) {

                    LLMS.Spinner.stop( $table.closest( '.llms-table-wrap' ) )

                    if ( r.success ) {

                        $table.attr( 'data-args', r.data.args );

                        $table.find( 'thead' ).replaceWith( r.data.thead );
                        $table.find( 'tbody' ).replaceWith( r.data.tbody );
                        $table.find( 'tfoot' ).replaceWith( r.data.tfoot );


            } );


         * Executes an AJAX search query
         * @param    obj   $table  jQuery selector for the current table
         * @param    obj   $input  jQuery selector for the search input
         * @return   void
         * @since    3.2.0
         * @version  3.2.0
        this.search = function( $table, $input ) {

            var val = $input.val()
                len = val.length;

            if ( 0 === len || len >= 3 ) {
                this.reload( $table, {
                    page: 1,
                    search: $input.val(),
                } );


         * Throttle function by a delay in ms
         * @param    Function  fn     callback function
         * @param    int       delay  delay in millisecond
         * @return   function
         * @since    3.2.0
         * @version  3.2.0
        function debounce( fn, delay ) {
            var timer = null;
            return function () {
                var context = this,
                    args = arguments;
                window.clearTimeout( timer );
                timer = window.setTimeout( function () {
                    fn.apply( context, args );
                }, delay );

        // go


    // initialize the object
    window.llms.admin_tables = new AdminTables();

} )( jQuery );