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Test Coverage
 * Add, Customize, and Manage LifterLMS Lesson posts table Columns
 * @package LifterLMS/Admin/PostTypes/PostTables/Classes
 * @since 3.2.3
 * @version 7.1.0

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * LLMS_Admin_Post_Table_Lessons class
 * @since 3.2.3
 * @since 3.24.0 Unknown.
class LLMS_Admin_Post_Table_Lessons {

     * Constructor.
     * @since 3.2.3
     * @since 3.12.0 Unknown.
     * @since 7.1.0 Added links to the course builder.
     * @return void
    public function __construct() {

        add_filter( 'post_row_actions', array( $this, 'add_links' ), 1, 2 );

        add_filter( 'manage_lesson_posts_columns', array( $this, 'add_columns' ), 10, 1 );
        add_action( 'manage_lesson_posts_custom_column', array( $this, 'manage_columns' ), 10, 2 );

        add_action( 'restrict_manage_posts', array( $this, 'add_filters' ), 10, 2 );
        add_filter( 'parse_query', array( $this, 'parse_query_filters' ), 10, 1 );


     * Add course builder edit link.
     * @since 7.1.0
     * @param array   $actions Existing actions.
     * @param WP_Post $post    Lesson's WP_Post object.
     * @return array
    public function add_links( $actions, $post ) {

        if ( 'lesson' === $post->post_type && current_user_can( 'edit_lesson', $post->ID ) ) {

            $lesson = llms_get_post( $post->ID );
            if ( ! $lesson ) {
                return $actions;

            $course = $lesson->get( 'parent_course' );
            $url    = add_query_arg(
                    'page'      => 'llms-course-builder',
                    'course_id' => $course,
                admin_url( 'admin.php' )
            $url   .= sprintf( '#lesson:%d', $post->ID );

            $actions = array_merge(
                    'llms-builder' => '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '">' . __( 'Builder', 'lifterlms' ) . '</a>',


        return $actions;


     * Add custom lesson columns.
     * @since 3.2.3
     * @since 3.12.0 Unknown.
     * @since 7.1.0 Quiz column added.
     * @param array $columns Array of default columns.
     * @return array
    public function add_columns( $columns ) {

        $columns = array(
            'cb'      => '<input type="checkbox" />',
            'title'   => __( 'Lesson Title', 'lifterlms' ),
            'course'  => __( 'Course', 'lifterlms' ),
            'section' => __( 'Section', 'lifterlms' ),
            'prereq'  => __( 'Prerequisite', 'lifterlms' ),
            'quiz'    => __( 'Quiz', 'lifterlms' ),
            'author'  => __( 'Author', 'lifterlms' ),
            'date'    => __( 'Date', 'lifterlms' ),

        return $columns;

     * Add filters to the top of the post table
     * @since 3.12.0
     * @param string $post_type Post Type of the current posts table.
     * @param string $which     Positioning of the filters [top|bottom].
     * @return void
    public function add_filters( $post_type, $which ) {

        // Only for the correct post type & position.
        if ( 'lesson' !== $post_type || 'top' !== $which ) {

        $selected = isset( $_GET['llms_filter_course_id'] ) ? absint( $_GET['llms_filter_course_id'] ) : false;
        echo LLMS_Admin_Post_Tables::get_post_type_filter_html( 'llms_filter_course_id', 'course', $selected );


     * Manage content of custom lesson columns.
     * @since 3.2.3
     * @since 3.24.0 Unknown.
     * @since 5.7.0 Replaced the call to the deprecated `LLMS_Lesson::get_parent_course()` method with `LLMS_Lesson::get( 'parent_course' )`.
     * @since 7.1.0 Implemented content for the quiz column.
     * @param string $column  Column key/name.
     * @param int    $post_id WP Post ID of the lesson for the row.
     * @return void
    public function manage_columns( $column, $post_id ) {

        $lesson = llms_get_post( $post_id );
        if ( ! $lesson ) {

        switch ( $column ) {

            case 'course':
                $course    = $lesson->get( 'parent_course' );
                $edit_link = get_edit_post_link( $course );

                if ( ! empty( $course ) ) {
                    printf( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', $edit_link, get_the_title( $course ) );


            case 'section':
                $section = $lesson->get_parent_section();
                if ( ! empty( $section ) ) {
                    echo get_the_title( $section );


            case 'prereq':
                if ( $lesson->has_prerequisite() ) {

                    $prereq    = $lesson->get( 'prerequisite' );
                    $edit_link = get_edit_post_link( $prereq );

                    if ( $prereq ) {

                        printf( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', $edit_link, get_the_title( $prereq ) );

                    } else {

                        echo '&ndash;';

                } else {

                    echo '&ndash;';



            case 'quiz':
                $course = $lesson->get( 'parent_course' );
                $url    = add_query_arg(
                        'page'      => 'llms-course-builder',
                        'course_id' => $course,
                    admin_url( 'admin.php' )
                $url   .= sprintf( '#lesson:%d:quiz', $post_id );

                if ( $lesson->has_quiz() ) {

                    $label = __( 'Edit Quiz', 'lifterlms' );

                } else {

                    $label = __( 'Add Quiz', 'lifterlms' );


                echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '">' . esc_html( $label ) . '</a>';




     * Modify the main WP Query
     * @since 3.12.0
     * @since 4.5.1 Bail early if the query has no `post_type` property set.
     * @param WP_Query $query The WordPress Query.
     * @return WP_Query
    public function parse_query_filters( $query ) {

        // Only modify admin & main query.
        if ( ! ( is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) ) {
            return $query;

        // Don't proceed if it's not our post type.
        if ( ! isset( $query->query['post_type'] ) || 'lesson' !== $query->query['post_type'] ) {
            return $query;

        // If none of our custom filters are set, don't proceed.
        if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['llms_filter_course_id'] ) ) {
            return $query;

        // Get the query or a default to work with.
        $meta_query = $query->get( 'meta_query' );
        if ( ! $meta_query ) {
            $meta_query = array();

         * Set an and relation for our filters
         * if other filters already exist, we'll ensure we obey them as well this way.
        $meta_query['relation'] = 'AND';

        $meta_query[] = array(
            'compare' => '=',
            'key'     => '_llms_parent_course',
            'value'   => absint( $_REQUEST['llms_filter_course_id'] ),

        $query->set( 'meta_query', $meta_query );

        return $query;


return new LLMS_Admin_Post_Table_Lessons();