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    path = require( 'path' ),
    { readFileSync, writeFileSync, readdirSync, rmSync } = require( 'fs' ),
    chalk = require( 'chalk' ),
    semver = require( 'semver' ),
    } = require( '../../utils' );

 * Accepts a date/time string and converts it to YYYY-MM-DD format used in changelog version titles.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string|number} date Timestamp or datetime string parseable by `Date.parse()`.
 * @return {string} Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format.
const formatDate = ( date ) => new Date( date ).toISOString().split( 'T' )[ 0 ];

 * Retrieve the an array of lines for the changelog entry's header.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string} version A semver string.
 * @param {string} date    A date string.
 * @return {string[]} Array of lines.
function getHeaderLines( version, date ) {
    const lines = [ `v${ version } - ${ date }` ];
    lines.push( '-'.repeat( lines[ 0 ].length ) );

    return lines;

 * Retrieve the title for the changelog item's type.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string} type The changelog item type key.
 * @return {string} The changelog item type title.
function getTypeTitle( type ) {
    const map = {
        added: 'New Features',
        changed: 'Updates and Enhancements',
        fixed: 'Bug Fixes',
        deprecated: 'Deprecations',
        removed: 'Breaking Changes',
        dev: 'Developer Notes',
        performance: 'Performance Improvements',
        security: 'Security Fixes',
        template: 'Updated Templates',

    return `\n##### ${ map[ type ] }\n`;

 * Formats a single changelog item.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @since 0.1.0 Use `getIssueLink()` for generation of issue links.
 * @since 0.2.1 Remove trailing `@` from the GitHub handler when building the contributor's profile URL.
 * @param {ChangelogEntry} args              The changelog entry object.
 * @param {string}         args.entry        The content of the changelog entry.
 * @param {string}         args.type         Entry type.
 * @param {string[]}       args.attributions List of individuals attributed to the entry.
 * @param {string[]}       args.links        of GitHub issues linked to the entry.
 * @param {boolean}        includeLinks      Whether or not to include links.
 * @return {string} The formatted changelog entry line.
function formatChangelogItem( { entry, type, attributions = [], links = [] }, includeLinks ) {
    entry = entry.trim();

    // Entries should always end in a full stop.
    if ( 'template' !== type && ! [ '.', '?', '!' ].includes( entry.split( '' ).reverse()[ 0 ] ) ) {
        entry += '.';

    let line = '';

    // Single entry, add a bullet.
    if ( ! entry.includes( '\n' ) ) {
        line += '+ ';

    // Add the line(s).
    line += entry;

    // Add formatted attribution links.
    if ( attributions.length ) {
        attributions = attributions.map( ( v ) => {
            if ( '@' === v.charAt( 0 ) ) {
                v = `[${ v }](https://github.com/${ v.slice( 1 ) })`;
            return v;
        } );
        line += ` Thanks ${ new Intl.ListFormat( 'en', { style: 'long', type: 'conjunction' } ).format( attributions ) }!`;

    // Add issue links.
    if ( includeLinks && links.length ) {
        line += ' ' + links.map( ( iss ) => `[${ iss }](${ getIssueLink( iss ) })` ).join( ', ' );

    return line;

 * Retrieve a list changelog entry objects for all the template files that have been modified.
 * Compares the current git branch against the `trunk` branch in order to find all files in the `templates/` directory
 * which have been modified.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @since 0.1.0 Use `getFileLink()` to generate links to the template file.
 * @param {boolean} includeLinks Whether or not the entry items should be formatted as links to the GitHub repository.
 * @param {string}  version      A semver string.
 * @return {ChangelogEntry[]} Array of changelog entry objects.
function getUpdatedTemplates( includeLinks, version ) {
    try {
        return execSync( 'git diff --name-only trunk | grep "^templates/"', true ).split( '\n' ).map( ( template ) => {
            return {
                type: 'template',
                entry: includeLinks ? `[${ template }](${ getFileLink( template, version ) })` : template,
        } );
    } catch ( e ) {}
    return [];

 * Format the changelog entry for the given version.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string}           version A semver string.
 * @param {string}           date    Version release date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
 * @param {ChangelogEntry[]} entries All entry objects to be included.
 * @param {boolean}          links   Whether or not to add links to GitHub issues and templates. For public repos we want to show links, otherwise we don't bother.
 * @return {string[]} Array of lines to be added to the changelog.
function formatChangelogVersionEntry( version, date, entries, links ) {
        groups = {},
        { type } = getChangelogOptions();

    Object.keys( type ).forEach( ( groupKey ) => {
        groups[ groupKey ] = [];
    } );
    groups.template = [];

    // Add updated template list.
    entries = [ ...entries, ...getUpdatedTemplates( links, version ) ];

    entries.forEach( ( entry ) => {
        groups[ entry.type ].push( entry );
    } );

    const lines = [
        ...getHeaderLines( version, date ),

    Object.entries( groups ).forEach( ( [ groupType, groupEntries ] ) => {
        if ( ! groupEntries.length ) {

        lines.push( getTypeTitle( groupType ) );
        groupEntries.forEach( ( entry ) => {
            lines.push( formatChangelogItem( entry, links ) );
        } );
    } );

    return lines;

 * Delete all changelog entry files from the changelog directory.
 * @since 0.0.1
 * @param {string} dir Changelog directory.
 * @return {void}
function cleanupLogs( dir ) {
    readdirSync( dir ).forEach( ( file ) => {
        if ( file.endsWith( '.yml' ) ) {
            rmSync( path.join( dir, file ) );
    } );

module.exports = {
    command: 'write',
    description: 'Write existing changelog entries to the changelog file.',
    options: [
        [ '-p, --preid <identifier>', 'Identifier to be used to prefix premajor, preminor, prepatch or prerelease version increments.' ],
        [ '-F, --force <version>', 'Use the specified version string instead of determining the version based on changelog entry significance.' ],
        [ '-l, --log-file <file>', 'The changelog file.', 'CHANGELOG.md' ],
        [ '-d, --date <YYYY-MM-DD>', 'Changelog publication date.', formatDate( Date.now() ) ],
        [ '-L, --links', 'Add GitHub links to templates and issues in changelog entries.', true === isProjectPublic() ],
        [ '-n, --no-links', 'Do not add GitHub links in changelog entries. Use this option to override the --links flag.' ],
        [ '-D, --dry-run', 'Output what would be written to the changelog instead of writing it to the changelog file.' ],
        [ '-k, --keep-entries', 'Preserve entry files deletion after the changelog is written.' ],
    action: ( { dir, preid, force, logFile, date, links, dryRun, keepEntries } ) => {
        try {
            date = formatDate( date );
        } catch ( e ) {
            logResult( 'Invalid date supplied. Please provide a date in YYYY-MM-DD format.', 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        const currentVersion = getCurrentVersion();
        if ( ! currentVersion ) {
            logResult( 'No current version found.\n       A version number must defined in the package.json file or in the composer.json file at ".extra.llms.version".', 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        const entries = getChangelogEntries( dir );

        const areEntriesValid = entries.every( ( entry ) => {
            const { valid } = getChangelogValidationIssues( entry );
            return valid;
        } );

        if ( ! areEntriesValid ) {
            logResult( 'One or more invalid changelog entries were found. Please resolve all validation issues and try again.', 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        let version = force;

        if ( ! version ) {
            version = getNextVersion( currentVersion, determineVersionIncrement( dir, currentVersion, preid ), preid );
        } else if ( ! semver.valid( version ) ) {
            logResult( `The supplied version string ${ chalk.bold( version ) } is invalid.`, 'error' );
            process.exit( 1 );

        logResult( `${ dryRun ? 'Generating' : 'Writing' } changelog for version ${ chalk.bold( version ) }.` );

        const logFileContents = readFileSync( logFile, 'utf8' );

            logFileParts = logFileContents.split( '\n\n' ),
            [ header, ...body ] = logFileParts,
            items = formatChangelogVersionEntry( version, date, entries, links ).join( '\n' ) + '\n';

        if ( dryRun ) {
            console.log( items );
            process.exit( 0 );

        writeFileSync( logFile, [ header, items, ...body ].join( '\n\n' ) );
        logResult( `Changelog for version ${ chalk.bold( version ) } written.` );

        if ( ! keepEntries ) {
            logResult( `Peforming entry file cleanup`, 'warning' );
            cleanupLogs( dir );