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6 hrs
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    inquirer = require( 'inquirer' ),
    chalk = require( 'chalk' ),
    path = require( 'path' ),
    YAML = require( 'yaml' ),
    { existsSync, mkdirSync, writeFileSync } = require( 'fs' ),
    } = require( '../../utils' ),
    opts = getChangelogOptions();

 * Generate a list for the given option key.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string} option Option key.
 * @return {Object[]} Array of objects used for the list.
function generateList( option ) {
    return Object.entries( opts[ option ] )
        .map( ( [ value, desc ] ) => ( {
            name: `${ value.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() }${ value.slice( 1 ) } [${ desc }]`,
        } ) );

 * Coerces a numeric value to a valid link value.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {any} link User-submitted link value.
 * @return {any} The link as a valid link value if it can be coerced or the user-submitted value if it cannot.
function coerceLink( link ) {
    return ! isNaN( parseInt( link ) ) ? `#${ link }` : link;

 * Create the changelog entry from the given entry object.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {ChangelogEntry} log Changelog entry object.
 * @return {void}
function writeChangelog( log ) {
    const { dir } = log;
    let { title } = log;
    delete log.dir;
    delete log.title;

    const logDir = path.join( process.cwd(), dir );
    if ( ! existsSync( logDir ) ) {
        mkdirSync( logDir, { recursive: true } );

    if ( log.links ) {
        log.links = log.links.map( coerceLink );

    const validation = getChangelogValidationIssues( log );
    if ( ! validation.valid ) {
        const errs = validation.errors.map( ( err ) => `\n  - ${ err }` ).join( '' );

        logResult( `The changelog entry could not be written due to validation errors:${ errs }`, 'error' );

        process.exit( 1 );

    // Remove optional empty values.
    Object.keys( log ).forEach( ( key ) => ( ! log[ key ] || ( Array.isArray( log[ key ] ) && ! log[ key ].length ) ) && delete log[ key ] );

    // Make sure filenames are unique.
    let i = 1;
    title = path.join( dir, title );
    const baseTitle = title;
    while ( existsSync( title + '.yml' ) ) {
        title = `${ baseTitle }-${ i }`;
    title += '.yml';

    writeFileSync( title, YAML.stringify( log ) );

    logResult( `New changelog entry written to ${ chalk.bold( title ) }.`, 'success' );

const defaultTitle = execSync( `git branch --show-current`, true ).replace( '/', '_' );

module.exports = {
    command: 'add',
    description: 'Create a new changelog entry.',
    options: [
        [ '-s, --significance <level>', `The semantic version significance of the change. Accepts: ${ Object.keys( opts.significance ).join( ', ' ) }.`, 'patch' ],
        [ '-t, --type <type>', `The type of change. Accepts: ${ Object.keys( opts.type ).join( ', ' ) }.`, 'changed' ],
        [ '-c, --comment <comment>', 'An internal-use comment to include with the changelog entry which is not published with the final changelog.' ],
        [ '-l, --links <issues...>', 'Link the changelog to one or more GitHub issues. Can be provided multiple times to link to multiple issues.' ],
        [ '-a, --attributions <users...>', 'Attribute the changelog entry to one or more individuals. Attributions are provided to thank contributions which originate from outside the LifterLMS organization. Provide a GitHub username or a markdown-formatted anchor. Can be provided multiple times to attribute to multiple users.' ],
        [ '-e, --entry <entry>', 'The changelog entry.' ],
        [ '-T, --title <title>', 'Changelog entry file name. Uses the current git branch name as the default. Automatically appends a number to the title if the title already exists.', defaultTitle ],
        [ '-i, --interactive', 'Create the changelog interactively.', false ],
        [ '-E, --use-editor', 'When creating a changelog interactively, will open an editor to write the entry, This is useful when creating multi-line entries.' ],
    action: ( { significance, type, comment, entry, interactive, links, attributions, dir, title, useEditor } ) => {
        if ( ! entry && ! interactive ) {
            logResult( 'A changelog entry is required.', 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        if ( interactive ) {
            const commasToArray = ( arr ) => arr.split( ',' ).filter( ( part ) => part ).map( ( str ) => str.trim() );

            const questions = [
                    type: 'list',
                    name: 'significance',
                    message: 'Change Significance',
                    default: significance,
                    choices: generateList( 'significance' ),
                    pageSize: Object.keys( opts.significance ).length,
                    type: 'list',
                    name: 'type',
                    message: 'Change Type',
                    default: significance,
                    choices: generateList( 'type' ),
                    pageSize: Object.keys( opts.type ).length,
                    type: 'input',
                    name: 'comment',
                    message: 'Comment [For internal use only]',
                    default: comment,
                    type: 'input',
                    name: 'links',
                    message: 'Linked Issues [Separate multiple issues with a comma]',
                    default: links ? links.join( ', ' ) : null,
                    filter: ( vals ) => commasToArray( vals ).map( coerceLink ),
                    validate: ( userVal ) => userVal.every( ( val ) => isLinkValid( val ) ) ? true : chalk.red( 'Error: Invalid link' ),
                    type: 'input',
                    name: 'attributions',
                    message: 'Attributions [Separate multiple individuals with a comma]',
                    default: attributions ? attributions.join( ', ' ) : null,
                    filter: commasToArray,
                    validate: ( userVal ) => userVal.every( ( val ) => isAttributionValid( val ) ) ? true : chalk.red( 'Error: Invalid attribution' ),
                    type: useEditor ? 'editor' : 'input',
                    name: 'entry',
                    message: 'Changelog Entry Content',
                    default: entry,
                    validate: ( val ) => isEntryValid( val ) ? true : chalk.red( 'Error: Invalid entry.' ),

            inquirer.prompt( questions )
                .then( ( answers ) => writeChangelog( { ...answers, dir, title } ) )
                .catch( ( err ) => console.log( err ) );
        } else {
            writeChangelog( { significance, type, comment, links, attributions, entry, dir, title } );