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 * LifterLMS Admin Panel Javascript
 * @since Unknown
 * @version 7.3.0
 * @param obj $ Traditional jQuery reference.
 * @return void
;( function( $ ) {

    window.llms = window.llms || {};

    window.llms.widgets = function() {

        this.$widgets      = $( '.llms-widget' );
        this.$info_toggles = $( '.llms-widget-info-toggle' );

        this.init = function() {

        this.bind = function() {

            this.$info_toggles.on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', function( evt ) {
                $(this).closest( '.llms-widget' )
                    .toggleClass( 'info-showing', 'mouseenter' === evt.type );
            } );


        // Go.

        return this;


    var llms_widgets = new window.llms.widgets();

     * Simple jQuery plugin to transform select elements into Select2-powered elements to query for Courses/Memberships via AJAX.
     * @since 3.19.4
     * @since 3.32.0 Added ability to fetch posts based on their post status.
     * @since 3.37.2 Added ability to fetch posts (llms posts) filtered by their instructor id.
     * @since 4.4.0 Update ajax nonce source.
     * @param obj options Options passed to Select2.
     *                    Each default option will pulled from the elements data-attributes.
     * @return void
    $.fn.llmsPostsSelect2 = function( options ) {

        var self = this,
            options = options || {},
            defaults = {
                multiple: false,
                placeholder: undefined !== LLMS.l10n ? LLMS.l10n.translate( 'Select a Course/Membership' ) : 'Select a Course/Membership',
                post_type: self.attr( 'data-post-type' ) || 'post',
                post_statuses: self.attr( 'data-post-statuses' ) || 'publish',
                instructor_id: null,
                allow_clear: self.attr( 'data-post-type' ) || false,
                width: null,

        $.each( defaults, function( setting ) {
            if ( self.attr( 'data-' + setting ) ) {
                options[ setting ] = self.attr( 'data-' + setting );
        } );

        if ( 'multiple' === self.attr( 'multiple' ) ) {
            options.multiple = true;

        options = $.extend( defaults, options );

        this.llmsSelect2( {
            allowClear: options.allow_clear,
            ajax: {
                dataType: 'JSON',
                delay: 250,
                method: 'POST',
                url: window.ajaxurl,
                data: function( params ) {
                    return {
                        action: 'select2_query_posts',
                        page: ( params.page ) ? params.page - 1 : 0, // 0 index the pages to make it simpler for the database query
                        post_type: options.post_type,
                        instructor_id : options.instructor_id,
                        post_statuses: options.post_statuses,
                        term: params.term,
                        _ajax_nonce: window.llms.ajax_nonce,
                processResults: function( data, params ) {

                    // recursive function for creating
                    function map_data( items ) {

                        // this is a flat array of results
                        // used when only one post type is selected
                        // and to format children when using optgroups with multiple post types
                        if ( Array.isArray( items ) ) {
                            return $.map( items, function( item ) {
                                return format_item( item );
                            } );

                            // this sets up the top level optgroups when using multiple post types
                        } else {
                            return $.map( items, function( item ) {
                                return {
                                    text: item.label,
                                    children: map_data( item.items ),
                            } );

                    // format a single result (option)
                    function format_item( item ) {
                        return {
                            text: item.name,
                            id: item.id,

                    return {
                        results: map_data( data.items ),
                        pagination: {
                            more: data.more

            cache: true,
            placeholder: options.placeholder,
            multiple: options.multiple,
            width: options.width,
        } );


    // automatically setup any select with the `llms-posts-select2` class
    $( 'select.llms-posts-select2' ).llmsPostsSelect2();

     * Simple jQuery plugin to transform select elements into Select2-powered elements to query for Students via AJAX
     * @since Unknown
     * @since 3.17.5 Unknown.
     * @since 4.4.0 Update ajax nonce source.
     * @since 6.2.0 Use the LifterLMS REST API "list students" endpoint
     *              instead of the `LLMS_AJAX_Handler::query_students()` PHP function.
     * @since 6.3.0 Fixed student's REST API URL.
     * @since 7.3.0 Early bail when the element doesn't exist.
     * @param {Object} options Options passed to Select2. Each default option will be pulled from the elements data-attributes.
     * @return {jQuery}
    $.fn.llmsStudentsSelect2 = function( options ) {

        if ( ! this.length ) {
            return this;

        var self = this,
            options = options || {},
            defaults = {
                allow_clear: false,
                enrolled_in: '',
                multiple: false,
                not_enrolled_in: '',
                placeholder: undefined !== LLMS.l10n ? LLMS.l10n.translate( 'Select a student' ) : 'Select a student',
                roles: '',
                width: '100%',

        $.each( defaults, function( setting ) {
            if ( self.attr( 'data-' + setting ) ) {
                options[ setting ] = self.attr( 'data-' + setting );
        } );

        options = $.extend( defaults, options );

            allowClear: options.allow_clear,
            ajax: {
                dataType: 'JSON',
                delay: 250,
                method: 'GET',
                url: window.wpApiSettings.root + 'llms/v1/students',
                data: function( params ) {
                    return {
                        _wpnonce: window.wpApiSettings.nonce,
                        context: 'edit',
                        page: params.page || 1,
                        per_page: 10,
                        not_enrolled_in: params.not_enrolled_in || options.not_enrolled_in,
                        enrolled_in: params.enrolled_in || options.enrolled_in,
                        roles: params.roles || options.roles,
                        search: params.term,
                        search_columns: 'email,name,username',
                processResults: function( data, params ) {
                    var page       = params.page || 1;
                    var totalPages = this._request.getResponseHeader( 'X-WP-TotalPages' );
                    return {
                        results: $.map( data, function( item ) {

                            return {
                                text: item.name + ' <' + item.email + '>',
                                id: item.id,

                        } ),
                        pagination: {
                            more: page < totalPages
            cache: true,
            placeholder: options.placeholder,
            multiple: options.multiple,
            width: options.width,

        return this;


     * Scripts for use on the engagements settings tab for email provider connector plugins
     * @since 3.40.0
    window.llms.emailConnectors = {

         * Register a client
         * Builds and submits a form used to direct the user to the connector's oAuth
         * authorization endpoint.
         * @since 3.40.0
         * @param {String} url    Redirect URL.
         * @param {Object} fields Hash of fields where the key is the field name and the value if the field value.
         * @return {Void}
        registerClient: function( url, fields ) {

            var form = document.createElement( 'form' );
            form.setAttribute( 'method', 'POST' );
            form.setAttribute( 'action', url );

            function appendInput( name, value ) {
                var input = document.createElement( 'input' );
                input.setAttribute( 'type', 'hidden' );
                input.setAttribute( 'name', name );
                input.setAttribute( 'value', value );
                form.appendChild( input );

            $.each( fields, function( key, val ) {
                appendInput( key, val );
            } );

            document.body.appendChild( form );


         * Performs an AJAX request to perform remote installation of the connector plugin
         * The callback will more than likely use `registerClient()` on success.
         * @since 3.40.0
         * @param {Object}   $btn     jQuery object for the connector button.
         * @param {Object}   data     Hash of data used for the ajax request.
         * @param {Function} callback Success callback function.
         * @return {Void}
        remoteInstall: function( $btn, data, callback ) {

            $btn.parent().find( '.llms-error' ).remove();
            $.post( ajaxurl, data, callback ).fail( function( jqxhr ) {
                LLMS.Spinner.stop( $btn );
                var msg = jqxhr.responseJSON && jqxhr.responseJSON.message ? jqxhr.responseJSON.message : jqxhr.responseText;
                if ( msg ) {
                    $( '<p class="llms-error">' + LLMS.l10n.replace( 'Error: %s', { '%s': msg } ) + '</p>' ).insertAfter( $btn );
            } );



} )( jQuery );