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Test Coverage
 * Common Shortcode for course element templates
 * @package LifterLMS/Abstracts/Classes
 * @since 3.6.0
 * @version 3.6.0

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * Common Shortcode for course element templates abstract class
 * @since 3.6.0
abstract class LLMS_Shortcode_Course_Element extends LLMS_Shortcode {

     * Call the template function for the course element
     * @return   void
     * @since    3.6.0
     * @version  3.6.0
    abstract protected function template_function();

     * Retrieves an array of default attributes which are automatically merged
     * with the user submitted attributes and passed to $this->get_output()
     * @return   array
     * @since    3.6.0
     * @version  3.6.0
    protected function get_default_attributes() {
        return array(
            'course_id' => get_the_ID(),

     * Retrieve the actual content of the shortcode
     * $atts & $content are both filtered before being passed to get_output()
     * output is filtered so the return of get_output() doesn't need its own filter
     * @return   string
     * @since    3.6.0
     * @version  3.6.0
    protected function get_output() {

        // Get a reference to the current page where the shortcode is displayed.
        global $post;
        $current_post = $post;

        $course = get_post( $this->get_attribute( 'course_id' ) );

        // We don't have a post object to proceed with.
        if ( ! $course ) {
            return '';

        if ( 'course' !== $course->post_type ) {
            // Get the parent.
            $parent = llms_get_post_parent_course( $course );

            // Post type doesn't have a parent so we can't display a syllabus.
            if ( ! $parent ) {
                return '';

            // We have a course.
            $course = $parent->post;



        // Hack the global so our syllabus template works.
        if ( $course->ID != $current_post->ID ) {
            $post = $course;


        // Restore the global.
        if ( $course->ID != $current_post->ID ) {
            $post = $current_post;

        return ob_get_clean();

