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 * Logging & Related Functions
 * @package LifterLMS/Functions
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @version 6.4.0

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * Copy a log file that is greater than or equal to the max allowed log file size
 * If the log file's size is larger than the maximum allowed log file size (5MB) it will rename the log, adding
 * the current timestamp as a suffix and `.bk` to the extension.
 * Future logs to the same file will result in a new logfile being created, ensuring that log files never grow
 * too large which could cause performance issues during reads and writes.
 * @since 4.5.0
 * @see llms_backup_logs()
 * @param string $handle Log file handle.
 * @return null|boolean|string Returns `null` if the log file is not larger than the max size, `false` if an error is encountered,
 *                             and the new log file path on success.
function llms_backup_log( $handle ) {

    $file = llms_get_log_path( $handle );
    $size = file_exists( $file ) ? filesize( $file ) : 0;

     * Filter the max filesize of a log file before the log is backed up
     * The value of this filter, `$maxsize` is an integer representing the maximum number of megabytes
     * a file can be before it is split.
     * @since 4.5.0
     * @param int $maxsize Maximum file size (in MB). The default value is `5` (5MB).
    $maxsize = absint( apply_filters( 'llms_log_max_filesize', 5 ) ) * 1000 * 1000;

    if ( $size >= $maxsize ) {

        $copy = str_replace( '.log', sprintf( '-%d.log.bk', time() ), $file );

         * Filter the name of a log file copy that's being backed up because it's reached the maximum allowed size
         * While it is possible to change the extension of the log file (`.log.bk`), it is not recommended. The cron
         * which creates copies filters out `.log.bk` so that it doesn't scan backups and attempt to split them
         * again (infinitely).
         * @since 4.5.0
         * @param string $copy   Full path for the copy log file (the backup).
         * @param string $file   Full path for the original log file.
         * @param string $handle Log file handle.
        $copy = apply_filters( 'llms_log_split_file_name', $copy, $file, $handle );
        if ( rename( $file, $copy ) ) {

             * Action triggered immediately following the creation of a logfile backup.
             * @since 4.5.0
             * @param string $copy   Full path for the copy log file (the backup).
             * @param string $file   Full path for the original log file.
             * @param string $handle Log file handle.
            do_action( 'llms_log_file_backup_created', $copy, $file, $handle );

            return $copy;

    return null;


 * Backup all log files in the LifterLMS log directory
 * This function scans the `LLMS_LOG_DIR` and passes each log file to `llms_backup_log()` to
 * create backups of each log file.
 * It does not include logs with the `.log.bk` extension as those logs are logs created by this process
 * and don't need to be scanned again.
 * @since 4.5.0
 * @see llms_backup_log()
 * @return void
function llms_backup_logs() {

    foreach ( glob( LLMS_LOG_DIR . '*.log' ) as $file ) {

        // Get the handle from the file path.
        $parts = explode( '-', basename( $file, '.log' ) );
        if ( $parts ) {
            llms_backup_log( implode( '-', array_slice( $parts, 0, -1 ) ) );

add_action( 'llms_backup_logs', 'llms_backup_logs' );

 * Retrieve a string representing a PHP callable
 * This can be used to log callables regardless of the callable format.
 * @since 5.2.0
 * @param mixed $callable PHP callable.
 * @return string
function llms_get_callable_name( $callable ) {

    // Function name or static class -> method: 'function' or 'class::method'.
    if ( is_string( $callable ) ) {
        return $callable;

    if ( is_array( $callable ) && ! empty( $callable ) ) {

        // Class and class method: [ $class, 'method' ]. (phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.CommentedOutCode.Found).
        if ( is_object( $callable[0] ) ) {
            return get_class( $callable[0] ) . '->' . $callable[1];

        // Static class + method: [ 'class', 'method' ]. (phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.CommentedOutCode.Found).
        return implode( '::', $callable );


    // Invokable class: $class. (phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.CommentedOutCode.Found).
    if ( is_object( $callable ) ) {
        return get_class( $callable );

    return 'Unknown';


 * Retrieve the full path to the log file for a given log handle
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @param string $handle Log handle.
 * @return string
function llms_get_log_path( $handle ) {

    return trailingslashit( LLMS_LOG_DIR ) . $handle . '-' . sanitize_file_name( wp_hash( $handle ) ) . '.log';


 * Log arbitrary messages to a log file
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @since 3.7.5 Unknown.
 * @param mixed  $message Data to log.
 * @param string $handle  Allow creation of multiple log files by handle.
 * @return boolean
function llms_log( $message, $handle = 'llms' ) {

     * Filter a log data before it's written to the logger.
     * This hook filters the log message in its raw format which may be a string, object, or array. To
     * filter the final log message after string conversion, use `llms_log_message_string`.
     * @since 4.12.0
     * @see llms_log_message_string
     * @param mixed  $message Data to log.
     * @param string $handle  Allow creation of multiple log files by handle.
    $message = apply_filters( 'llms_log_message', $message, $handle );

    $ret = false;
    $fh  = fopen( llms_get_log_path( $handle ), 'a' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_fopen

    // Open the file (creates it if it doesn't already exist).
    if ( $fh ) {

        $message = is_array( $message ) || is_object( $message ) ? print_r( $message, true ) : $message; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_print_r -- This is intentional.

         * Filter a log message before it's written to the logger.
         * This hook filters the log message in its final string format To filter the log message
         * before string conversion, use `llms_log_message`.
         * @since 6.4.0
         * @see llms_log_message
         * @param string $message Log message string.
         * @param string $handle  Allow creation of multiple log files by handle.
        $message = apply_filters( 'llms_log_message_string', $message, $handle );

        $ret = fwrite( $fh, gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . ' - ' . $message . "\n" ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_fwrite

        fclose( $fh ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_fclose


    return $ret ? true : false;


 * Automatically anonymize a list of registered "secure" strings before writing logs.
 * This function is a callback for the `llms_log_message_string` filter. It loads secure strings
 * defined in the `llms_secure_strings` filter and automatically anonymizes them when
 * they are found within the supplied log message.
 * @since 6.4.0
 * @access private
 * @param string $message The string to log.
 * @param string $handle  Log file handle.
 * @return string
function _llms_secure_log_messages( $message, $handle ) {

     * Filters a list of "secure" strings which should be anonymized prior to logging.
     * A plugin or theme that might log potentially sensitive data (such as API keys), the
     * API key strings can be registered with this filter to automatically be anonymized
     * if they are found within logs.
     * @since 6.4.0
     * @param string[] $secure_strings An array of secure strings that should be anonymized.
     * @param string   $handle         The log handle. This can be used to only register strings for a specific log file.
    $secure_strings = apply_filters( 'llms_secure_strings', array(), $handle );

    // Nothing to do.
    if ( empty( $secure_strings ) ) {
        return $message;

    $find    = array();
    $replace = array();

    foreach ( $secure_strings as $string ) {
        if ( false !== strpos( $message, $string ) ) {
            $find[]    = $string;
            $replace[] = llms_anonymize_string( $string );

    $message = str_replace( $find, $replace, $message );

    return $message;

add_filter( 'llms_log_message_string', '_llms_secure_log_messages', 999, 2 );