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 * LLMS_Trait_Award_Default_Images
 * @package LifterLMS/Traits
 * @since 6.0.0
 * @version 6.0.0

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * Default image getters for LifterLMS awards.
 * Classes that utilize this trait should declare a protected class property `$award_type`, which
 * is used to define the award's type ID. Core supported types are 'achievement' and 'certificate'.
 * @since 6.0.0
trait LLMS_Trait_Award_Default_Images {

     * Retrieve the default image source for the given engagement type.
     * The method name is not a typo. This retrieves the default image used when the default image
     * option is not set or doesn't exist. Thus, it retrieves the default default. Thumbs up.
     * This method retrieves the image stored in the plugin's assets directory. The images
     * were updated with the release of this method and allows usage of the previous version's
     * images via the filter {@see llms_use_legacy_engagement_images}.
     * The legacy default image URL is returned if the current certificate version is 1 and the
     * 'llms_has_achievements_with_legacy_default_image' option is 'yes' or the type is achievement and the
     * 'llms_has_certificates_with_legacy_default_image' option is 'yes. These options are set when LifterLMS is updated
     * to 6.0.0 and there are legacy user engagements ({@see \LLMS\Updates\Version_6_0_0\_add_legacy_opt()}).
     * @since 6.0.0
     * @return string The URL to the default image.
    protected function get_default_default_image_src() {

        $img        = "default-{$this->award_type}.png";
        $use_legacy = false;

        switch ( $this->award_type ) {
            case 'achievement':
                $use_legacy = llms_parse_bool( get_option( 'llms_has_achievements_with_legacy_default_image', 'no' ) );
            case 'certificate':
                $certificate = llms_get_certificate( null, true );
                if ( $certificate && 1 === $certificate->get_template_version() ) {
                    $use_legacy = llms_parse_bool( get_option( 'llms_has_certificates_with_legacy_default_image', 'no' ) );

         * Filter whether or not the legacy default images should be used for achievement and certificates.
         * @since 6.0.0
         * @example add_filter( 'llms_use_legacy_award_images', '__return_true' );
         * @param boolean $use_legacy If `true`, the legacy image will be used.
         * @param string  $award_type The type of award, either "achievement" or "certificate".
        if ( apply_filters( 'llms_use_legacy_award_images', $use_legacy, $this->award_type ) ) {
            $img = "optional_{$this->award_type}.png";

        return llms()->plugin_url() . '/assets/images/' . $img;


     * Retrieve the default image for a given object.
     * @since 6.0.0
     * @param int $object_id WP_Post ID of the earned achievement. This is passed so that anyone filtering the default image could
     *                       provide a different default image based on the achievement.
     * @return string The full image source url.
    public function get_default_image( $object_id ) {

        $src = '';

        // Retrieve the stored value from the database.
        $id = $this->get_default_image_id();
        if ( $id ) {
            $src = wp_get_attachment_url( $id );

        // Use the attachment stored for the option in the DB and fallback to the default image from the plugin's assets dir.
        $src = $src ? $src : $this->get_default_default_image_src();

         * Filters the default image source for an award.
         * The dynamic portion of this hook, {$this->award_type}, refers to the award type, either "achievement" or "certificate".
         * @since 2.2.0
         * @since 6.0.0 Merged achievement and certificate filters into a single dynamic filter.
         * @param string $src       The full image source url.
         * @param int    $object_id The WP_Post ID of the award.
        return apply_filters(

     * Retrieve attachment ID of the default achievement image.
     * If the attachment post doesn't exist will return false. This would happen
     * if the post is deleted from the media library.
     * @since 6.0.0
     * @return int Returns the WP_Post ID of the attachment or `0` if not set.
    public function get_default_image_id() {
        $id = get_option( "lifterlms_{$this->award_type}_default_img", 0 );
        return $id && get_post( $id ) ? absint( $id ) : 0;
