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Test Coverage
 * Get & Set grades for gradable post types
 * @package LifterLMS/Classes
 * @since 3.24.0
 * @version 6.0.0

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * LLMS_Grades
 * @since 3.24.0
 * @since 5.3.0 Replace singleton code with `LLMS_Trait_Singleton`.
 * @since 6.0.0 Removed the deprecated `LLMS_Grades::$_instance` property.
class LLMS_Grades {

    use LLMS_Trait_Singleton;

     * Determines the rounding precision used by grading functions
     * @var  int
    private $rounding_precision = 2;

     * Private constructor
     * @since    3.24.0
     * @version  3.24.0
    private function __construct() {

        $this->rounding_precision = apply_filters( 'llms_grade_rounding_precision', $this->rounding_precision );


     * Calculates the grades for elements that have a list of children which are averaged / weighted to come up with the total grade
     * @param    array        $children list of child objects
     * @param    LLMS_Student $student  A LLMS_Student object.
     * @return   float|null
     * @since    3.24.0
     * @version  3.24.0
    private function calculate_grade_from_children( $children, $student ) {

        $grade  = null;
        $grades = array();

        // Loop through all the children and compile the overall grade & points data.
        foreach ( $children as $child_id ) {

            $child = llms_get_post( $child_id );
            $grade = $this->get_grade( $child_id, $student, false );

            // Non numeric grade (null) hasn't been taken yet or no gradable elements exist on the child.
            if ( ! is_numeric( $grade ) ) {

            $points = $child->get( 'points' );

            // If no points assigned to the child, the grade doesn't count towards the overall grade.
            if ( ! $points ) {

            // Add the grade & points for further processing after we have all the data.
            $grades[] = array(
                'grade'  => $grade,
                'points' => $points,


        // If we have at least one grade.
        if ( count( $grades ) ) {

            // Get the total available points for all children with a numeric grade & a points value.
            $total_points = array_sum( wp_list_pluck( $grades, 'points' ) );

            // If we don't have any points this element can't have an overall grade.
            if ( $total_points ) {

                // Sum up the adjusted grade.
                $grade = 0;
                foreach ( $grades as $data ) {
                    // Calculate the adjusted the grade.
                    // Grade multiplied by available points over total points.
                    $grade += $data['grade'] * ( $data['points'] / $total_points );

        return $grade;


     * Calculate the grade for a course
     * @param    LLMS_Course  $course  A LLMS_Course object.
     * @param    LLMS_Student $student A LLMS_Student object.
     * @return   float|null
     * @since    3.24.0
     * @version  3.24.0
    private function calculate_course_grade( $course, $student ) {

        return apply_filters(
            $this->calculate_grade_from_children( $course->get_lessons( 'ids' ), $student ),


     * Main grade calculation function
     * Calculates the grade for a gradable post model
     * See get_grade() for a function which uses caching
     * @param    LLMS_Post_Model $post    A LLMS_Post_Model object.
     * @param    LLMS_Student    $student A LLMS_Student object.
     * @return   float|null
     * @since    3.24.0
     * @version  3.24.0
    public function calculate_grade( $post, $student ) {

        $grade = null;

        $post_type = $post->get( 'type' );
        switch ( $post_type ) {

            case 'course':
                /** @var LLMS_Course $post */
                $grade = $this->calculate_course_grade( $post, $student );

            case 'lesson':
                /** @var LLMS_Lesson $post */
                $grade = $this->calculate_lesson_grade( $post, $student );

            case 'llms_quiz':
                $attempt = $student->quizzes()->get_best_attempt( $post->get( 'id' ) );
                if ( $attempt ) {
                    $grade = $attempt->get( 'grade' );


            // 3rd party / custom element grading.
                $grade = apply_filters( 'llms_calculate_' . $post_type . '_grade', $grade, $post, $student );


        // Round numeric results.
        if ( is_numeric( $grade ) ) {
            $grade = $this->round( $grade );

        return apply_filters( 'llms_calculate_grade', $grade, $post, $student );


     * Calculates the grade for a lesson
     * @param    LLMS_Lesson  $lesson  A LLMS_Lesson object.
     * @param    LLMS_Student $student A LLMS_Student object.
     * @return   float|null
     * @since    3.24.0
     * @version  3.24.0
    private function calculate_lesson_grade( $lesson, $student ) {

        $grade = null;

        if ( $lesson->is_quiz_enabled() ) {

            $grade = $this->get_grade( $lesson->get( 'quiz' ), $student, false );


        return apply_filters( 'llms_calculate_lesson_grade', $grade, $lesson, $student );


     * Main grade getter function
     * Uses caching by default and can bypass cache when requested
     * @since 3.24.0
     * @since 4.4.4 Don't pass the `$use_cache` parameter to the `calculate_grade()` method.
     * @param    WP_Post|int  $post_id   An instance of WP_Post or a WP Post ID.
     * @param    LLMS_Student $student   A LLMS_Student object.
     * @param    bool         $use_cache when true, retrieves from cache if available
     * @return   float|null
    public function get_grade( $post_id, $student, $use_cache = true ) {

        $post    = llms_get_post( $post_id );
        $student = llms_get_student( $student );

        $grade = $use_cache ? $this->get_grade_from_cache( $post, $student ) : false;

        // Grade not found in cache or we're not using the cache.
        if ( false === $grade ) {

            $grade = $this->calculate_grade( $post, $student );

            // Store in the cache.
                sprintf( '%d_grade', $post->get( 'id' ) ),
                sprintf( 'student_%d', $student->get( 'id' ) )


        return apply_filters( 'llms_get_grade', $grade, $post, $student );


     * Retrieve a grade from the wp_cache
     * @param    LLMS_Post_Model $post    A LLMS_Post_Model object.
     * @param    LLMS_Student    $student A LLMS_Student object.
     * @return   mixed             grade as a float
     *                             null if there's no grade for the post
     *                             false if the grade wasn't found in the cache
     * @since    3.24.0
     * @version  3.24.0
    private function get_grade_from_cache( $post, $student ) {

        return wp_cache_get(
            sprintf( '%d_grade', $post->get( 'id' ) ),
            sprintf( 'student_%d', $student->get( 'id' ) )


     * Round grades according to filterable rounding options set during construction
     * @param    float $grade  Grade to round
     * @return   float
     * @since    3.24.0
     * @version  3.24.0
    public function round( $grade ) {

        return round( $grade, $this->rounding_precision );

