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Test Coverage
 * Defines base methods and properties for querying data about LifterLMS Custom Post Types
 * @package LifterLMS/Abstracts/Classes
 * @since 3.31.0
 * @version 5.9.0

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * LLMS Post Data abstract class
 * @since 3.31.0
abstract class LLMS_Abstract_Post_Data {

     * LLMS Post instance.
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @var LLMS_Post_Model
    protected $post;

     * LLMS Post ID.
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @var int
    protected $post_id;

     * @since 3.31.0
     * @var array
    protected $dates = array();

     * Constructor.
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @param int $post_id WP Post ID of the LLMS Post.
    public function __construct( $post_id ) {

        $this->post_id = $post_id;
        $this->post    = llms_get_post( $this->post_id );


     * Retrieve the instance of the LLMS_Post_Model.
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @return LLMS_Post_Model The instance of the LLMS_Post_Model.
    public function get_post() {
        return $this->post;

     * Retrieve the LLMS_Post_Model ID.
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @return int The LLMS_Post_Model ID.
    public function get_post_id() {
        return $this->post_id;

     * Allow dates and timestamps to be passed into various data functions.
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @param  mixed $date A date string or timestamp.
     * @return int The Unix timestamp of the given date.
    protected function strtotime( $date ) {
        if ( ! is_numeric( $date ) ) {
            $date = date( 'U', strtotime( $date ) );
        return $date;

     * Retrieve a start or end date based on the period.
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @param  string $period Period [current|previous].
     * @param  string $date   The date type [start|end].
     * @return string The start or end date in the format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.
    protected function get_date( $period, $date ) {

        return date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->dates[ $period ][ $date ] );


     * Retrieves the selected period from `$_GET` and validates it.
     * If there is no period set or it's set to an invalid period, defaults to "today".
     * @since 5.9.0
     * @return string
    public function parse_period() {
        $periods = LLMS_Admin_Reporting::get_period_filters();
        $period  = llms_filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'period' );
        if ( ! $period || ! array_key_exists( $period, $periods ) ) {
            $period = 'today';
        return $period;

     * Set the dates passed on a date range period
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @param  string $period Date range period.
     * @return void
    public function set_period( $period = 'today' ) {

        $now = current_time( 'timestamp' );

        switch ( $period ) {

            case 'all_time':
                $curr_start = 0;
                $curr_end   = $now;

                $prev_start = 0;
                $prev_end   = $now;

            case 'last_year':
                $curr_start = strtotime( 'first day of january last year', $now );
                $curr_end   = strtotime( 'last day of december last year', $now );

                $prev_start = strtotime( 'first day of january last year', $curr_start );
                $prev_end   = strtotime( 'last day of december last year', $curr_start );

            case 'year':
                $curr_start = strtotime( 'first day of january this year', $now );
                $curr_end   = strtotime( 'last day of december this year', $now );

                $prev_start = strtotime( 'first day of january last year', $now );
                $prev_end   = strtotime( 'last day of december last year', $now );

            case 'last_month':
                $curr_start = strtotime( 'first day of previous month', $now );
                $curr_end   = strtotime( 'last day of previous month', $now );

                $prev_start = strtotime( 'first day of previous month', $curr_start );
                $prev_end   = strtotime( 'last day of previous month', $curr_start );

            case 'month':
                $curr_start = strtotime( 'first day of this month', $now );
                $curr_end   = strtotime( 'last day of this month', $now );

                $prev_start = strtotime( 'first day of previous month', $now );
                $prev_end   = strtotime( 'last day of previous month', $now );

            case 'last_week':
                $curr_start = strtotime( 'monday this week', $now - WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
                $curr_end   = $now;

                $prev_start = strtotime( 'monday previous week', $curr_start - WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
                $prev_end   = $curr_start - DAY_IN_SECONDS;

            case 'week':
                $curr_start = strtotime( 'monday this week', $now );
                $curr_end   = $now;

                $prev_start = strtotime( 'monday previous week', $now );
                $prev_end   = $curr_start - DAY_IN_SECONDS;

            case 'yesterday':
                $curr_start = $now - DAY_IN_SECONDS;
                $curr_end   = $curr_start;

                $prev_start = $curr_start - DAY_IN_SECONDS;
                $prev_end   = $prev_start;

            case 'today':
                $curr_start = $now;
                $curr_end   = $now;

                $prev_start = $now - DAY_IN_SECONDS;
                $prev_end   = $prev_start;

        }// End switch().

        $this->dates = array(
            'current'  => array(
                'start' => strtotime( 'midnight', $curr_start ),
                'end'   => strtotime( 'tomorrow', $curr_end ) - 1,
            'previous' => array(
                'start' => strtotime( 'midnight', $prev_start ),
                'end'   => strtotime( 'tomorrow', $prev_end ) - 1,


     * Retrieve recent LLMS_User_Postmeta for the quiz
     * @since 3.31.0
     * @param array $args {
     *     Optional. An array of arguments to feed the LLMS_Query_User_Postmeta with.
     *     @type int          $per_page The number of posts to query for. Default 10.
     *     @type array|string $types    Array of strings for the type of events to fetch, or a string to fetch them all. Default 'all'.
     *                                  @see LLMS_Query_User_Postmeta::parse_args()
     * }
     * @return array Array of LLMS_User_Postmetas.
    public function recent_events( $args = array() ) {

        $query_args = wp_parse_args(
                'per_page' => 10,
                'types'    => 'all',

        $query_args['post_id'] = $this->post_id;

        $query = new LLMS_Query_User_Postmeta( $query_args );

        return $query->get_metas();

