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// External Deps.
import Select from 'react-select/async';
import { debounce } from 'throttle-debounce';
import { uniqueId, differenceBy, uniqBy } from 'lodash';

// WP Deps.
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useState, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch';
import { addQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url';

// Internal Deps.
import { StyledBaseControl } from './styled-base-control';
import {
} from './defaults';

 * Searchable <select> element powered by a WordPress REST API endpoint.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param {Object}    args                         Component arguments.
 * @param {string}    args.searchPath              Required. API path used to perform the search.
 * @param {Function}  args.onUpdate                Callback function invoked when the value of the select changes.
 *                                                 The callback function is passed a single parameter, the new selected
 *                                                 value object(s). For multiselects it will be an array of objects.
 *                                                 If the select is clearable, the value will be `null` when the select
 *                                                 is cleared.
 * @param {Array}     args.selectedValue           The currently selected value(s). If an object is passed, it should contain at least
 *                                                 a `label` and `value` key. Can pass IDs as integers and the values will be automatically
 *                                                 hydrated.
 * @param {string}    args.placeholder             The placeholder displayed within an empty search control.
 * @param {string}    args.className               HTML class attribute added to the select control.
 * @param {string}    args.classNamePrefix         Prefix added to select control subcomponent classnames. In most circumstances this should not
 *                                                 be changed as it is used to style the compontents.
 * @param {number}    args.searchDebounceDelay     Search debounce delay, in milliseconds.
 * @param {Object}    args.additionalSearchArgs    Object of additional query string arguments to use with the API request.
 * @param {?string}   args.label                   Search control label, passed to <BaseControl>.
 * @param {?string}   args.id                      Search control HTML ID attribute, passed to <BaseControl>.
 * @param {?Object[]} args.defaultOptions          Array of hydrated objects to preload into the select as options.
 * @param {?Function} args.getSearchArgs           Function invoked to generate the query string arguments used when fetching
 *                                                 results from the API. The callback function is passed the search string.
 * @param {?Function} args.getSearchURL            Function invoked to create the search URL used to fetch results. The function
 *                                                 is passed the `searchPath` and generated query string arguments from `getSearchArgs()`.
 * @param {?Function} args.hydrateValues           Function invoked to hydrate integer values. The function is passed the currently selected values,
 *                                                 the `searchPath`, and an array of cached (and hydrated) objects previously loaded from the server.
 * @param {?Function} args.formatSearchResults     Function invoked to format results retrieved from the server. The function is passed an array
 *                                                 of objects from the server. It should return an array of objects, each containing at least a
 *                                                 value and label property.
 * @param {?Function} args.formatSearchResultLabel Function invoked to format the display label for a result. The function is passed
 *                                                 an object representing a single result and should return a string.
 * @param {?Function} args.formatSearchResultValue Function invoked to format the saved value for a result. The function is passed
 *                                                 an object representing a single result and should the value to be stored.
 * @param {...*}      args.selectProps             Any remaining properties are passed to the <Select> component, {@link https://react-select.com/props#select-props}.
 * @return {StyledBaseControl} The component.
export default function BaseSearchControl( {
    onUpdate = () => {},
    selectedValue = [],
    additionalSearchArgs = {},
    defaultOptions = null,
    getSearchArgs = null,
    label = null,
    getSearchURL = null,
    hydrateValues = null,
    formatSearchResults = null,
    formatSearchResultLabel = null,
    formatSearchResultValue = null,
    id = null,
    placeholder = __( 'Search…', 'lifterlms' ),
    className = 'llms-base-search-control',
    classNamePrefix = 'llms-search-control',
    searchDebounceDelay = 300,
} ) {
    // Setup state variables.
    const [ loadedResults, setLoadedResults ] = useState( [] ),
        addLoadedResults = ( newResults ) =>
            setLoadedResults( loadedResults.concat( newResults ) ),
        [ value, setValue ] = useState(
            Array.isArray( selectedValue ) ? selectedValue : [ selectedValue ]

    // If an ID is stored and passed into component as the selectedValue, hydrate the value from cached results or the API.
    useEffect( () => {
        // Nothing to hydrate.
        if ( ! selectedValue.length ) {
        hydrateValues = hydrateValues || defaultHydrateValues;
        hydrateValues( value, searchPath, loadedResults ).then(
            ( newValues ) => {
                newValues = formatSearchResults(
                const toAdd = differenceBy( newValues, loadedResults, 'id' );
                if ( toAdd.length ) {
                    addLoadedResults( toAdd );
                setValue( newValues );
                return newValues;
    }, [ selectedValue ] );

     * On change function callback.
     * Updates the current value's state and calls the `onUpdate()` user function.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param {?Object[]} newValues Newly selected values.
     * @return {void}
    const onChange = ( newValues ) => {
        setValue( Array.isArray( newValues ) ? newValues : [ newValues ] );
        onUpdate( newValues );

     * Load options from the server.
     * On search term update callback function.
     * @since 1.0.0
    const loadOptions = debounce(
        ( searchQuery, callback ) => {
            apiFetch( {
                path: getSearchURL( searchPath, getSearchArgs( searchQuery ) ),
            } ).then( ( results ) => {
                const formatted = formatSearchResults(
                addLoadedResults( formatted );
                callback( formatted );
            } );

    // Setup defaults.
    id = id || uniqueId( `${ className }--` );

    formatSearchResults = formatSearchResults || defaultFormatSearchResults;
    formatSearchResultLabel = formatSearchResultLabel
        ? formatSearchResultLabel
        : ( res ) => res?.id;
    formatSearchResultValue = formatSearchResultValue
        ? formatSearchResultValue
        : ( res ) => res?.id;

    getSearchArgs = getSearchArgs
        ? getSearchArgs
        : ( searchQuery ) => ( {
            per_page: 10,
            search: searchQuery,
        } );

    getSearchURL = getSearchURL
        ? getSearchURL
        : ( path, args ) => addQueryArgs( path, args );

    selectProps.styles = selectProps.styles || defaultStyles;
    selectProps.theme = selectProps.theme || defaultTheme;

    if ( null === defaultOptions && value.length ) {
        defaultOptions = loadedResults.length
            ? uniqBy( loadedResults, 'id' )
            : true;

    return (
        <StyledBaseControl { ...{ id, label } }>
                { ...{
                } }